The Economy; the word itself elicits a series of synapses that fire in one’s brain. Many, and I mean the majority of Americans, possess an ingrained fear of money. For reasons beyond our comprehension, most of us believe we will never reach financial stability.
Much of this is due to the socialization we experience as children. The word ‘millionaire’ is thrown about like some fantastical creature, a unicorn or leprechaun. It is depicted as an unattainable benchmark middle-class folk can only dream of.
Is there some sort of psy-op at play here, and if so, what can we do to avoid its pitfalls?
To begin, it is The State’s way of creating loyal serfdom. The definition of serfdom is as follows; the status of peasants under feudalism, specifically relating to manorialism. A condition of debt bondage and indentured servitude with similarities to slavery.
The structures in place are built so that we end up as debt-laden humans. By constantly having us chase things we don’t even need, those in power keep us occupied and, for lack of a better word, in bondage. Wealth is a mirage we never seem to attain.
Naturally, with advancements in technology, the propensity to covet increases. We all want a bigger home, a faster car, the newest iPhone, and a different lover, so that we can feel better about ourselves. Little do we realize that this leads to immeasurable suffering and fosters a miserable existence.
Consumerism drives every waking moment. Eat, shop, shit, rinse, repeat. The collective species in the year 2023.
However, it is not entirely futile. With discipline, awareness, and reflective consciousness, there is a way out of our bondage. It starts with tracking our own behavior.
How many of you start your day by opening your eyes and immediately picking up your cell phone?
Look at this behavior as though a drone, outside your body, and its perils are tough to refute. We are effectively relying on a device to activate our brains, trigger our thoughts, and regulate our emotions.
I am not advocating you go full-on Ted Kascinsky here. What is worth pondering is our perpetual reliance on technology. To say it borders on gratuitous is an understatement.
Consequently, I believe there is an agenda when it comes to large-scale human occurrences. 9/11, the 2009 market crash, and the Coronavirus pandemic – these global events almost always usher in a series of life-changing transformations.
Farfetched? Look closer, dig deeper, and you will soon see the light.
While Covid-19 brought the world to a grinding halt, banks across Canada went digital. An outing to my branch illuminated as much. I attempted to cash a U.S. check and needed the money for a trip to Arizona. The teller quickly informed me that it was a cashless bank. Ironically, this was done with a straight face.

Imagine an institute whose purpose of being is to administer transactions involving cash opting to not possess the very item that brought them into existence. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the beginning of our Orwellian Dystopia.
Once the world goes cashless, as too will free agency.
Think of The Patriot Act on steroids – every purchase you make on the record for the Government to see. From there, the logical progression is Digital Credit Scores, a system that goes synonymous with control.
The Government will have carte blanche to seize your assets at any time if they deem you a threat. This already exists in China, where many of The Globalists’ pilot programs are initially run to see how humans react. Censorship, Facial Recognition Software, Re-education camps – realities in China that will soon find their way to our shores.

Therefore, if control is the agenda, what can we do to protect ourselves? Everything begins with the Second Amendment.
When we are armed, those in power lose their influence over us. Millions of gun-owning Americans are the last vestige of freedom. This is precisely why there is a constant push for gun control and sensationalized stories of mass shootings pounding the airwaves.
How often does mainstream media run positive stories concerning guns and gun owners? Seldom, if ever. The inescapable narrative we are fed is that gun owners are volatile, psychologically unhinged threats to society.
Stories designed to distract are omnipresent; Ye, the January 6th Insurrection, the War in Ukraine, mere theatrics with the intent to keep us occupied.
In closing, this decade will be a volatile one. Inflation, scarcity, drones with facial recognition software, a war between Iran and Israel that will draw in Russia and the United States – all inevitabilities that have been in the works for decades.
However, no matter how dire things may seem, there is always hope. Millions are waking up and pushing back against these evildoers. Covid-19 was the flashpoint moment. Years from now, we will look back on the pandemic and realize more good came from it than bad.
There is a way out of our perpetual bondage. Living virtuously begins by limiting your reliance on technology, making quality time with loved ones, and building a fortress around you and your family. By changing ourselves, we effectively change the world. In the words of the fictional character Andy Dufresne, salvation lies within.
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