In America, a battle wages between two sides of a very different coin. Whether you like it or not, this country’s Constitution is what sets it apart from all other democracies throughout the world. More than two hundred years later, the fundamentals drafted by our forefathers remain pertinent.
The Second Amendment is a divisive topic in the US. Calls for gun reform from Democrats and Liberals are constant and never-ending. Patriots and individuals with conservative views see things differently; to these individuals, the right to bear arms is the very thing that makes America free.
If one removes politics from the mix, it’s clear guns can be used as a deterrent to crime in situations. However, the effectiveness of this approach is a matter of debate.
On one hand, proponents of using guns for self-defense argue that armed citizens can protect themselves and their property from criminals. Furthermore, the presence of a firearm can deter would-be attackers from committing a crime, as they may fear for their safety or believe that their intended victim is not worth the risk.
The anti-gun lobby argues that relying on guns for protection can increase the risk of violence. They suggest that having a gun in the home is associated with a higher risk of homicide, suicide, and accidental injury. Moreover, the use of a gun in self-defense can escalate a situation and lead to further harm, particularly if the gun owner is not properly trained.
Overall, the efficacy of guns as a deterrent to crime depends on a variety of factors, including the circumstances of a situation, the person using the gun, and the attitudes and behaviors of potential criminals. It is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of using guns for self-defense and to take the steps necessary to ensure their safe and responsible use.
Despite what legacy media spins [an overwhelming emphasis on the perils of gun ownership in the US], there are countless incidents where owning a gun meant the difference between life and death.
A video surfaced last month in crime-ridden Chicago. The woman, an off-duty police officer with a conceal and carry permit, is seen coming to the assistance of a man who only seconds earlier was cornered by three men attempting to rob him. Note: the incident occurred in January of 2023.
After the off-duty cop saved the would-be victim, he quickly turned around and tried assaulting her. It was at this moment when he f-ed around and found out. The off-duty cop brandished her weapon, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Consequently, owning a gun is the one fail-safe to stopping criminals in their tracks. Evil exists in the world. Criminality is a byproduct of the human experience, and as long as there are human beings, so too is the need for firearms.
RFK Jr., a noted anti-vaxxer, officially launched his Democratic primary bid on April 19. Is he a viable Presidential candidate? Time will be the ultimate judge but his latest poll numbers suggest a looming problem for the Biden administration.
As recent as last week, 21% of those surveyed said they would support Kennedy for the Democratic presidential nomination [source: Emerson College Poll]. These numbers aren’t staggering, but there’s a degree of concern inside the Biden Administration.
Once a mainstream environmentalist, RFK Jr. has become a fringe figure over the past decade. Many of his views align with a growing minority of Americans who question the Government’s handling of a myriad of issues.

Throughout the pandemic, Kennedy Jr. accused Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates of teaming up to profit off the vaccines rolled out by big pharma. His conspiratorial thinking doesn’t end there. He’s warned about the perils of 5G and the harm it is inflicting on millions of unsuspecting Americans.
There was a time when views like his would be a one-way ticket to the nuthouse. However, as the great American songwriter put it more than fifty years ago; “the times, they are a-changin’.”
There is a collective consciousness sweeping the country. Americans are banding together in protest of a government that continually protects the elite while trampling the common man’s civil liberties.
Time and again, elected officials rescue corrupt Wall Street bankers while innocent Americans fend for themselves as inflation ravages the nation.
The Vietnam War was the beginning of the Patriot movement. Usher in the Watergate scandal, both Iraq wars, 9/11 and the passing of the Patriot Act, and you end up in an America where nihilism is the norm.
Can RFK Jr. actually be President? Sure, it’s possible but not very likely. Many of his supporters point to how the legacy media laughed when Trump announced his bid for the Oval Office in 2015. We all know how that story played out.
Late Wednesday night, news broke of an alleged drone attack on The Kremlin. Media outlets like CNN and Fox News were quick to jump on the story. They cited the incident as an obvious false flag concocted by Putin.
Why would the former head of the KGB do such a thing? In order to justify increased Russian aggression toward Ukraine, according to CNN.
Putin was quick to counter with claims that the incident was a direct attempt on his life.
The video released by The Kremlin of the supposed attack is laughable. The drone in question, and the ensuing explosion, look like a Fourth of July fireworks display.

Ukrainian Present Zelenskiy issued his own statement accusing Putin’s allegations as unequivocally false.
“We don’t attack Putin or Moscow, we fight on our territory and defend our towns and cities.”
Regardless of who’s responsible, it’s become increasingly obvious that there is no end to the conflict in sight. As we wade through 2023, it’s only a matter of time before the US officially enters the war. Once that happens, an all-out World War will follow with tens of millions of human casualties.
Consequently, this would be a welcome occurrence for the warmongering Elite who covet population control. Add in a contingency of record profits from yet another war and you have the perfect cake for those calling the shots behind the curtain.
Keep your eyes peeled; turbulent times lie ahead.
“The greatest enemy of humanity in the present age is human.”
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*RFK Jr., not JFK Jr. as one of our readers pointed out