The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF®) Board of Governors unanimously voted to expel Dick’s Sporting Goods from their organization. The Board cited Dick’s for “…conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Foundation” in a press release today. The NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting, and shooting sports industries. The decision by the board was unanimous and was based upon the fact that Dick’s recently hired lobbyists pushing for gun control measures, though the specific measures are not stated.
Dick’s is taking things even further, by apparently destroying all its remaining firearms and accessories pulled from their shelves. They declined to comment on how much merchandise this included in their statement to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article published in April.
I guess Dick’s (a sporting goods store) no longer considers shooting as a sport. With over 600 stores in 47 states, maybe their business model supports that decision.
What do you think? Do you support their stance?
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In reguard to dicks sporting goods store. The name fits them appropriately dicks. All sport mined people who are a dicks customer stop buying from them and lets hope they go bankrupt.
Good for them-our whole family is giving Dick’s the boot as well. We will refuse to support any business that does NOT support the American Constitution. Urge others to do the same.
Bravo to the the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF®) Board of Governors for their wise decision! Now people, show your support by NOT buying anything from the Dick’s Sporting Goods, until they apologize to their customers and rescind their foolish decision to attack the Second Amendment and the citizens of this great Nation! They should also have to fire anyone associated with taking this anti-American action in the first place!
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE! should boycott Dick’s Sporting Goods immediately! Tell all your friends and acquaintances to do the same. Maybe when they file for bankruptcy and go out of business they will get the clue. I will no longer buy anything from them because of their stance. Additionally, in no way do I want any profits made from me to go to those gun grabbing maggots they hired.
Done with Dick’s! I don’t need any yoga pants, leg warmers or head bands anyway.
Last year alone, I spent over $4,300 on firearms, ammunition and accessories… How much did I spend at Dick’s? About $14 for a fiber optic sight. How much will I spend at Dick’s after their self-destructive “liberal shift”? ZERO DOLLARS. I WILL NEVER SHOP AT DICK’S SPORTING GOODS EVER AGAIN. There are many outdoorsy men & women who have made the same decision. Dick’s Sporting Goods are traitors, and many people won’t shop there anymore. I hope they reap the financial disaster they have heaped upon themselves. I am on track to spend several thousand dollars more this year on firearms, ammo, and accessories. Want to take a wild guess who won’t see a dime of my money?
This act of virtue signaling reminds me of an old Arabian proverb: “If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.” We must resist by all means necessary, any action, that infringes on our right as American Citizens to keep and bare arms! We must remain vigilant and unwavering to stop or reverse any act that restricts our Second Amendment right!
There is a corporate war being waged against us using commerce as an end run around our God given right to be armed. Citi bank has refused to provide financing to any manufacturers, or suppliers that has ANYTHING to do with the manufacture of guns, accessories or ammunition.
We can not idyll stand by and do nothing. We have the power of the pen and the dollar. Take a few minuets and wright your State and Federal Representatives. Assure them that you will work to defeat them if they act in any way contrary to our rights.
Don’t do any business with Citi bank. Close your account and transfer any Citi Bank credit card balances to another bank.
It may not seem like a lot, but collectively they will notice!! “Liberty lost, is liberty lost forever”. John Adams
Ducks was always overpriced, I’m glad they are being openly antigun instead of doing the back room deals, just further my patronage at pro freedom businesses
Sort of humerous that they are being sued by Springfield Armory, who is suffering some push back from their own political actions.
Dick’s Sporting Goods is on a new list that I have started. The list will be comprised of businesses that will never receive another dollar from me. Congratulations Dick’s… You’re first!
I no longer buy anything from “PRICKS” my son is in the Marine Corps went to boot camp at 17 now he’s 18 and can’t buy a gun from Dick’s,Walmart, and a couple of other stores he can go and fight and die for this country but can’t buy a firearm there is something terrible wrong with this picture
This is what needs to happen to these stores as well as Banks…dump them like a hot potato. It hurts them in the bottom line… $$$… where their stockholders will feel it. And I keep hearing that the NRA “ONLY” has 5 million members…. (laffing)… please… don’t even consider the OTHER millions who…. are family members, or..even members of a few OTHER Firearms organizations… like GOA, JPFO and even Women Warriors PAC. Even though some of these other organizations don’t follow the NRA pathway totally, they do represent those who hold the 2A as a total right. So, after you check the memberships/family members in those Orgs… Seems to me a TAD bit MORE than 5 million as a consolidated entity… Don’tcha think?
We must never forget even a basic fact… The United States DID NOT win WWII single handed…. we had the likes of the Soviet Union, Free French, Britain etc. who did not FOLLOW our Constitution but joined us in a concerted effort to beat Germany and Japan… Strength in numbers…. on a common target.