Gabrielle Giffords’ anti-gun group is suing the Trump administration for failing to turn over documents it says would show the extent of the administration’s coordination with the National Rifle Association in President Trump’s picking federal judge appointees according to the Washington Examiner.

Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords ran Congress, and won, on a pro-gun platform. She posed on multiple occasions with firearms, including AR-15s. Tragically, she was shot in the head during a campaign rally by a mentally ill man who was already legally disqualified from owning, purchasing, or possessing a firearm. While no law could have stopped a mentally ill person from committing such an act, Gabriel Giffords and her husband have waged a war to abolish the Second Amendment and our right to own and bear any firearms.
Earlier this month, the Giffords Group published a report listing items such as muzzleloader rifles, bump stocks, 80% complete AR receivers, and more as items that were weapons of Mass Destruction.
This latest attack on the Second Amendment is just the most recent of barrages fired against the NRA, The Trump administration, and firearms community.
Washington Examiner Reports:
“The Giffords Law Center for Prevent Gun Violence filed a lawsuit this week in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of California against the Justice Department after the agency did not respond to multiple Freedom of Information Act requests.
The group originally filed FOIA requests for communications between the NRA and other gun lobbying groups and senior Trump administration officials and Justice Department officials related to the president’s selection of judicial picks for over 100 federal court vacancies.
Giffords’ group also asked for records related to the potential coordination between the NRA and administration officials regarding Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s selection process.” (Read More)
Below, are some of the other volleys the Giffords Group has fired at the Firearm Community.
Fox News Reports:
“The Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence asked that Shopify and DreamHost — hosts of and — disable the websites for violating the hosting companies’ terms of service.
The sites sell kits that help create homemade semi-automatic weapons and can be purchased legally for a few hundred dollars without the kind of background check required for traditional gun purchases.
“But Cody Wilson, who runs, said the products he sells on his website are legal and in compliance with federal regulations. He said although there is no legal requirement that he conduct background checks, he tries to take precautions to make sure the weapons aren’t used nefariously.
“This is an attempt to apply pressure to deplatform a legal, American business selling legal products to law-abiding customers,” he said.”
“With no evidence or data, attorneys for the gun control group said that homemade weapons are increasingly being used in crimes and asked each of the companies to “invoke its policies to help stem the tide of this illegal, deadly behavior.”
Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords’s gun control group released a report earlier this month. warning of the dangers of muzzle loading rifles, a number of other firearms, and some firearms accessories and calling for new gun control measures targeting the devices. Reports:
“The Giffords Gun Control Group said in a release its report was intended to identify “extremely lethal firearms and devices” that it believes skirt current firearms laws. “Giffords—the gun violence organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut, Captain Mark Kelly—are calling on Congress to update federal gun laws so these accessories can’t turn a firearm into a military-style weapon,” the group said in a statement.
“The report includes nine examples of firearms or firearms products the group feels are a danger to society. The list includes certain kinds of ammunition, trigger devices that increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle, what the group describes as “high capacity shotguns,” AK and AR style pistols with stabilizing braces, and muzzleloaders. The group said the gun industry is attempting to circumvent the National Firearms Act (NFA) and other federal gun laws through the manufacture of each of the products.”
The focus of the report takes aim at the following:
- Muzzleloaders
- .50 caliber ammunition and rifles
- Specialized Ammunition:
- Incendiary rounds
- Tracers
- AR pistol blade stabilizers
- AR pistol arm brace
- AK- and AR-style pistols
- High-capacity shotguns (Bull pups, magazine-fed shotguns, etc…)
- Trigger cranks
- Binary triggers
The report is meant to drive fear into the hearts and minds of the uneducated right off the bat by stating that it’s a list of 9 items that could be the next “Bump Stock,” an obvious reference to the Las Vegas shooting.
Just as appalling is the lack of evidence that any of these items are an epidemic, frequently used in crimes, or that any type of ban would prevent or lessen any future crime. The group is trying to ban items simply to ban them in furtherance of the group’s agenda, not to reduce crime or make the streets any safer. In fact, by definition, laws only apply to the law abiding. Bans such as these have the potential to make the us less safe by attempting to to render us defenseless.
Who, or what, will the anti-gun Giffords Group target next? Share your answer in the comment section.
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Gabby don’t have a clue. She’s a puppet to the gun haters she was a active shooter until she was attached
Shooting at child Muslim target w/ ar15