Now that midterm primaries have come and gone, what did the results yield and where do we stand as a nation?
Though the final results are not entirely clear, we do know the following:
Democrats fared far better than what polls indicated in the weeks leading up to November 8th.
Much to the dismay of Republicans, Democrats held onto the Senate.
Controversial John Fetterman’s win in Pennsylvania had much to do with this, as he turned a GOP-held seat blue.
Governor Ron Desantis of Florida was a juggernaut in the Sunshine Seat. His landslide win sent a clear message to both sides of the aisle. DeSantis is no doubt the favorite to seek the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024.

Florida went resoundingly red, something even Republicans were pleasantly surprised by.
With votes still being counted, the entire picture is still unclear.
Nonetheless, it seems that once the dust settles, Democrats will control the Senate while Republicans will have the majority in the House.
So, what does this really mean?
In simplest terms, President Joe Biden comes out relatively unscathed. Though his presidency has been far from stellar and his approval rating dismal, Biden emerged from last week’s election in better shape than expected.
Had the Red Wave that so many Republicans predicted occurred, Biden would best be described as a “lame duck President”.
Sleepy Joe would have effectively lost all influence if the Republicans gained control of both the House and Senate as so many prognosed in the months leading up to the midterms.
More than a week later, one truth persists: our country is as divided as ever.
Compounding the divisive rhetoric was Donald Trump’s announcement earlier in the week that he will run for President in 2024.
Twenty-four hours prior to his announcement, ABC aired an interview featuring former Vice-President Mike Pence.
Much of the interview was about Pence distancing himself from Trump. He walked viewers through the events at The Capitol on January 6th, 2021 and did his best to appear like a true Constitutionalist.
Near the end of the interview, he hinted at his own run at the Oval Office.
Consequently, most Americans won’t publicly admit that Trump’s Presidency, though marred by controversy, was a period of strength for America.
As a human being, Trump has bountiful flaws, yet as President, he was better than most expected.
The economy flourished; illegal migrants significantly decreased, and the U.S. was perceived as strong Internationally.
For the first time since Reagan, the country came first.
Our sons and daughters did night fight unnecessary wars. Trump’s predecessors could only wish to say the same thing.
Objectively, Trump’s Presidency was positive. Yet, when news broke of his announcement to run, the mainstream media was quick to pounce.
An expected outcome by CNN and MSNBC, yet there was FoxNews right along with the Left bashing Trump.
One theory conspiracy realists dangle is the moment Trump is President again, the billions in aid to Ukraine will stop.
Furthermore, his relationship with Putin would spell disaster for Ukraine and its supporters [who tend to be virtue-signalling liberals].
Since the onset of the conflict, liberals, celebrities, the mainstream and social media platforms have unequivocally been pro-Ukraine. Critical thinking pertaining to the war simply does not exist.
Not once have we heard of NATO’s aggression toward Russia for the better part of the last decade. We fail to acknowledge the encircling of Russia at the hands of NATO.
Rest assured that when one narrative is omnipresent, nefarious actions are in play.
Am I pro-Russia? No. But, I am also not blindly pro-Ukraine.
With 2022 nearly over, the landscape of the United States remains polarized.
Anticipate a heavy dose of left versus right as we usher in a new year and the second half of Biden’s Presidency.
It will be interesting to see who will emerge as the Republican frontrunner for President.
As of today, the clear-cut favorite is Gov. DeSantis.
Expect DeSantis, Biden, and Trump to duke it out in 2024. Buckle your seatbelts. It’s sure to be a bumpy ride.
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