The world is in a constant state of change. It doesn’t take the intelligence of Elon Musk to realize as much. Each year, a new crisis emerges that transforms life as we know it.
For many, such events are chaotic in nature, byproducts of living on an overpopulated planet. These people believe that what you see is what you get. The coronavirus was a perfect example of their paradigm. The media and politicians’ views were seen as gospel.
However, there is another sect of society that sees things differently. The Conspiracy Theorist believes anything pushed over the airwaves by the mainstream media carries a hidden agenda; the proverbial iceberg analogy so to speak. These individuals live by the following axiom; when sifting through world events, focus on who benefits and you’ll soon uncover what’s really in play.
Throughout my life, there has been a tremendous shift in how this previously fringe sect of society is perceived. Where once the conspiracy theorist was cast out like a leper and called crazy, new attitudes emerged. This transformation did not occur overnight; change is seldom a sudden occurrence.
Twenty-some years ago, when the Twin Towers collapsed on live television, the world changed. Initially, Americans were filled with anger and vowed revenge on the evildoers behind the unspeakable tragedy. The drumbeats of war echoed, we united with one common purpose, blindly trusted in our Government, and a new war on terror began. Soon afterwards, our sons and daughters were halfway across the world fighting for our freedom, or so we thought.
As weeks turned into months, then years, a growing undercurrent of doubt and resentment surfaced. When shock and trauma give way to a less emotional mode of viewing events, critical thinking takes over. With the United States continued military presence in Iraq, some Americans started to question the events that took place on September 11th, 2001.

How could an airplane take down two skyscrapers made of steel? Why did neighboring Building 7 fall just hours later when it wasn’t involved in the impact? How could there only be a grainy video of The Pentagon attack? It’s The Pentagon, not some strip mall in the middle of America. These were only a few questions Americans started to ask.
In retrospect, 9/11 was the watershed moment that brought The Conspiracy Theorist into the national spotlight. Since the War on Terror [sidenote: YouTube early 2000’s video footage of the color-coded Terrorism alerts; mind control at its finest], a growing number of individuals question most things politicians and the media spew as fact.
The War on Terror grew stale, spawning the powers that be to usher in a new cause; mass shootings [which continue today with another tragedy last week at Michigan State University]. Leftists and the anti-gun lobby continue to politicize an issue that is elementary at its foundation. Outlawing firearms in the US will only exacerbate the problem – but don’t dare share such a sentiment to cancel culture. Disagree with what liberals champion and you soon find yourself the target of personal, often cruel cyber shots.
But, all is not lost. The tides of change are rumbling and much can be credited to the fallout of the pandemic. A virus with roots unknown brought the world to a screeching halt. At the outset, most people were on board with the mandates imposed on the masses to curtail the novel coronavirus.
Even in those early days, conspiracy theorists around the world warned that what was really happening had little to do with Covid-19. They pleaded for us to push back when lockdowns were imposed. Some issued countless pleas to refrain from taking the imminent vaccines that drug companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca would soon roll out. Others pointed to Dr. Anthony Fauci’s checkered past; that he was not to be trusted.
Did the mainstream media report any of this? No. Instead, anyone who dared speak against the Left was ostracized and painted as mentally unhinged. However, the more time passed and the further the goalposts were moved by those in power, pushback occurred.
As the elderly and youth suffered, patriots throughout the Union united. Looking back, it was the average American who turned the tide. The US was the first country to open up post-Covid. More individuals were coming to the light of their own accord and through it all, it was the conspiracy theorist who emerged vindicated.
In retrospect, the tin foil hat-wearing contingent that had been laughed at for decades was right all along. Covid-19 was less about a virus decimating humanity and more about dividing an already polarized populace. Moreover, with the growing number of side effects ravaging the vaccinated, some are speculating the depths of the evil haven’t been remotely identified.
However, the elite behind the scenes underestimated our intelligence. With advancements in technology, specifically the internet, we now have the ability to share our own thoughts, beliefs, and experiences throughout the world with a simple click of the mouse. Less people are swallowing the propaganda the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and FOX unload daily.
The latest fiasco was the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. A Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous materials derailed on February 3 and leaked contaminants into a nearby creek. This incident was largely ignored by the mainstream media, not to mention the President. It was only after residents of the town started uploading cell phone videos of its residual effects that the incident received any coverage and forced Biden’s hand to act.

Let this sink in for a moment; five train derailments, one truck spill, and a massive 5-acre industrial fire in Florida burning massive amounts of plastic. Seven ecological disasters in America in less than two weeks. The ramifications will be serious and are sure to impact food, water, and health in the coming years. Make no mistake about it, Americans are under attack from inside our borders. But who am I to be trusted? I’m just a tin foil hat-wearing crazy living in my mother’s basement, right?
*Coming soon to a theater near you: more UFO stories [Project Blue Beam], Cyberattack that brings World Economies to a grinding halt, China’s aggression toward Taiwan ushering in US retaliation, Marburg Viral Outbreak
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Rome,Byzantine , Greece, Spain, Russia and lastly the English Empire . Sooner or later every great empire falters and then fails. It was only a matter of time before the great American experiment faltered . The only question now is will it imploded and fail as well? The socialists have taken over the Democratic Party . Gun control is all about people control. Hand over your guns is always the first move. I believe we all have a front row seat to the end of the US empire. Unless The last of the patriots stand up and fight against it with every last breath. The only question left is what will you do to stop it !
Alan, you’re onto something for sure. But never lose hope. Many are awakening and pushing back against these tyrannical evildoers.