News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Woman Fights Back, Shoots Suspect After 5 Men Try to Rob Her at ATM

Charlotte, NC — A woman was in her car Wednesday morning at a Wells Fargo ATM in north Charlotte when she said five men tried to rob her, but she pulled out a gun and shot one of them.
It happened around 2:30 a.m. at a Wells Fargo on Beatties Ford Road near Interstate 85.
Police said a 17-year-old boy called 911 to say he had been shot and officers found him behind a church next to the ATM.
He was taken to the hospital in serious condition.
Authorities are investigating to determine if the shooting was justified.
Rob the Pizza Man With a Fake Gun?
Trying to rob anyone is stupid, but the choice to use a fake gun can be fatal.
Disabled Woman Shoots, Kills Home Invader
A Harris County, Texas woman shot and killed one of two home invaders who attempted to gain entry to her apartment in broad daylight over the weekend.

KHOU reports that deputies responded to reports of a shooting just before 3 p.m. on Saturday, and when they arrived at the apartment found one of the suspects had been shot the resident inside.
Deputies said the 18-year-old and a 17-year-old male broke a resident’s patio door window. The 53-year-old disabled resident was home alone when the teens broke the window and reached inside and unlocked the door, according to investigators.
The resident fired one shot, killing the teen who was in front, deputies said.
The second suspect, Aren Lacour, as well as 18-year-old Ayanna Harrison, were detained at the scene. Deputies said Harrison was the driver of a nearby getaway vehicle.
Deputies said the getaway vehicle, a white four-door Mercedes-Benz, is linked to other burglaries in the area.
The teen who was shot has not been identified.
Thank goodness this woman had a firearm to protect herself, because I doubt she would have been able to take on two young men in a physical fight.
Police report that the intruder who was shot was armed at the time, and the getaway driver is facing additional charges for allegedly trying to hide the firearm.
Felony murder charges are pending against Lacour and Harrison. They’re possibly going to be facing that charge because, according to authorities, they committed the felony offense of burglary of a habitation which resulted in the death of another person.
Harrison is also charged with tampering with evidence because deputies said she tried to conceal the pistol the deceased suspect was carrying at the time of the burglary.
If gun control activists had their way, this woman would have been unarmed and unable to defend herself when she heard the glass in her patio door shatter and the voices of strangers breaking into her home. Even now, while many Americans are heading to gun stores to purchase firearms and ammunition, they’re denigrating the idea of armed self-defense.
REMINDER: Evidence shows more guns do NOT make us safer.
One study found that guns at home are 4x more likely to cause an unintentional shooting, 7x more likely to be used in assault or homicide, 11x more likely to be used in a suicide than they were to be used for self-defense.
— Brady | United Against Gun Violence (@bradybuzz) March 14, 2020
Every gun control group out there claims to support the Second Amendment, but they all take issue with the idea that any American would want to own a firearm to protect themselves and those they love.
I will say that as more Americans are buying up guns and ammunition, perhaps for the very first time, there’s a need to ensure that they can acquire a basic knowledge of how to safely operate that firearm, and that’s going to be more difficult as coronavirus closures have already put an end to many training courses offered by local police departments. For now, I’ve not heard of any ranges closing, but we may see that in the weeks ahead. As gun owners we need to be doing everything we can to ensure that those who are joining our ranks have at least a basic knowledge of the rules of real gun safety, whether it’s through reaching out to new gun owners via social media, promoting videos that can give them that information, or simply sharing the basic rules of gun safety on our own social media feeds.
Do you have a story of armed good guys that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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God bless that poor lady and good for her . As far as the young criminal, Darwinism at it’s finest and more oxygen for the rest of us. The accomplices will hopefully go to jail forever or until they’re very old people. Based of the news report they were young career criminals and society is better off without them in it. The gun control group would have preferred that poor woman had no gun and would have been robbed ,probably assaulted if not worse. They just don’t get the second amendment gives you the absolute right to defend yourself and loved ones that are threatened by those that are obviously breaking into you home/ your castle.
Welfare Ghetto Garbage moved ALL OVER the country by HHS as Social Engineering experiment gone bad.
When we cancel their Welfare they will riot. THEN it will be my turn.
Until then, we WILL whittle them down, entitled imbeciles that they are,…
In the great state of New York, ranges among many other businesses are closed due to Governor Cuomo’s orders. This is not to say that I disagree with the orders to close down to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, it is just an update that these businesses are in fact closed in NY. Understandably so, as NYC and NYS are overtaking the US in infections. All the more reason to prepare in case of widespread social upheaval. Hopefully the rule of law wins out over disorder. I know that I am armed and ready if need be.
Here in Florida the ranges and gun stores are open.
They are limiting the number of customers allowed inside at any one time, and requiring masks.
Nexus, the super fancy range and store only has the (more expensive) video target side open. They have the best ventilation system of any indoor I have ever seen.
Even with the lock down, it is still legal to drive to the rural Okeechobee Shooting Sports just north of the big lake and shoot rifles.
Our Republican Governor is doing a good job balancing freedom, safety, and the economy.