The dog days of summer are in full swing. Major League Baseball recently wrapped their annual All-Star game, the days are long and sweltering, and patio season is hopping.
For the first time in ages, things look normal.
Unfortunately, this optimism will soon unravel like a ball of yarn. The proverbial calm before the storm.
The mainstream media is dangling what awaits once temperatures drop, the leaves fall, and kids are back to school.
Stories of the alleged monkeypox virus bombard social media.
The World Health Organization recently declared it a global emergency. Where have we heard this before?
Rest assured, lockdowns and mandates await stage right. Paranoid?
More like a realist who has zero faith in elected officials.
2022 has mostly been about the war in Ukraine, skyrocketing gas prices, and alleged mass shootings.
Blame is cast at Russia, Conservatives, and gun-owning patriots. Joe Biden’s inept Presidency has largely been overlooked.
The war against right-leaning political views is no longer covert.
Free speech is suddenly an afterthought.
Censorship is a mainstay as freedom teeters on the edge of extinction.
China’s blueprint has reached our shores yet most are too busy consuming to take notice.
Violence, pornography, divorce, and forced inoculations are all too common in today’s world.
It’s unsettling to think how much the world has changed since the advent of the internet.
But, there is hope. A select minority has evolved into a movement.
Conspiracy theorists are now conspiracy realists thanks to the accuracy of many of their takes.
My brother-in-law is a testament to this.
When Covid-19 began, he did whatever the government asked of him.
Stay at home order? Sure.
Vaccination to get back to normal? Why not?
Work from home for more than eighteen months? Okay.
Then something happened. A lightbulb went off. David came to the light of his own volition.
Frankly, this is the only way it can be.
From moment one, we are born into a world that poisons. We’re socialized to comply and exist in fear; most of us never reach our true potential.
What are we talking about? Love.
When we band together, those pulling the strings lose all power and influence.
This is why so much of the programming the Elite drum up is designed to divide.
Left vs Right, Democrat vs Republican, Democracy vs Communism, Black vs White, Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life; the list is endless and created with the sole intent of pitting humans against humans.
November looms. With it come midterm elections. To a seasoned truthseeker, elections are theatrics.
Elected officials are puppets. See Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example.
In 2015, frustration over the previous Prime Minister and his Conservative leadership was a mainstay.
Stephen Harper’s popularity plummeted and many Canadians sought change.
Usher in Justin Trudeau and his woke paradigm. Initially, his good looks and vernacular seemed charming enough.
Canada seemed like a true democracy with a forward-thinking, progressive leader.
Eight years later, things couldn’t be more different.
Trudeau’s reign makes Harper’s look democratic in contrast; the irony.
The same can be said south of the border. Americans believe Trump and De Santis have their interests at heart. Wrong.
Just like Trudeau, these men are actors elected with the purpose of selling false hope.
Those who hold political office do not have our interests at heart.
Democracy died a long time ago.
The name of the game is control. Think chess, not checkers.
Psychological warfare is omnipresent. As 2030 approaches [google Agenda 2030], those in power have sped up their evil blueprint.
A virus, Vladimir Putin, White Nationalists, Alex Jones; boogeymen to keep us from seeing who the real enemy is.
Smart cities, cashless societies, the death of free speech, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence; they’re all waiting in the wings.
My advice is to stock up on the necessities. Food, water, shelter, a generator, satellite phone, and of course, guns. A whole lot of them.
When they come, they will do so armed to the teeth. Your best defence is a strong offence.
Remember; all wars are won before the first bullet is shot.
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