A central bank digital currency or [CBDC]; what is it, what are its implications, and should you be concerned?
In basic terms, a central bank digital currency will spell the end for hard currency. The days of stacking Benjamins, as the kids like to say, will be extinct. Instead, the world will adopt one currency that will be digital in form. Sounds advanced and evolved enough, right?
However, there’s a dark side to this futuristic coin many pundits warn of. If ushered in, the doors of a dystopian future could very well open.
Imagine for a moment a world where one currency exists, void of paper money. What do you see? In one word; control. The state suddenly has carte blanche to impose any number of draconian measures with zero pushback from its citizens. Speak out against your government for any number of reasons, and suddenly your assets are frozen. You are left with no means to purchase any number of necessities to survive.

Present-day China is a perfect example of this phenomenon. In case you haven’t heard, China has social credit scores. What’s that you ask? It’s a system in which the State issues a numerical rating on individuals based on a bevy of variables. It sounds simple enough, but look closer and there are far more sinister implications in play.
Social credit is an intrusive mechanism that infringes on privacy. Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized the system, describing it as:
“An Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life.”
Consequently, the Bible warns about this very thing when it mentions the Mark of the Beast [Revelation 13]. Sound far-fetched? Brace yourself, it gets even more mind-blowing. For years, the Elite have gone on about the need for a Central Bank Digital Currency. To them, the simplest way to usher in a new and improved financial system is by microchipping individuals.
Chances are you’ve seen numerous MSM news stories trumpeting the brilliance of the microchip. Some moron smiling into the camera as a lab coat-wearing ‘professional’ injects the tiniest chip into his/her wrist. Presto! The world is your oyster. Shop til you drop, my loyal sheep.
As for the Bible, it hits the nail on the head:
“It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”
I’m no theologist but the implications put forth by the good book certainly draw parallels to what the globalists have coveted for years and continue to pedal.
Gold has been hitting record numbers for the better part of a year. The precious metal is currently hovering around 2,300 per ounce, a staggering figure compared to its 2019 price of 1300 per ounce. Why the drastic spike?

In simplest terms, the volatility we are currently witnessing around the world. With the Russian / Ukraine war ongoing and the atrocities unfolding in the Middle East, specifically Gaza, war looks to be a fixture moving forward.
Furthermore, when an entity like The Chinese Central Bank starts scooping up gold at record levels, you should stop and ask why. Clive Thompson, Former Director for Union Bancaire Privee, Switzerland, puts things succinctly:
“If you have gold, everybody is going to take it no matter where you are on the planet. Those who have no gold will be told what to do.”
What Thompson is effectively saying is that when the world turns upside down, and international currencies crash, the precious metal will be the last failsafe to survive. To put it like you’re a five-year-old; those with gold have power, and those without it are like lambs being led to their slaughter. Hence, no matter how tempting it might be to unload the precious metal with current trends, be the little pig with the brick house, and play the long game.
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