Two Hawaii residents, Andrew Teter and James Grill, are doing their part to fight back against Hawaii’s ban on butterfly knives.
The Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation is backing the men in their pursuit to push back against hysterical governmental interference. The SAF is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt legal action group. They focus on the Constitutional right to privately own and possess firearms and were founded in 1974. The Foundation has grown to more than 720,000 members.

In short, they do their part to protect Americans’ gun rights.
The Butterfly Knife + Its Brief History
Butterfly knives are protected arms within the Second Amendment. They’ve been used for generations and were commonly used by US servicemen. SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut was quick to defend the men and went on record to state as much:
“Butterfly knives, which have been in common use for generations, are protected arms within the plain text of the Second Amendment. The government in Hawaii cannot demonstrate that such knives are dangerous and unusual by any stretch of the imagination.”
SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gotlieb backed Mr Kraut’s stance.
“It often surprises some that knives are protected by the Second Amendment, but they are. Knives have been commonly used by American citizens from the colonial days through our Western expansion. For Hawaii to argue that butterfly knives are somehow different is simply a non-starter.”
Notch this up as another instance of big government doing its part to disarm sovereign Americans.
Case Specifics
As mentioned, the plaintiffs in the case are two Hawaii residents, Andrew Teter and James Grell. The Defendants are Hawaii Attorney General Anne E. Lopez and State Sheriff Division Administrator Mark Hanohano.
At present, the plaintiffs won a ruling before a circuit court panel. With the aid of the SAF, the plaintiffs are currently responding to the state’s appeal. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out.

Yet, we can all learn from this case. In the face of tyranny, never back down. If possible, garner the backing of those versed in the law. Many individuals in power who willfully do their part to destroy freedom utilize the law to their advantage.
Best to fight fire with fire. In the West, they trump with the guise of due process when it seldom exists. Hence, it certainly helps when backed by a credible entity like the Second Amendment Foundation.
Hawaii is Just the Beginning
When the government steps in and attempts to alter legislation, be weary. On the surface, a story about assisting the greater good will often be peddled. Time and again, history has proven otherwise.

Critical thinking and research are invaluable when dissecting an occurrence such as Hawaii. Two men saw the hypocrisy in elected officials snatching up weapons. They pushed back and enlisted the help of the Second Amendment Foundation. The occurrence is a lesson that sometimes it takes a village to meet our goals, particularly when squaring off against the machine.
The worst thing in a democracy is when elected officials do as they please. The banning of butterfly knives in Hawaii is a perfect example. Today, it’s knives. Remain quiet and complacent, and tomorrow it’s your guns.
Another Gunowner Wastes Intruder
In another victory for the Second Amendment, an elderly woman gunned down a home intruder in Bingham County [Idaho]. The woman, whose name is being withheld for further investigation, was injured during the altercation.
This appears to be another clear case of self-defense that emboldens the case for preserving the Second Amendment.
Imagine for a moment how things could have turned out had the homeowner been unarmed. Yet, the legacy media will keep its tentacles far from this story. Most Liberals nowadays despise when Americans exercise their God-given right to protect themselves.
Notch one more victory for pro-gun advocates who for decades have trumpeted the need for responsible, well-trained gun owners.
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