Biden vs Trump seems inevitable. Should things play out without interference, a landslide victory by Mr Trump is likely. Yet, the pending election isn’t the salient American watercooler material. A new film on Netflix, Leave the World Behind, has Americans questioning just what might be in store for us.
If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the story: a family of four vacations an hour outside New York City for some R&R. While there, a power outage cuts off the internet and all modes of communication. Soon afterward, things escalate and tribalism takes foot as Americans are left to fend for themselves.
Normally, I care little about the content Hollyweird pumps out. Motion pictures are leftist propaganda with ulterior motives. They aim to indoctrinate through the guise of entertainment. However, this film sparked my interest when I learned of its two main producers: Barack and Michelle Obama.
PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING: They tell you what they’re going to do.
Leave the World Behind is a motion picture worth dissecting. Why? Because oftentimes, those in power, The Elite let’s call them, tell you what’s on the horizon before it transpires. Why this happens is beyond my pay grade but the fact it does is troublesome.
Long before the tragedy of 9/11, several motion pictures as well as the long-running cartoon The Simpsons depicted passenger airliners slamming into the World Trade Center. Coincidence? Perhaps. But when it happens time and again, it warrants further investigation. Click on the link below for a deeper dive into the coincidental predictions The Simpsons has prognosticated.
Using predictive programming as our central thesis, the events of the film Leave the World Behind could be a precursor of things to come. What would happen if an EMP took our power grid down? What sort of contingencies could you employ? In short, how prepared are you if sh%t hits the fan?
The more prepared one is, the better he/she fares. Using this adage in any discipline, even sport is valid. Imagine for a moment you’re a boxer. The biggest fight of your career is weeks away. Win, and your life will forever change. Lose, and there goes your chance at the title.
If you spend most of your time doing press interviews instead of training for your bout, how likely is it you emerge victorious? Not very.
The same principle applies to real-world scenarios. Should a cataclysmic event bring society to a screeching halt, how prepared are you to make it out alive? In short, better to be the pig who builds his home out of brick than his two brothers who settle for sticks and straw.
Passenger airliners falling from the sky like wingless birds. Smoke billowing from fire engulfed skyscrapers. A mushroom cloud. These are only a few of the images seen in Leave the World Behind. Let’s assume these events were to take place in 2024. What sort of provisions do you have in place to survive a week, a month, or even a year?

At the very least, you should have a portable generator, batteries of all types and sizes [have them in-backward until you need them to preserve their efficacy], plenty of water, and canned goods to withstand the initial fallout of a power grid failure.
It’s also prudent to carry currency in small denominations; tens, fives, and singles. Why? Because when the power is down, how else do you expect to get your hands on the necessities with just plastic in your wallet?
If you don’t own a firearm, 2024 is the time to make the plunge. Contrary to what most liberals and the mainstream media ‘report’, guns are invaluable when threats exist.
Imagine your town without power and rampant with chaos. In a flash, citizens who didn’t plan for a doomsday scenario set their sights on your home to get what they’re after.
Do you like your chances of fending them off with or without a firearm? Remove political posturing from the equation, and the advantages of owning a gun are plentiful if not obvious.

When an angry mob covets what you own, your best defense is both owning and properly operating a firearm[s].
Ironically, when dissecting the movie Mr Obama produced, this is captured eloquently through one character, a gun-toting patriot played by the actor Kevin Bacon.
With New York City in shambles due to a cyber attack with origins unknown [both China and the Muslim world are hinted at as culprits], Bacon’s Patriot has stocked up on medicine two of his neighbors covet.
When confronted, the Patriot refuses his neighbors’ demands, all while cooly brandishing a shotgun to make it clear he’s no pharmacy. No gun and there goes his stockpile of medicine.
2024 could be one for the ages. Wars with ramifications felt worldwide are already underway. A Presidential Election that’s destined to fragment an already divided Union beckons. Inflation runs rampant as gas prices soar and Americans struggle to make ends meet.
Tumultous times beg the question; are we destined for a cataclysmic event that will change life as we know it? Only God really knows.
Nonetheless, if we’re using the media’s messaging as breadcrumbs, smart money is yes. Hence, better to be the pig who chooses to build with brick instead of his heuristic-minded brothers who cut corners. We all know how that story ends. Don’t let yours end the same way.
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better to have stuff and not need them, than need stuff and not have them.
well played. stay vigilant.