Well, fair is fair! If the Deputy, and, by extension, any police officer, isn’t welcome to spend their money there, then there shouldn’t be an issue if the police don’t respond to a robbery there! And, I know, some of you will say that it’s the cop’s job, to which I say, it’s the manager’s job, too! What’s good for gooses and ganders, you know…
Not sure I agree… I know it is hard for an LEO to be told he can’t be in a business (STOOPID decision of the business) but…he/she can’t “deny” a call for help based on that. I have LEOs in my family and one young Grand Daughter who is in 4th year of Law and wants to be a State Trooper like her Father.
No doubt, there are and will be IDIOT businesses who have and will pull this crap. Human nature does NOT equal perfection. If a business (not Government agencies) has a sign up prohibiting fire arms… I do the old fashion thing… take my firearm to my car..and grab some cards. They say that I will not utilize any purchases from them as long as they have it posted…Walk out and not give them any business after you explain why.
Or… keep your firearm concealed… as it should be, and don’t be conspicuous about it as in obvious bulges and exposures. That is what CONCEAL means. So… in the cartoon.. the LEO can go back off duty or… do what I would do… take your business to another shop who doesn’t have this BS policy. Even my small town has more than one Jewelry shop… but am lucky… the ones I do business with know me and know I CC..never an issue. I do have one National Chain Restaurant ( not naming) …that I will never dirty a plate in, but..many more get my $$$$.
The management at Kay’s does not care about robbery.
They have insurance.
As for the staff…they don’t care about them either.
The funny thing is that stupidity like this will lose them business.
Well, fair is fair! If the Deputy, and, by extension, any police officer, isn’t welcome to spend their money there, then there shouldn’t be an issue if the police don’t respond to a robbery there! And, I know, some of you will say that it’s the cop’s job, to which I say, it’s the manager’s job, too! What’s good for gooses and ganders, you know…
Not sure I agree… I know it is hard for an LEO to be told he can’t be in a business (STOOPID decision of the business) but…he/she can’t “deny” a call for help based on that. I have LEOs in my family and one young Grand Daughter who is in 4th year of Law and wants to be a State Trooper like her Father.
No doubt, there are and will be IDIOT businesses who have and will pull this crap. Human nature does NOT equal perfection. If a business (not Government agencies) has a sign up prohibiting fire arms… I do the old fashion thing… take my firearm to my car..and grab some cards. They say that I will not utilize any purchases from them as long as they have it posted…Walk out and not give them any business after you explain why.
Or… keep your firearm concealed… as it should be, and don’t be conspicuous about it as in obvious bulges and exposures. That is what CONCEAL means. So… in the cartoon.. the LEO can go back off duty or… do what I would do… take your business to another shop who doesn’t have this BS policy. Even my small town has more than one Jewelry shop… but am lucky… the ones I do business with know me and know I CC..never an issue. I do have one National Chain Restaurant ( not naming) …that I will never dirty a plate in, but..many more get my $$$$.
The management at Kay’s does not care about robbery.
They have insurance.
As for the staff…they don’t care about them either.
The funny thing is that stupidity like this will lose them business.