There was a time one could differentiate between varying legacy media news channels. As recent as the 2000s, FOX News and CNN would paint starkly different pictures of the same news event somewhere in the world. Fast forward to our iteration of the roaring twenties and the line between ideological news channels grows harder to differentiate. Translation; the media is noticeably anti-gun.
CNN has overt anti-gun attitudes. Since its inception, the news channel’s done its best to paint firearms as evil and a national epidemic. None of this is new for the left-leaning, Atlanta-based multinational news channel.
What is alarming is FOX News’ transformation. Why the sudden change in attitude and paradigm? Because gun violence and crime are good for ratings. FoxNews has no real choice but to do as its rivals. Narratives conflating guns and violence as a threat to society emerge. Much of this is done by manipulating statistics.
There’s this thing called The Gun Violence Archive – an anti-gun nonprofit, and what they do is inflate body counts and implement a broad definition of what constitutes a mass shooting. They do this because at their core they want fewer gun rights and more control. It’s part of their philosophy and modus operandi.
Consequently, FOX News uses the GVA’s statistics like gospel. Very little vetting is done on their part with the sole intention to make mass shootings appear far more common than they actually are. Furthermore, an entire category of incidents where guns prove to be of value seldom, if ever, get coverage.
This is problematic, as an unbiased account of guns in America seems to be a thing of the past.
CBC is Canada’s news station. It’s coast-to-coast and simple to access. To call it a Canadian Institute is not an overstatement. In recent years, particularly while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s been in power, many have called CBC untrustworthy.
These individuals allege an alliance with Trudeau and the news station. To them, CBC is more propaganda than news, a mere mouthpiece for Trudeau.
Along comes The Conservative Party of Canada [PC] and their new hope for Prime Minister, Pierre Poilievre.
Poilievre is a conservative in the most basic sense of the word. Many of his views are the opposite of Trudeau’s. One of his initiatives is to defund the CBC if elected Prime Minister.
This past weekend, Poilievre pushed Twitter’s Elon Musk to label CBC as “government-funded”. Poilievre was calling into question everything CBC stands for. Soon after his tweet, numerous CBC Twitter accounts were labelled “Government-funded Media”.
Poilievre applauded the change when it happened, writing on Twitter that “now people know that CBC is Trudeau propaganda, not news.”
CBC was quick to post on the social media site that the federal government plays no role in its content creation. The broadcaster went on to say that it operates at arm’s length from the federal government and that its journalists are “impartial and independent”.
When the smoke cleared, CBC paused all of its activities on Twitter.
Many called Musk’s actions irresponsible; they said that questioning the media outlet’s truthfulness without evidence is a direct threat to Canadian liberty.
What’s really happening here?
We are seeing in live-time what wealth can buy in 2023; a steady dose of power and influence [sidenote: it’s always been this way]. Musk purchased Twitter because he could; power. Now that he has it, he’s affecting the way people perceive an entire media company; influence.
Get woke, go broke.
Anheuser Busch, the conglomerate that owns Bud Light, learned this the hard way. The company recently partnered with Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in one of its ad campaigns. The ad itself was an image of Mulvaney on a can of Bud Light.
The backlash to the ad was swift and unapologetic. Conservatives took offence and demanded the cans be pulled from shelves. The longer Anheuser Busch did nothing, the hotter the story became. A full-on boycott ensued [do yourself a favor and YouTube Kid Rock’s video concerning the matter; GOLD].
Public outcry reached feverish levels. It was only after consumers hurt the company where it hurts, its wallet, did Bud Light pivot to a new, more traditional ad campaign.

As for Mulvaney, she is a trans woman with a following on TikTok. She is popular among a demographic and has monetized this popularity. Good for her, that’s capitalism.
Moral of the story; keep the transgender issue away from beer.
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