News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
The Last Thing This Guy Does Is Draw His Gun, But The Armed Citizen Behind The Counter Is Quicker
The location of this video isn’t known, but that’s not what’s important.
The important things to watch in this video, and what it shows, are;
- The guy behind the counter and his situational awareness
- The bad guy’s body language
- The guy behind the counter’s ability to quickly draw and place his shot on target
It’s truly an incredible video that shows speed, skill, mindset and the determination not to be victimized.
This video comes with a View Discretion, as it contains a lot of blood in a very short amount of time.
Look at the following screenshot. You’ll notice, as the bad guy reaches for his gun, the clerk already his gun out. As the bad guys gun becomes visible, the good guy takes the shot.

See that? He had his firearm out and on target even before the bad guy was able to draw his gun. He had a bad feeling based on the interaction with this guy, noticing his body language as well, and made some quick decisions in no time.
Then, as soon as he saw that the guy actually was reaching for a gun, he pulls the trigger.
The quick amount of blood loss with this shot is pretty intense, and I believe it’s safe to say that this bad guy didn’t make it.
How’s your attention to other’s body language? It speaks louder than words in most cases. Share your analysis of the clerk’s actions or your situational awareness in the comment section.
Home Invader Killed After Father Finds Him Outside Teen Daughter’s Room
An armed home invader was shot with his own weapon during a confrontation with a Houston homeowner.
Houston, TX – A Houston father fought back against an armed home invader who tried to barge into his 13-year-old daughter’s bedroom in the middle of the night.
The incident occurred just before 2:40 a.m. on Sunday, when the unnamed 45-year-old attacker forced his way into a window on the ground floor of the family’s residence, KPRC reported.
The family’s Ring motion sensor alerted them that someone had broken into the home. The homeowner saw the armed intruder standing outside his teen daughter’s bedroom, and immediately engaged him in a physical altercation, according to WDIV.
“My husband went into the room and the guy did not see my husband because my husband was behind him,” the woman told KPRC.
Her husband was able to wrestle the suspect’s gun away, but the man still wouldn’t back down.
“[My husband] took away the gun,” she explained. “My daughter was behind my husband. My husband was protecting my daughter.”
“My husband was telling him, ‘Get out! Get out! What are you doing here? Get out!’” she recounted. “So the guy was still coming out at my husband, so my husband had to shoot him.”
The father fired multiple rounds, hitting the suspect several times, KDIV reported. A neighbor heard the gunfire, and ran over to the family’s home to usher the four children in the house to safety. The children, who ranged in age from 4 to 13, were all uninjured.
The neighbor went back into the home at one point, and saw the suspect stabbing himself in the chest with a knife, KPRC reported.
“He started stabbing himself, stabbing himself and then until the cops came and they took him,” the female homeowner said. “He was just telling him, ‘Kill me, kill me,’ I guess he was telling the neighbor too, ‘shoot me in the head, shoot me in the head, kill me, kill me.’”
The intruder was rushed to a local hospital, where died of his injuries, WDIV reported.
Police are still working to determine a potential motive for the attack, and said it does not appear that the suspect knew the family.
“Of course, it’s still under investigation,” Houston Police Detective Blake Roberts told WDIV. “We still have a lot of research to do on the male that broke into the house as far as his criminal history, his mental history and anything we can find in order to determine what would be the motive for this.”
Do you have a story of armed good guys with guns that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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