2024 is the perfect time to prepare yourself for what could be some very trying times ahead. If you do not own a gun, this is your wake-up call to join the club before it’s too late.
There was a period in my life when I believed in the greater good of humanity. However, post-pandemic and one child later, there is no turning a blind eye to the omnipresent threats we encounter daily. Most of these threats go unnoticed by the average layman, and more times than not this is due to completely avoidable distractions.
I recently spent the weekend with my sister-in-law who works for a federal agency. Her husband. a patriot and former vet with two deployments in Iraq under his belt is a true gun enthusiast. Michael and I hit it off immediately. A couple of glasses of bourbon into our interaction, the topic of crime came up.
He asked if I conceal and carry. When I told him I did, he nodded his head, visibly content.
“There are bad people out there who prey on the weak. That’s just fact, man.”
Mike had me walk him through my daily routine. In the process, he pointed out the number of transitional spaces I frequent. Any one of these places, a gas station, convenience store, the bank, are perfect opportunities to be a victim of a crime.
When I told Mike I was aware of this, he clanked my glass and praised me for not being another zombie moping through my life unaware of the dark side of humanity. I suppose that once one is a soldier, they will forever be a soldier. Mike possessed a level of intensity and awareness one seldom finds in the average individual. It is tough to truly convey his laser focus through mere strokes of a keyboard.
In short, soldiers are built differently and there’s a lot we can learn from them if we pay attention.
“I tell my siblings all the time — stay alert the second you leave home so that you actually make it back home.”
You’ve heard the adage ‘crime doesn’t take a vacation’.
Under this administration, with urban cities plagued by record crime, such a declaration rings true. At some point in your life, chances are you will encounter a situation in which you witness a violent crime take place. You may think interjecting and assisting the individual in peril is a noble feat. I implore you to resist the urge.
Violence begets violence and unless it’s your loved one in the crosshairs, it’s a wise decision to remove yourself from the environment and call law enforcement.
The link above is a perfect example of why playing a hero usually ends up in tragedy. Leave it to the professionals and live to see another day.
Remove the politics surrounding guns, and it is tough to refute that responsible gun ownership is the last vestige when in a life-threatening situation. Unfortunately, the Left, aided and abetted by the legacy media, paints a starkly different picture.
Americans are inundated with anti-gun propaganda. Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the call for gun reform pounds the airwaves. However, responsible gun ownership that thwarted victimization is seldom mentioned.

Why? In simplest terms, unarmed individuals are infinitely easier to control than those who are armed. Compounding such findings with the possibility of a full-scale grid failure sending civilization into chaotic anarchy, how could one not own a gun?
The breadcrumbs are all around us; something major is cooking designed to usher in a global, digitized currency. Again, this is all executed by those in power with one sole goal: control. As a sovereign patriot, your best bet is to own several firearms and brush up on your marksmanship. It’s a matter of when, not if, chaos erupts throughout the Union.
When selecting your weapon of choice, you must consider a bevy of variables to get the best possible outcome.
First thing’s last; ask yourself what the purpose of the firearm is. Seems simple enough, but you would be surprised to see how often novice gun owners seem to forget such a rudimentary question.
Are you looking for an ideal weapon for conceal and carry / self-defense? Home protection? Do you want something for hunting quail?
Self-reflection and honesty with the self are pivotal to selecting the right gun for you.
Don’t go rushing into the enterprise. Selecting the right weapon for your needs is no less important than choosing the right car. Both products are necessary in a modernized society and can lead to tragic outcomes if not properly vetted.
Some individuals cut corners to save a few pennies when buying a gun. You know the phrase, “You get what you paid for.”
I don’t know about you, but the older I get, the more these proverbs ring true. Guns can be lethal; why cut corners and risk a malfunction in a life-and-death situation? It’s like choosing to scuba-dive with sharks and selecting second-hand gear because you want your savings account to remain intact.

How important is your bank account if you’re not around to enjoy it?
In no way am I suggesting you go to the first gun wholesaler and choose the most expensive firearm in stock. However, employing a level of self-transparency to end up with the best possible purchase should be encouraged.
2024 will be a year to remember. Wars continue to unfold around the globe, and we have what’s sure to be a polarizing Presidential Election in November.
Furthermore, drugs and crime are ravaging American cities while the Left cries for gun control and the defunding of police. It’s a clown world, we’re just living in it.
To say these are wild times is an understatement. If ever there was a time to buy your first firearm or polish up on your marksmanship, this is it. Flip on your television and you’ll quickly uncover what they have in store for us.
It’s in the countless shows they create as merely ‘entertainment’. Remember; the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist. Civil war is on the menu; what we are witnessing at the moment is just an appetizer.
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