Recently, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with a veteran with two tours in Afghanistan under his belt. Jason is in his 30s and works for a federal agency responsible for keeping Americans safe. His area of expertise is cyber-intelligence. The man has a high level of clearance he’s not keen on divulging details about.
We cracked open a couple of tall boys in his suburban backyard. The conversation was effortless while a bevy of topical issues were discussed, survival should things go south being at the top of the list. I will highlight the broad strokes of ground covered for brevity’s sake.
A: Okay, so turmoil hits the nation. What’s the first thing I should do?
J: You want to get to a sparsely populated area. The fewer people, the less threat. That’s goal number one.
A: So, I hop in my car and bee-line out of town?
J: Yes and no. You definitely move, but no way you take the highway or some main road. It’ll be chaotic and littered with desperate people in a panic. The threat level is way too high.
A: What’s the play then?
J: I’ve actually looked into this very contingency. Now, I’m not saying it’s going to happen, but if it does, I’m damn well going to be prepared. Railroads, man.
A: Railroads?
J: Railroads. You have a map packed in advance in case the internet goes down. Highlight the countless railroads that traverse the country. Get in your car, preferably one that can handle tough terrain, and start traveling parallel to a set of tracks. If possible, you even get on the tracks, and travel that way. Think about it; before cars, this country was founded on railroads. You know, there’s practically a set of tracks that can take you from Portland, Oregon, to Portland, Maine? And you’re not detected when you do.
A: No sh%t?
J: Hopefully you’re not moving empty-handed. Personally, I have a 9mm, an AR-15, and a sniper rifle, my baby crafted by a gunsmith. I’m talking 1 of 1. And ammo. I can’t stress how important ammo is in a doomsday scenario. Start loading up on it now. And you know what? It doesn’t even have to be for weapons you own.
A: Why would I want ammo for guns I don’t possess?
J: Currency. As soon as s*&t hits the fan, you can say goodbye to the dollar. In a heartbeat, we’re back to a world driven by the barter system. Now imagine you run into someone who needs bullets for their .45 and you have the right caliber bullet for this guy. The return in a swap for water, food, medication… no ceiling with that kind of encounter.
At this point, I’m convinced Jason’s thought this through. This is cemented when he walks me down to his basement and unveils his gun safe packed with the items he mentioned, along with thermals he says are the real game changers.
J: This right here – my superpower. When we were over there fighting the Taliban, who contrary to what mainstream media paints as prehistoric… those guys could really fight, man. They were ghosts. And these, I don’t care where you are or who you’re up against, whoever owns the night comes out on top. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Thermals, firearms, a stockpile of ammunition, and railroads connecting states throughout the Union. Jason officially had my ear.

J: A misconception most people have in this scenario; contrary to how Hollywood depicts things, you want to hole in. You get to a sparsely populated area, preferably near a freshwater source, seek shelter, bunker down, and fortify your position with weapons. Being naive means certain death. Anyone, and I mean anyone, is a potential threat, so best approach them with that at the very front of your mind. You shoot first and ask questions later.
A: What’s a surprise item most people would omit in terms of something you need when the world comes crashing down?
Jason ponders this question for a minute or so.
J: Bugs! You can prep for any contingency but man, if you don’t have a plan to deal with the mosquitos, you’re in trouble.
A: Mosquitos? Come on, dude.
J: They’ll kill your spirit. Morale. Not to mention you won’t be able to sleep. And I don’t care who you are, if you’re not catching Zzz’s for restoration, you’re finished. My buddy and I did a dry run last summer. A pack each, water purifier, guns, food, water… what did us in by night three? The mosquitos! We ran out of spray – chewed alive. Nearly quit twice because of how brutal they were.
A veteran with real-world combat experience currently employed by Uncle Sam laying down truth serum. If, and when things go south, your best options include leaving densely populated regions with a slew of weapons in hand, finding shelter, and fortifying your position.
Rest assured, there will be people who question your motives or mental state should they hear of your preparations. Notch this up as cognitive dissonance — in simplest terms, many aren’t ready to have the house of cards they built their worldview around toppled. It’s okay; don’t judge, but also make sure not to question your Modus operandi. Read the tea leaves and it’s obvious a cataclysmic event is closer than many would like to think.
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