Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
Our neighbors to the North continue to do their part to emulate the People’s Republic of China. Recently, Canada’s controversial Internet Censorship Bill C-11 passed thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
What does the bill mean? It means the Trudeau Government gets the right to manipulate an individual’s social media algorithms. It means they control what one can see on varying social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, name it, they call the shots.
Sound Orwellian and from a dystopian film? Unfortunately, it’s not. [Read more…] about Week 14: Trans Legislation, Finland to NATO, Trump Arrested!
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Week 13: Trump Indictment
Not three months into the new year and there’s so much happening both domestically and around the world.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now that former President Donald J. Trump could be indicted any day. What for? Where to begin.
In fact, Trump faces four investigations that come with potential charges. The list is extensive with the most serious being his alleged attempts to interfere with the transfer of power and his role in the January 6th events at The Capitol. [Read more…] about Week 13: Trump Indictment
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The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
BUILD BACK BETTER. Google it. Peruse the internet, accumulate as much information concerning the topic, then make an informed decision as to what it means.
Of late, more websites are sharing videos about the ‘Build Back Better’ initiative that pounded the airwaves in the wake of the novel Coronavirus. When these videos drop, the messaging from countless world leaders like President Joe Biden to Turkey’s Erdogan seem eerily similar. It’s almost like they were reading from the same script [which, I assure you, they were]. [Read more…] about The Not So Great Reset and How We Got Here
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Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
Donald J. Trump plans to restore law and order throughout the land if reelected. I know; tough to imagine we’re already trending toward another Presidential Election. I suppose time flies when the world is on fire.
The former President released a five-minute video late last week. The gist – to make America both safe, and yes, great again. [Read more…] about Trump’s Vow to America, Agenda 47, Blue States, and Gun Control
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From Conspiracy Theorist to Conspiracy Realist: Humanizing the Dehumanized
The world is in a constant state of change. It doesn’t take the intelligence of Elon Musk to realize as much. Each year, a new crisis emerges that transforms life as we know it.
For many, such events are chaotic in nature, byproducts of living on an overpopulated planet. These people believe that what you see is what you get. The coronavirus was a perfect example of their paradigm. The media and politicians’ views were seen as gospel.
However, there is another sect of society that sees things differently. The Conspiracy Theorist believes anything pushed over the airwaves by the mainstream media carries a hidden agenda; the proverbial iceberg analogy so to speak. These individuals live by the following axiom; when sifting through world events, focus on who benefits and you’ll soon uncover what’s really in play. [Read more…] about From Conspiracy Theorist to Conspiracy Realist: Humanizing the Dehumanized
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No Need To Miss Out On The Action
The enjoyment of shooting sports isn’t something that needs to be cast aside because of a physical disability. With the wide variety of equipment and resources available, most anyone can maintain these pursuits while taking advantage of the benefits. [Read more…] about No Need To Miss Out On The Action
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Eye-Spy Balloon
Chinese Spy Balloon spotted over Billings, Montana. Say that aloud a few times and tell me it doesn’t sound like a plot from a Hollywood B-Movie. Unfortunately, in 2023, such a blurb is suddenly non-fiction.
Unless you live under a rock or off-grid [which is highly underrated IMO], a Chinese Surveillance Balloon was caught on video earlier this week. The image was blasted over the airwaves and left most Americans feeling confused and bewildered. [Read more…] about Eye-Spy Balloon
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Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
World War 3 is upon us. Earlier this week, Germany sent thirty Leopard Tanks to Ukraine to assist in their war effort against Russia. Soon afterwards, Canada sent four Leopard Tanks of their own.
The drumbeats of war have commenced – something most Trump supporters warned of as soon as Biden took office. [Read more…] about Vaccine Deaths = War Distraction
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The Biden Scandal, Ukraine, and a Heroic Athlete
When President Joe Biden was sworn into office in January of 2021, many pundits warned there was little chance of him actually finishing a term inside the Oval Office. Such proclamations were met with skepticism by the left – mere conjecture construed by Republicans to diminish Biden’s influence while President.
Fast-forward two years, and it looks like someone had a crystal ball. [Read more…] about The Biden Scandal, Ukraine, and a Heroic Athlete
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Why Everything is Designed to Distract
The Economy; the word itself elicits a series of synapses that fire in one’s brain. Many, and I mean the majority of Americans, possess an ingrained fear of money. For reasons beyond our comprehension, most of us believe we will never reach financial stability. [Read more…] about Why Everything is Designed to Distract
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Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
My faith in the world is at an all-time low. Don’t get me wrong; there is a part of me that is privy to the gift of life and how fortunate I am to live in the western world.
