Republican Kansas governor hopeful Kris Kobach said, “[He won’t] back down in the face of a snowflake meltdown and outrage culture” after being criticized for riding in a jeep mounted with a replica of a large gun at a parade on Saturday according to Fox News.

Koback, the state’s secretary of state, raised eyebrows on social media over the weekend after he attended the Old Shawnee Days parade, named after the Kansas City-suburb. Many criticized the politician for riding a vehicle equipped with a large replica gun at the event attended by young children.
Pastor Johnny Lewis of Shawnee Community Christian Church criticized the candidate in a Facebook post, saying his six-year-old child “worries constantly about school shootings.”
“Why was that necessary, sir? My child didn’t need that today. Don’t care what your position is on Second Amendment that is completely unnecessary,” he said.”
“My greatest concern today was not Kris Kobach’s political position… It was that in a world where our children… live with anxiety about school shootings and do intruder drills regularly that any politician thought it was OK to drive through a crowd of children with an automatic weapon pointed at the crowd,” the pastor said.
This is somewhat curious to me. I would imagine the local schools also have fire drills. Did the pastor’s six-year-old also panic at the sight of fire trucks? Did the city offer an apology because the fire trucks used their sirens during the parade? How is this any different?
Perhaps the pastor has an anti-gun agenda? After all his statement about not caring about the Koback’s belief in the Second Amendment is more than just a little troublesome. What would the pastor say if after marching through the parade with part of his parish, someone started attacking after him stating, “I don’t care what you think about the First Amendment and your freedom of religion?”
What the pastor fails to adequately realize is the freedom of expression. If his six-year-old was that panicked by a Jeep with a patriotic paint job and a replica gun, why didn’t the pastor merely explain the situation, calm the six-year-old, and instill a bit of patriotism at the same time? If the military had a few Humvees or a Half-track, what would the pastor’s reaction have been? Somehow, I do not see the city tripping over itself to offer an apology for a military vehicle in a parade— then again…
What is your analysis of the anti-gunners’ meltdown? How do you think it should have been handled? Share your analysis in the comment section.
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I think the Rep. gov. did the right way of handling the anti-gun press and all the other two-faced anti-gun DUMMIES flap in gums on a subject they know NOTHING ABOUT!
You GO! Parades are EXACTLY the place for him to demonstrate his 1A and 2A rights AND his patriotism. I wish he were MY governor !
Republican Kansas governor hopeful Kris Kobach hopeful showed he is PRO Second Amendment. Koback, the state’s secretary of state, raised eyebrows on social media over the weekend after he attended the Old Shawnee Days parade. He was driving Jeep that was painted RED,WHITE and BLUE and a “black rifle” mounted on a roll over bar.
Any one that sensitive to real life should probably stay home in bed!
Yeah good for him
The pastor is teaching his son to have a spirit of fear of inanimate things instead of trusting God to direct his steps.
I agree, explain the situation, calm the six-year-old, and instill confidence. Good common sense has been lost.
Kids today are traumatized about what they having for breakfast. Back in my country my school use to bring people of the military with guns and stage historical shootouts and we love it. Of course that was before I grew up to find out what a garbage my country’s government is!
People fear what they do not understand. It appears that Pastor Lewis not only doesn’t understand firearms or the Second Amendment, he also does not understand the difference between a replica and the real thing. Anti-gun laws will never solve the problem of gun violence because criminals will always find ways to get guns. The only thing more anti-gun laws will accomplish is it will make it easier for criminals to intimidate their victims, because they can then rest assured that law abiding victims will not be armed. Making it illegal to build bombs has not stopped terrorists inside the U.S. from killing people with them.
I attribute the increase mass shootings, especially at schools, to three things: first, the decline of the traditional family and traditional family values, second, the decline of morals and common respect for each another, and third, the lack of fear of punishment.
Our society protects criminals, not victims. Murderers take a person’s life, and they get free housing, free food, free cable television, and the protection of armed guards. After a few years, they are out again. It’s like a vacation. I have heard of people committing crimes so that they can go back to jail because it is an easier life in jail.
Children are not being taught to respect others because the structure of the family has eroded. There is often only one parent who isn’t around to teach morals and values because he or she has to work. The decline of the traditional family, in fact, leads to the decline of morals and mutual respect. Guns don’t.
Guns are only tools, like hammers and screwdrivers, that have the potential to be used for good or bad, just like hammers and screwdrivers, in the hands of the person that possesses them.
Awwwww…. Pastor Johnny’s panties got into a tighter bunch than his kids (I’ll bet). Excellent point on the 1st Amendment & freedom of “his brand” of social justice religion (it’s because of hypocrites like him, people are turning away from religion in droves)