News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.

Though it is not generally recommended, there are occasions when it becomes imperative for someone to take the law into their own hands. When a person’s life is in imminent danger, calling 911 and waiting for help to arrive is not always the best option.
There have been numerous cases where even the use of deadly force has been forgiven in a court of law. There have actually been cases where the person who inflicted the force was commended for their heroic action.
Such is the case with the abduction of Bethany Arceneaux, a 29-year-old single mother from Lafayette Louisiana.
After three days of being missing, and the local police department coming up empty-handed, her family decided it was time to get involved.
An associate of Arceneaux’s, Derrimetrie Robinson, saw her frantically honking her car horn in a parking lot as she was being dragged out of the driver’s door.
The abductor was Arceneaux’s ex-boyfriend, whom she had a restrainer against, Scott Thomas, who was also the father their 2-year-old son.
As Robinson rushed to her rescue, Arceneaux begged her to take the child, which she did. Robinson then witnessed Thomas throwing Arceneaux into the back of his car and recklessly speeding away.
The family began posting flyers all over town, but much to their dismay, there were no responses. Police later found Thomas’s Buick in a field, but the two were nowhere to be found.

Police and the family went over the abandoned car with a fine-toothed comb, but uncovered nothing helpful. Some witnesses approached the family with information about a vacant house located near the field where the car had been found, with suggestions to check it, just in case.
Six members of Arceneaux’s family, along with a neighbor and another friend, immediately took off in four-wheelers for the empty house.
Upon arriving they heard screams emanating from inside the house and recognized the voice of their loved one as she was screaming for help.
According to Arceneaux’s brother, Ryan Arceneaux, he and his brother, Kaylyn Alfred, kicked down the front door.
Thomas was repeatedly stabbing Arceneaux, who was already wounded and bloody, as one of the family members pulled a gun and fatally shot Thomas.
Arceneaux is fortunate to have survived her ordeal. No charges have, nor will they be, filed against any of the family members.
This was a clear case of when taking the law into your own hands is, without doubt, fully justified. If this had been one of your loved ones, how would you have reacted?
Do you have a story of armed good guys with guns that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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Glad to hear that Guy was stopped by Good people with Guns.
A play on a Queen songs lyrics:
“Another scum bites the dust!”