They told us we needed to be responsible, to comply for two weeks to flatten the curve. We didn’t think much at first.
A pandemic was an occurrence most of our parents had zero experience with, let alone us.
Unprecedented times call for extreme measures. Sure, we’ll play ball.
The world came to a screeching halt.
In those early days, there was something almost romantic about it.
It was like taking a machine back to the pre-internet, cell phones, and social media days.
One-hour highway commutes became twenty minutes.
The need to sweat the little things seemed trivial; all that mattered was the health of loved ones.
Two weeks came and went.
More statistics of cases spiking throughout the world assaulted our senses.
Toe the line, be patient, and soon this will all be behind us.
Seasons passed, yet nothing changed.
Small businesses suffered while big-box stores tallied record profits.
Politicians stood on soapboxes and promised things would get back to how they once were.
They vowed that a vaccine was in the works, and once available, Covid-19 would be some distant war story we would tell our grandchildren.
Individuals lined up to get ‘jabbed’, a new term to describe taking a needle in your arm.
[When they change the way we speak, they change the way we think]
Citizens complied and willingly agreed to have a foreign substance injected in their arms.
Anything just to go back to how things were.
“I want to be able to travel again,” many rationalized.
For six months, it seemed like, mission: accomplished.
Our kids were physically back at school again.
The border between the United States and Canada loosened.
Sporting events jammed with paying fanatics again. Photos of wanderlust bombarded Facebook timelines.
Even a cynical bastard like me was beginning to think we weathered the storm.
The events of the past two weeks prove differently.
A new variant from Africa enters stage right; Omicron.
Mainstream media dangles new statistics of mounting cases like chum in the ocean.
Major sports leagues like the NBA and NHL release lists of athletes in Covid-19 protocol. The list grows by the second.
My Spidey senses tingle. I’ve seen this movie before.
Another lockdown looms. I know it.
Yet again, this fiasco is timed right before Christmas. Why?
Those in power, the puppeteers, despise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They relish in any attempt to degrade the Son of God.
They yearn to decimate the feelings of love Christmas brings.
The same blueprint when this farce began.
Last night, a professional hockey game in Montreal, Canada, prohibited fans.
While this occurred, a hockey game in Sunshine, Florida, was packed with crazed fans rooting on the home team.
For all of its warts, and it certainly has many, America is still the one democracy standing.
While countries like Australia, Germany, and Canada fall to fascists, the United States shines like a beacon for the world to see.
Sovereign patriots stand firm in opposition to tyranny.
One staple in America helps them accomplish this; the Second Amendment.
The right to bear arms separates the U.S. from all other countries in the free world.
When a citizen cannot own a firearm, but those in power can, freedom is just a term. It does not apply in practice.
This weekend, turn on the television and watch a sporting event in Canada and the U.S.
After doing so, tell me which country is free.
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No Ara, I don’t think there will be another shut-down in the US. It would not be politically expedient for the party in power. The vast majority of the dying is being done by people who did not vote or did note vote Blue. There is an unspoken feeling that the unvaccinated are not wise enuff to live, so die aready. It is not about freedom or guns, it is about about a bloody pandemic that needs another 25% of the people to choose to love thy neighbor and get the jab.
I do love your message about love; but I believe there is something afoot with these past twenty months. When the birds stop singing, then I will think otherwise.
Before the so called pandemic only sick people made the big pharmaceutical companies money. Now everyone is paying big pharm, do you get it now?
I can see clearly now the rain is gone…