Responsible gun storage is a key element to gun ownership. Far too often have we read about a firearm accident due to careless firearm storage. Likewise, as cool as a firearm hidden in a piece of furniture or flag frame may seem, criminals will find them. Have you ever looked up the stats of crimes committed with stolen firearms and wondered how the criminals are able to steal so many guns?

Your home is your castle, and I get wanting to have a firearm close at hand for emergencies. Let’s start with the guns that do not fit in that category. Any firearm that is not designated as your first line of defense, should be secured in a quality safe. Remember, you only have two hands and need both of them to operate one gun.
As for your primary home defense gun or guns, and I only use the plural for multiple defenders, the firearm(s) should be secured in a safe that can be quickly opened via a pushbutton combination, biometric sensor, or some sort of RFID card, bracelet, or other device. If you want to be completely secure, carry your firearm on your person as dictated by 24/7 carry.
The dangers of a home breakin are always a possibility. Good security will go a long way toward protecting against theft. Beyond that is child safety—kids are curious and can find what is often thought be a well-hidden gun, with tragic consequences.
When it comes to handling safety, it is important that children, from an early age, are taught about firearms handling—even if they are in a gun-free home. A classic example of what can happen is a child visiting a friend’s house where a gun is not secured. If that is discovered, a child should know not only the dangers but also what to do and what not to do. Ignorance is dangerous. If they are not children, do not be afraid to approach a friend or family member requesting that they allow you have the talk with their children.
Criminals obtain guns by many means but unfortunately acquisition by theft is all too common. Apart from security in the home, the cases of theft from a vehicle are all too likely when storage is casual and in an unlocked vehicle. Once again, when feasible, carry on the person is perhaps the most desirable, but beyond that there are devices available such that even if left in a vehicle, a firearm can be kept secure from easy theft.
Clumsy firearm security is in part what can give otherwise law-abiding gun owners a bad name, and only adds to the ‘ammunition’ that “gun control” proponents have to further their mission. Hopefully this is all pretty much “preaching to the choir” but there is no apology made by keeping it front and center.
As a reminder to all, the basics of the late Jeff Cooper’s rules of gun safety should be learned by everyone and applied as constant life lessons.
- All guns are always loaded, and should be treated as such.
- Never point a gun at anything you do not wish to destroy.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Know your target and what is beyond.
While all the rules should be faithfully followed, perhaps number two can be regarded as the biggest fail-safe. When fired, your bullet is no longer in your control so knowing its potential destination is vital—there is virtually no such thing as a firearm accident, only negligent discharge.
What measures have to taken to ensure responsible gun storage? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I am 70 years old, we talk of responsible gun storage. I have a simple question, how people survive for generations without gun safes and locked storage; Most did not even have a lockable gun cabinet, most a corner of a closet in our parents bedroom. Let me explain how we survived. The answer was and still should be, DISIPLINE! WE knew if we ever touched a gun without permission we would get our rear spanked. Now before someone tries to say times are different. the question must be asked, why? I will tell you why, it is the lack of parenting. i.e. discipline. Everywhere one looks, parents are afraid they may hunt little Johnny’s ego or feelings. I have seen it, admit it, you too have seen it. So to keep little Johnny safe and away from your guns lock them up, but the real answer is discipline, with reasons to keep their hands off of the guns in the house. We sure don not want to hurt little Johnny’s ego do we?