Late last winter, I embarked on a trip to meet a woman who turned out to be the love of my life. While there, I noticed Ukraine flags on random porches throughout her neighborhood.
Worth mentioning, Iris lives in a predominantly liberal suburb of a Midwestern metropolis. The kind of place where university degrees are common, Subarus are parked in driveways, and pro-choice lawn signs stand erect for the world to see. Virtue signalling at its finest, if you ask me.
At the time, the drumbeats of war by the legacy media were feverishly beating. The likes of CNN and FoxNews warned of a pending Russian invasion based on US Military intelligence.
As with most world events, step one is prepping the masses for an event that’s been decided well in advance by those in power [we’ll get to that at a future time].
I’ll be the first to admit, I never thought Putin would actually wage a war on neighboring Ukraine. Even cries of inevitability by my father, a man far more versed in political matters than me, didn’t sway.
Yet, by the end of my visit, the war was underway and most of the world quickly rallied behind Ukraine. Fast forward sixteen months, and very little has changed.
There seems to be no imminent stoppage to the conflict.
Billions in aid have been sent to Ukraine with hopes of fending off the Russian army.
NATO continues to employ covert measures designed to isolate and weaken the Russian Federation. Nobody has a crystal ball in terms of the endgame. What is undeniable is that when the US and Russia are on the outs, the state of the world hangs in the balance.
Furthermore, with the mainstream media’s checkered past, it’s difficult to gauge what’s really happening here. Many independent journalists are calling the actual war bullshit and citing the Hollywood late 90s film WAG THE DOG as a reference.
As with any issue, it’s wise to look back at history to better understand the present. Below is a timeline of how Russia and Ukraine came to be the countries they are today. The information was compiled from various catalogues.
The Great Northern War: King Charles XII of Sweden enters Ukraine as part of his ill-fated invasion of Russia. The following year, Charles XII’s army is crushed in the Battle of Poltava, cementing Russian control over Eastern Ukraine and marking the birth of the Russian empire.
In the aftermath of WWI, present-day Ukraine is split into four parts. Russia retains the biggest share, while similar bits are handed out to Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia.
The Bolsheviks come out of the war victorious. Kiev changes hands multiple times during the brutal civil war involving the Red Army, White Army, Polish troops, and Ukrainian nationalist troops. Massacres are committed on all sides. Why is it that Civil Wars tend to be the bloodiest?
Ukraine is officially incorporated into the newly founded Soviet Union. Its resources are welcome to the newly formed Communist State.
1930’S – FAMINE
Stalin engineers a famine known as The Holodomor. An estimated 4 million Ukrainians perish as a result. Much of the hatred seeping within Ukraine today can be traced to this atrocious period in their history. Rest assured, this act was a genocidal practice by Moscow despite what The Kremlin will have you believe.
Hitler double-crosses former ally, Joseph Stalin, and launches Operation Barbarossa. He seizes most of Ukraine. Initially, the Wehrmacht are a welcome sight for most Ukrainians but their attitudes change when tens of thousands are deported to Germany to serve as slave laborers.
The Nazis are beaten into submission. The USSR regains control of Ukraine. In turn, Stalin deports thousands as he sets his sights on Berlin. Consequently, the end of World War II ushers in a new battle, a Cold War between superpowers USA and USSR. Subsequent decades and trillions are poured into skirmishes involving the world’s two remaining superpowers.
If only the Soviets had a flux capacitor. This act of ‘kindness’ designed to establish eternal trust between neighbors is what ignites conflict six decades later. At the time, the gesture by Khrushchev went largely unnoticed.
With the fall of the once mighty Soviet Union, Ukraine officially declares independence. For the first time in its history, Ukraine is officially an independent state. Those with savvy know that these events are the work of the CIA, as we see their ramifications play out in the present time.
A national election largely viewed as suspect sparks protests in Kiev known as the Orange Revolution. Ukrainians cast new ballots with a completely different outcome; pro-Western candidate Viktor Yanukovych comes out the victor.
2014 – WHITE HOT
Track the conflict enough and this is the watershed moment when the proxy war between both nations boils.
Protestors flock Kiev, demanding closer ties to the EU. More than a hundred people die when Government-backed forces open fire. When the dust settles, Yanukovych flees to Russia, but the damage is done.
Zelenskyy. Need we say more?
Recently, more Americans are speaking out against Zelenskyy’s continual pleas for financial assistance from the world and the US specifically.
Since the outset of the war, the US has provided Ukraine with upwards of $75 billion. Read that a few times and let it marinate. Now, think of what that money could do for millions of Americans struggling daily.
What exactly does $75 billion buy? In basic terms, humanitarian, financial, and military support. Worth noting that the majority of the aid thus far has been for military purposes.
Many say that it is the United States’ duty to play watchdog when Russia’s involved. Historically, Russians have been our ideological rival. Anyone with a shred of IQ is aware of this and will cite the Cold War as a reference.
However, when our country is rotting from within, perhaps some of those billions would be better suited within our own borders.
Our Veterans, the very individuals who fought to provide you and me with countless freedoms, are largely forgotten.
Many are maimed and suffer from debilitating mental disorders with very few resources. Some even lack the funding necessary for prosthetics after losing limbs defending America.
Moreover, our elderly live close to the poverty line and lack funding for the basic necessities to wade through their supposed golden years with dignity.
Does anyone mention this when the Brinks truck pulls up in front of the White House? Of course not.
The name UKRAINE means “on the edge” or “borderline”.
Ukraine was never fully independent until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. For centuries, the area known as Ukraine has been invaded by various armies, ranging from the Vikings to the Mongols.
For very long periods of time, Russia and Ukraine were part of the same state.
What we are witnessing at the moment is Russia’s war against the West and its values, not a war against Ukraine. Imagine what the US would do if Russia were to blatantly back a country miles from its borders? Oh wait, we’ve been down that road before.
*See: Cuban Missile Crisis
In December 2020, Putin demanded a new security agreement with the US and NATO; the agreement not only would have banned Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries from joining NATO but also limited the deployment of NATO forces in Europe. NATO’s refusal to sign this treaty was the reason Putin used to start his war against Ukraine.
The saga reached a boiling point late last week when one of Putin’s most trusted allies, Yevgeny Prigozhin, staged an alleged coup with his eyes set on the Kremlin. A faction under Prigozhin’s control known as WAGNER, trained mercenaries similar to our Navy Seals, were suddenly marching towards Moscow with the goal of ousting Putin.

When news broke, the blatant bravado and ‘flexing’, as the younger generation likes to say, was on full display by the legacy media. Numerous political ‘experts’ cited Putin’s reign as drawing to an end.
However, within hours, Prigozhin’s insurrection was over. Its ripple effect was immediate and still has the world questioning what really happened.
Was the entire event staged, mere theatrics by Putin? Or did the oligarch overplay his hand and quickly realize most of Russia is still pro-Putin? Reasonable questions with no real answers.
By the time the clouds parted, one thing was certain; the Russians have a fox running things while we Americans have an aging leader on the cusp of dementia.
Oh my, how the Oval Office has fallen.
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The democrats got us into this mess specifically Bill Clinton. How you say! After the break up of the Soviet Union ,Ukraine had nuclear weapons ! What huh! First Mig I ever saw close up yep an Ukraine MiG ! huh again! Cigar smoking Bill got them to surrender their Nukes with the guise of if you do we will protect you! And 85 Billion later we are ! History repeats itself again and again and nobody ever learns ! Brandon just can’t remember it anymore