It is not too often we get a chance to report on a state known for opposing the Second Amendment for doing the right thing and defeating gun control legislation. Recently, Illinois law makers passed a bill that would have all but resulted in the outright ruination of every gun retailer in the state. The State was attempting to, in essence, create its own FFL license complete with the fees and provisions it would set.

The legislation passed passed both the legislative bodies in the state shortly after the tragedy in Parkland Florida. Thankfully, Governor Bruce Rauner (R-IL) showed some leadership and common sense by vetoing the bill. That did not stop the anti-gun forces within the legislature from pressing for an override though.
The fight was tough. In the end, the antis did not get enough votes, but it is yet another reminder of the continual fight for the Second Amendment, our right to self-defense, and freedom. This harkens back and reminds me of one of my favorite speeches from President Reagan:
Our Founding Fathers, here in this country, brought about the only true revolution that has ever taken place in man’s history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another set of rulers. But only here did that little band of men so advanced beyond their time that the world has never seen their like since, evolve the idea that you and I have within ourselves the God-given right and the ability to determine our own destiny. But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.
Illinois State Rifle Association Statement
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Who are these Illinois anti gun nuts and what are they doing in the Midwest ? They should migrate to California where their anti gun propaganda would be more appreciated by the neo nazi liberals who would not pass a sanity test or they would not be voluntaryly giving up rights that cost America plenty of good young men who thought the rights and freedoms of this country were important enough to give all they had to save not only America but the whole world!!! Not to mention the parkland kids who are stupid enough to want to rewrite a constitution that has for over 200 years kept the USA the greatest country in the world for their own convenience ,freedom isn’t free and you have to accept the bad with the good and the truth is the few students that died at parkland is not a justifiable cause by a long shot to gut the second amendment compared to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who fought for and died in the world wars and Korea protecting the second amendment and other freedoms this country offers it citizens.
Springfield Armory huh? I guess the backlash from their last kerfuffle had left its mark…
Sanctuaries for 2nd Amendment loving Americans…Not illegals! Americans first in America! Damn right! Thats what i fought for! Not to be overrun by illegals in my own country.
Illinois as a whole is finally standing up to the few that dictate the mass.