Nonetheless, the remnants of the Covid fiasco and the forced inoculations, the current War in Ukraine, and our cognitively impaired President, just to name a few, have my faith in humanity teetering. [Read more…] about Where Have We Seen This [Covid] Movie Before?
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Bill C-21 and Why It Threatens Democracy
For anyone living under a rock, life in Canada is approaching the unbearable.
The country issued more lockdown orders during the Coronavirus pandemic than any other nation except for The People’s Republic of China.
Free thought, freedom of expression, and public assembly, all have fallen at the waist side thanks in large part to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Government.
The latest controversy surrounds Bill C-21, legislation put forth by the Canadian Government. What is C-21? In simplest terms, Gun Control. [Read more…] about Bill C-21 and Why It Threatens Democracy
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Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
Many factors contribute to the accuracy of a rifle, be it major components with a tangible impact, such as the barrel itself and the ammunition we feed it, or more subtle nuances that effect harmonics. No matter the element, having confidence when it comes to shot placement is paramount to any shooter. Today I want to talk about a piece of the puzzle that is crucial not only to the accuracy of your rifle, but to every aspect of the direct shooter interface, the trigger. [Read more…] about Get Triggered! FIME Enhanced Fire Control Group
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Why A War with China Looms AKA WW3
Think back to your childhood. If it was anything like mine, you surely recall an abundance of Made in China labels on various items.
Growing up in the 1980s, I often wondered why so many things I used daily were manufactured elsewhere. Like any child, I was curious and full of wonder.
It’s only now, in my fifth decade on this big ball, that I connect the dots to those happenings some forty years ago.
Once a country stops making things, it loses its strength and autonomy.
For years, we stood by idly while China manufactured and exported goods to our shores. Human beings are heuristic creatures. Most fail to see things longitudinally. We seek instant gratification and covet immediate gain. It is wired in our brains and an evolutionary byproduct.
Consequently, with life experience, our perspective on the past improves with a little bit of reflective consciousness. Though not entirely evident to my childhood eyes, we are in the Chinese century. [Read more…] about Why A War with China Looms AKA WW3
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Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
The 7.62×39 cartridge, introduced originally in 1943 and chambered in both the RPD Light Machine Gun and the SKS, cemented it’s place in history just a few years later as the cartridge selection for what would become the iconic AK47 Soviet military rifle. Since then, the AK47 has been deployed around the world by militaries, police and civilians in combat, self-defense and sporting roles. [Read more…] about Arsenal SAM5. Why You Need a 5.56 AK!
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How Midterm Results Played Out
Now that midterm primaries have come and gone, what did the results yield and where do we stand as a nation?
Though the final results are not entirely clear, we do know the following:
Democrats fared far better than what polls indicated in the weeks leading up to November 8th. [Read more…] about How Midterm Results Played Out
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High Stakes Encounter
I am a U.S. citizen currently living in Toronto, Canada.
For those who have never been to Toronto, it is often regarded as one of the finer cities in North America if not the world.
The city is booming. In fact, there seems to be a new condo on every street corner daily. But, there are pitfalls to its rapid growth.
Congestion is everywhere and people are suffering.
Mix in the damage of a pandemic, and we are starting to see the costs incurred by human beings. [Read more…] about High Stakes Encounter
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The War in Ukraine
In March 2022, Vladimir Putin declared war on neighboring Ukraine. Since then, the mainstream media continues to bombard the senses with countless stories covering the conflict.
International support has largely been pro-Ukraine. Billions have been provided to Ukraine in an effort to fend off the Russians.
To better understand why this conflict erupted, a quick look back at some watershed events contributing to the powderkeg. [Read more…] about The War in Ukraine
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Censorship, please!
The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Recently, Alex Jones, an American alt-right radio show host, was ordered to pay $965M for false claims about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. [Read more…] about Censorship, please!
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Midterms Are Here!
Mark your calendars; November, 8th, 2022.
Not since the Presidential race of 2016 between Trump and Clinton has there been a more anticipated election.
Republicans are still fuming over the events of November 2020, while Joe Biden isn’t making things easy for Democrats throughout the Union.
It’s a battle for The Hill. Early numbers suggest a red wave next month. [Read more…] about Midterms Are Here!
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