I am sure you have heard the joke, “What did Californians use before candles? Electricity.” It is a cruel joke that is currently bordering on reality. Along a similar vein, what did the people of Hong Kong have before tyranny? Liberty. I will admit that the liberty they had during their rule by the English was not what we are used to. By the same token, what we are used to is much endangered these days, as well. Just look at the Kangaroo Court show trials in an attempt to impeach the President that we have going on; but that is another issue entirely.

My point about Hong Kong is not what they have lost due to their own arrogance, because that isn’t true. The citizens of Hong Kong had a governmental change that was against their will. The short version, the British had a lease on the island. When it expired, they gave the hub of business activity in that part of the world back to the Chinese. Quite frankly, I am surprised it took this long for the Chinese to quash the rebellious capitalistic nature of the former British vassal.
That quashing is a window into the mindset and the capacities of the progressive mind, with no limits. The mainland forces do not have to worry about a Constitution that limits the powers of the government. There is no Bill of Rights to keep freedom of speech protections or to stop unreasonable search and seizures. The only way the protesters can clandestinely communicate is by using Bluetooth propagated “Mesh” apps. Any individual who is wanted by the “police,” and isolated, simply disappears. Does that sound like a good situation?
Given that the police are making citizens disappear, hitting them with tear gas and rubber bullets, how long until the protesters are hit with copper and lead projectiles. Oh wait, at least three are dead from “acute” lead overdose. I will admit, that is a very small number (considering the size of the protests), but the Chinese jackboots are being very careful not to have real guns or live ammo most of the time. At first, I wondered why. Then, it clicked. The superficial answer is the forces of tyranny do not want the bad publicity of gunning down protesters. They are very aware of what a bit of video can do on the world stage. One man versus a tank in Tiananmen Square made that plainly obvious.

However, there is a much deeper fear. There is no Second Amendment in England, and thus no such protection in Hong Kong. From birth, the protesters have been stripped of the right to defend themselves. This lack of defense against common thugs is also true regarding Big Brother Thug. Unlike our citizens in places such as Maryland, who can kind of sort of own guns, most of the citizens of Hong Kong have only seen guns in video games such as Call of Duty. There is no option to grab dad’s trusty double barrel or grandpa’s old hunting rifle to storm City Hall.
The Chinese tyrants from the top down are aware of this, and they are willing to send their Jack Boots in unarmed for one primary reason. The protesters are going hands on with the Jack Boots. At some point, a group of protesters will strip the Official Thugs of their handguns and rifles. Given any kind of cogent leadership on the side of the protesters, such seizures will progress, much like they did in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Do not assume that the protesters (turned rebels) are not willing to fight. But know they are severely handicapped in what they must work with. It is legal to own bows. Let me repeat that, those fighting for their natural, God given right to liberty are fighting with bows and arrows. They are surrounded by skyscrapers and communicate via privacy enabled apps on their cell phones; but, they are fighting with the technology that was obsolete a bit after the battle of Agincourt in 1415.

Ladies and gentlemen of this great country, our rights are under great pressure as well. Social media giants, the legacy media and most on the left are running an active campaign to end our First Amendment rights. The buffoon Robert Francis O’Rourke, actively espoused confiscation of all “weapons of war”—starting with AR-15s and AK-47s—and thus or Second Amendment. Joe Biden recently added 9mm pistols to the “weapons of war” list.
Personally, I believe we should be air dropping pallets of AR-15s and cases of 5.56 freedom seeds to the people of Hong Kong. I know that won’t happen. But, at a minimum; we owe it to them to follow their example and fight at least as hard to keep the liberties we were lucky enough to be born into. Many of them will die, but they will have died having tasted freedom for a brief moment.

The Tree of Liberty will be watered with the blood of many patriots and that of a few tyrants. Perhaps, enough blood will be shed that the international community will intercede. I highly doubt it. But those few, those brave few who refuse to submit; they will plant the seeds of additional Trees of Liberty. One day their valiant efforts shall bear fruit. It is often a long and torturous path, but freedom always escapes the yoke of tyranny.
I know their example confirms my faith in freedom and solidifies my resolve to fight the liberty encroachment here on the home front. Those in Hong Kong will most likely be crushed. However, as long as the torch in Lady Liberty’s hand stands for Freedom, they and others like them will rise up again. Eventually, freedom will win. Our job is to keep that torch bright so those who dream, fight, and die know there is an example of success.
Are you on the side of the protesters in Hong Kong? How different do you think the protests would be if the citizens of Hong Kong has Second Amendment rights like we do in the United States? Share your answers in the comment section.
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My heart goes out to the unfortunate people of Hong Kong, whose freedom, and immediate personal safety, is currently being stripped from them by the Chinese Reds. I feel helpless to provide them with anything except encouragement. And I shudder to think that what we are seeing over there is but a foreshadowing of what might be done to us to us by our sham puppet government, which continues to tell us to sing, “In the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave” when the truth is that it has become, “The Land of the Lie, and the Home of the Slave.” May God help America and give us the strength and willingness to defend her from the enslaving tactics of the Demonrats of the far Left!
Yes…airdrop Pallets of M-15’s & ammo to the Freedom fighters! Main land China did just about the same thing by supplying weapons to the North Vietnam to kill U.S. Troops.
P.S. leave enough room on the Pallets to tie some of our worthless politicians to them.