No matter what you learn from a book, a hands-on, real-world exercise proves more fruitful. Whether it’s how to bake the perfect pie or how to start a fire, putting theoretical assumptions to the test in the physical world is the ultimate barometer of their use.
One such example is the Second Amendment. Most on the left side of the aisle push for more gun control and fewer gun owner rights. There are exceptions to the rule, but these are anomalies.
My wife is an educated woman with two degrees. She is, and will probably always be, a Democrat. Sabrina was brought up in a democratic home and is a product of her environment. I don’t fault her for this, nor should I. Free will still reigns despite what the woke say.
Sabrina despises Trump and most things the Republican Party backs. Cool, I knew the score when I asked her to marry me. Our main point of contention is our attitudes toward guns.
I support the Second Amendment unwaveringly; she believes guns are an American epidemic. Her attitudes about guns were shaped in the schools she attended. Through no fault of hers, she’s been duped into believing that fewer guns in America would make life better.
Recently, we went on a family getaway in northern Ontario [Canada’s California is a fair comparison]. A town in the middle of the wilderness off of Lake Ontario was our home for four nights. It was a much-needed getaway for two working professionals planning on starting a family.
On one of our drives, guns came up seamlessly as with most things when spanning time with someone. With the utmost confidence, Sabrina parroted sweeping statements denouncing the presence of assault rifles in today’s world. Throughout her brief, school shootings were leaned on heavily.
“I don’t want our children to go to school in a world where classmates can walk in strapped like Rambo and inflict mass carnage.”
Sane. Nobody with a heart and functional brain wants that. When she finally finished, I could see a ‘mic drop’ written all over her face. There was nothing I could say that would swing the fictional arbiter in my favor, or so she thought.
Calmly and cool as a Spanish cucumber, I pointed at the surrounding landscape.
“Assume you live out here. For whatever reason, you’ve decided to slow things down in the middle of nowhere.”
Sabrina played along.
“Okay. I’d never live in the Boondocks. I hate the [insert profanity] country. But sure, I live out here.”
“Would you feel safer in the middle of nowhere with or without an assault rifle?”
Crickets, and not the real ones that take the Midwest hostage in August. Our tires cut through the dirt as I veered right for what seemed like the tenth straight bend in the road we were on. Sabrina said nothing. Her silence told me her brain was in overdrive, searching for a rebuttal. None could be found.
Passionate declarations are fine and dandy until a real-world scenario presents itself. I don’t care if you’re Bruce Lee back from the dead; if you’re in cottage country and unarmed, you’re asking for trouble. The legacy media willfully overlooks that guns, above all, are for self-defense.
No lawyer on earth can sway such logic. Even my wife, an intelligent woman of sound mind, had no comebacks.
The hill countless liberals willfully die on is made of sand and crumbles when life comes barreling down on them. Imagine any high-stakes scenario with or without a firearm.
You’re at an ATM withdrawing money, and someone creeps up behind you demanding money. They have a knife. You’re a conceal-and-carry. How confident do you feel you make it through the day?
Now, picture the same scenario but without conceal and carry. Do you still feel like Dirty Harry?
Conflate any issue as you wish. No amount of gaslighting by liberals can sway the fact that guns are for self-defense. Should you cite America as having a gun problem, try again. The US has a mental illness problem. Remove dogma from the issue, and it’s apparent that the real problem in America is psychological.
The nuclear family is a relic. Our children are socialized into a world with pornography and violence at their disposal. Schools have become a cesspool of wokeism designed to confuse. I contend that none of this is by accident. It is by design, and we are only beginning to witness its damage to society.
Guns will always be a part of the human experience [assuming you don’t have access to a DeLorean]. If there are guns, bad guys will use them for the upper hand. Ironically, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to be a good guy with one.
Game. Set. Match. I’m still waiting on Sabrina’s counterpoint.
Conservatives are raving about the new movie Sound of Freedom starring actor Jim Caviezel.
The film’s logline: The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers.
At surface level, any piece of art that brings light to pertinent social issues is a reason to celebrate. Child trafficking has plagued the world for decades yet seldom gets the coverage it deserves. Again, it’s refreshing to see uncomfortable conversations taking place.
Nonetheless, I’m skeptical of all things the film industry pumps out.
The art form is the perfect vessel to construe propaganda. The Third Reich and Josef Goebbels knew the power of film. Nazi Germany used propaganda to help pave the way for the indoctrination of Germany.
Intelligent Germans were duped into believing exactly what Hitler and The Reich wanted them to. When those in power influence our thoughts, they mold our behaviors by proxy. Once this is attained, self-agency ceases to exist, and serfdom is accomplished.
Is there value in a film like Sound of Freedom? Of course. However, before you anoint it as an unfiltered victory for humanity, ask if it’s another ploy to keep the masses occupied and distracted from identifying more pressing matters.
One way to put it; those in power are masterful magicians. They occupy your attention with one thing while the real dupe occurs outside of your eye line. A look back through American history highlights this phenomenon time and again.
Sell the masses on the tyranny of Saddam Hussein in the name of freedom; pillage an entire country for its oil. Push legislation like The Patriot Act in the name of homeland security; abolish any semblance of privacy for the average American. In closing, be weary of the film medium. I ought to know; I’ve worked in the industry for over a decade.
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