News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Where the Restraining Order Fails, the Firearm Succeeds
A Jacksonville, Florida woman didn’t just rely on a temporary restraining order to keep her ex-boyfriend from coming around her residence. No, when her ex violated the order of protection and broke in a window just after midnight, the 25-year-old woman had a Smith and Wesson in her corner.

One thing led to another and the 24-year-old violence-prone man lay dead. The woman then called 9-1-1 and authorities found the intruder in the master bedroom chock full of holes.
Meanwhile, the woman and her children escaped the violent and tumultuous home intrusion without injury.
WJXT has the story…
A woman shot and killed a man who broke into her Ortega Farms home on the Westside, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office said.
News4Jax has learned the woman had a temporary restraining order against him.
According to a petition for an injunction for protection against domestic violence, the 25-year-old woman and the 24-year-old man had two children together, but broke up in March. Since then, she said, he had threatened to kill her. There was a hearing on the injunction scheduled for Wednesday morning.
Just after midnight Wednesday, police said they received multiple 911 calls about gunfire on Catoma Street near Timuquana Road, including one from the woman who said she shot an intruder. She told arriving officers that the man was still inside her apartment.
Homicide detectives said officers found an unidentified man lying on the floor by the master bedroom with multiple gunshot wounds. Fire Rescue personnel said the man was dead.
Neighbors who live right across from the apartment where this happened also told News4Jax that the woman who lives in the apartment knew the intruder and said he was the father of her two children.
Lots of lessons here, not the least of which is that the only thing that stops a bad person with evil in their heart is a good guy (or in this case, gal) with a gun. The police can’t protect the individual. And restraining orders?
For the determined individual who doesn’t care about playing by the rules, a restraining order offers paper-thin protection. At best.
But when all else fails, Sam Colt makes men and women equals. Imagine if this woman listened to some radical Democrats who want to promote a gun-free society.
California Woman Shoots Home Invader Armed With Hammer
A woman from Bakersfield, Calif. practiced her Second Amendment rights last week and defended her family and property shooting a home invader who apparently was threatening her with a hammer.

According to 23 ABC, Andrew Oldham, was allegedly stalking the woman and mother and entered her property Wednesday morning. Despite being asked to leave and told the cops had already been called, Oldham refused to leave her house. The woman, who family members confirmed knew the intruder, then threatened to shoot the suspect.
Still, the man did not leave. Finally, the victim pulled the trigger and subsequently shot the man. At around 8:15 am, the police arrived and found him with “moderate injuries” and armed with a hammer. He was transported to a local hospital. Once he is medically cleared, he will be “charged with robbery, burglary, child endangerment and assault with a deadly weapon, according to KCSO officials.”
The unidentified woman told the local news station “she hopes Oldham doesn’t get out of jail ‘for a long time’ and said she was still really shocked about what happened and was surprised how well she handled the situation.”
It is unclear what the man’s ultimate intent was and few specifics were given regarding the two parties’ relationship. Police did not say what sort of firearm the victim used to defend herself.
The most recent polling from the Pew Research Center indicates that 48 percent of gun owners say they have a firearm for protection, but it much less likely these lawful gun owners will ever have to use the gun for a situation like the one described above.
Do you have a story of armed good guys with guns that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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