News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.

Daughter of Woman Being Choked Shoots Kills Attacker
A 15-year-old girl who shot and killed her mother’s boyfriend will not be charged, according to the district attorney’s office.
Rutherford County deputies were called Wednesday night to a home on Lakeview Drive in Forest City about a shooting. They found Steven Kelley dead in the home with two gunshot wounds.
Deputies learned that Kelley and his girlfriend, Chandra Nierman, 44, and her three children, a son, 12, and daughters, 15 and 16, had recently moved to the area from Indiana.
Investigators determined that Kelley had attacked Nierman and was choking her, yelling that he was going to cut her throat and kill everyone in the house. Nierman’s son went and got a gun and her 15-year-old daughter took the gun from her brother and fired it twice, hitting Kelley in the chest.
Deputies said one of the rounds fragmented, and grazed Nierman’s sixteen-year-old daughter in the leg. She was taken to Spartanburg Regional Hospital and was released Thursday.
Deputies said Nierman had significant bruises from the attack. Deputies said they learned that Kelley had threatened Nierman repeatedly and that on Aug. 4, he assaulted her and fired a gun several times inside the home to threaten and terrorize her.
Deputies said Kelley, who was a convicted felon, had multiple guns in the house and frequently carried one. Kelley had two active domestic violence protection orders against him from two different women in Indiana and Ohio, although no domestic violence or assaults had been reported to law enforcement agencies locally prior to the fatal shooting, deputies said.
Deputies presented the case to the district attorney’s office on Friday. The DA’s office concluded, based on the facts and the evidence, that the shooting was justified and no charges will be filed.

Republic Man Defends Himself With Gun After Suspect Breaks Jumps Through Car Window
Republic police are encouraging citizens to exercise their Second Amendment right after a man defended himself with a pistol against a suspect who jumped through his open car window while he was still inside.
Police went to Facebook to post about the incident in downtown Republic. Police said in the post that the suspect is likely responsible for a variety of other vehicle break-ins that have occurred throughout the town.
This time, to the suspect’s surprise, the owner of the vehicle was inside and was also a concealed carry permit holder. Police said the car owner was armed and pointed a pistol at the suspect, ordering him to get on the ground and to not move. The suspect complied.
“Crimes happen and they happen in the blink of an eye usually when you least expect them,” the post read. “If you go about your day unarmed and helpless you are a victim waiting for a crime to happen. … Get a gun, take a class and refuse to be a victim.”
Do you know of a recent event of where armed good guys turned the tide on the bad guys? Would you have been prepared if someone jumped through your car window? Share your answer in the comment section.
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On these types of articles could you please reference the state that the incidents occurred?
Not everyone knows the names of all the towns in the their own state, much less any other of the 49 remaining
I will. Thanks for the suggestion. ~Dave Dolbee
While it is unfortunate that these people were put in a position to need to defend themselves, these incidents are proof that law abiding citizens need the 2nd Amendment to protect themselves and their loved ones.
As a U.S. Citizen immigrant from a communist country I will always support those who uphold and exercise the right to “keep and bear arms…” So, get a gun, train, practice, and vote!
I really appreciate hearing stories of concealed carry heros. My girlfriend hates that I concealed carry and I’m always looking for examples of why its a good thing. I’m not “looking for a chance to shoot someone” but actually willing to put my life on the line to save others and would prefer not to shoot if it can be avoided.
So proud of those kids! Hopefully they can come through this event without too much mental scarring and go on to live full and exceptional lives!