Canceling an individual in the court of public opinion without due process seems to be the new trend.
Russell Brand, a British comedian and actor who skyrocketed to fame in the late 2000s, is facing serious allegations of sexual misconduct from several women.

In no way do I condone Mr Brand’s actions. I do not know the man personally and have only watched him in two motion pictures [he was apt in both roles].
However, the swift manner in which cancel culture encircled the public figure is alarming.
It used to be that an individual was innocent until proven guilty. This cardinal principle of our judicial system was the very fabric that made America a true democracy. Nevertheless, it seems to be a relic of the past.
YouTube Demonetizes and Cancels Mr Brand
YouTube demonetized Mr Brand’s popular YouTube channel amidst sexual assault claims from numerous women.
CEO Neal Mohan defended YouTube’s decision.
“If creators have off-platform behavior, or there’s off-platform news that could be damaging to the broader creator ecosystem, you can be suspended from our monetization program. It’s impacted a number of creators and personalities on the platform in the past. And that’s what played out in this particular case around the serious allegations.”
Add Mr Brand to the growing list of individuals shadowbanned by leftist platforms. Due process is merely an apparition when an entity like YouTube demonizes someone before a conviction of a crime.
Rumble Answers the Bell
In case you’ve never heard of Rumble, it is a video-sharing platform where Russell Brand has over 1 million followers. The platform, though not as popular as YouTube, has grown steadily over the past year.
Those with right-leaning views turn to Rumble as an alternative means of information. Amid the backlash of YouTube’s decision to demonetize Brand, Rumble said they would not follow suit.
“Rumble is a place immune to cancel culture.”
The link provided is a glimpse into some of Mr Brand’s video content on Rumble. Ironically, a committee chair in the UK Parliament attempted to strongarm Rumble into following YouTube’s lead.

Rumble’s CEO Chris Pavlovski was quick to issue the following statement:
“Today we received an extremely disturbing letter from a committee chair in the UK Parliament. We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK Parliament would attempt to control who is allowed to speak on our platform or earn a living from doing so. We don’t agree with the behavior of many Rumble creators, but we refuse to penalize them for actions that have nothing to do with our platform.”
Bravo, Mr Pavlovski.
A video to better understand the man behind upstart Rumble:
Gentrification Causes Gun Injuries
A recent study found that gun injuries rise as neighborhoods gentrify.
the process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process.
Researchers concluded that in US neighborhoods where gentrification occurred, there was a 62% increase in gun injuries than in similar neighborhoods that didn’t go upper-class. The authors of the study cite varying factors to the spike in gun-related injuries.
JAMA Surgery published the story online which focused on the years 2014 through 2019.
Desperate Times Lead to Desperate Measures
Their findings concluded that when a neighborhood goes upscale, the previous inhabitants find themselves in a volatile reality. The sudden rise in housing costs effectively forces these individuals out, causing social disruption.
In short, individuals become increasingly desperate to support themselves and their families. Consequently, their desperation can lead to criminal behavior. Gentrification is associated with a short-term increase in the incidence of firearm injuries within gentrifying neighborhoods.
“The process of social disruption and housing displacement due to gentrification puts people in the community in a high-stress environment.”
-Sarabeth Spitzer, Author of the Brigham’s Department of Surgery
Vindication for the Pro-Gun Lobby
These findings validate many of the sentiments the pro-gun lobby has championed for decades. Gun violence is a loaded issue with a multitude of variables the mainstream media seldom mentions.
Bottom line: at-risk individuals living stressful lives are prone to violence in order to survive. Contrary to liberal blanket statements about America’s gun problem, studies like these indicate it’s more of a class problem. When the haves move in and force out the have-nots, the latter will do anything to survive, violence included.
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