News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
NC Teen Killed During Robbery Attempt as Patron Intervenes

Greensboro, NC (WGHP) – An 18-year-old died in a hospital Saturday following a shooting and attempted armed robbery in Greensboro, according to police.
Malik Harris, 18, was trying to rob NC Tobacco at 1000 Summit Avenue when a patron intervened and stopped the armed robbery, Greensboro police said.
At 11:05 a.m., police responded in reference to an attempted robbery.
Harris was found at the scene and taken to a local hospital by Guilford County EMS, police said. He later died from his injuries at the hospital.
The investigation is ongoing.
Account From Bearing Arms
An armed robbery at a North Carolina convenience store turned deadly for the teenager who held up the family-owned business when a customer and concealed carry holder drew their own gun and fired several shots.
18-year old Malik Harris entered the store on Saturday morning armed with a gun, and began threatening workers and customers.
“There were three or four customers in the store. And the guy came in and put the gun on all the customers, made everyone come [behind the counter] at gunpoint,” said Adil Khawaja.
While the store employees and customers were huddled behind the register, another unsuspecting person walked into the store.
“He grabbed her by the neck, brought her back [behind the counter] at gunpoint,” Khawaja said.
As the robber was distracted, one of the customers pulled out his own gun and fired at Harris four to five times, striking the would-be robber and ending the threat. Harris was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
“I wish it could have ended up differently,” said Khawaja. “Personally, I don’t want to see an 18 year old kid die. He didn’t even start his life yet. That was just a very, very poor decision in a state like North Carolina, where everyone has guns.”
I’m guessing every person in that store, including the armed citizen, wishes this story ended differently. Actually, the story should have started differently, with Malik Harris buying a candy bar or a soda instead of sticking a gun in people’s faces. Once Malik Harris made the decision to threaten the lives of innocent people, the armed citizen had a responsibility to protect himself and others if given the opportunity. When it came, he took it.
As Khawaja says, it was a very, very poor decision for Malik Harris to rob this store at gunpoint. If that armed citizen hadn’t been there, however, the story could also have ended up very differently. One or more of the customers and employees inside the store could have lost their own lives at the hands of the young armed robber.
I’m not glad that Malik Harris lost his life in the commission of a crime. I am thankful, however, that he wasn’t able to take any lives of his own, and that there was an armed citizen inside that store who was able to protect the innocent people around him. We know that no gun control law would have prevented Harris from walking inside that store illegally armed with a gun, but if anti-gun politicians and activists had their way, none of the other folks inside that business would have been legally armed for self-defense.
Suspect Dies in Shooting After Robbery Attempt at Radcliff Pharmacy

Radcliff, KY (WAVE) – The Radcliff Police Department are currently investigating after a suspect died during a robbery attempt at a pharmacy store.
Police headed to the scene around 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning on reports of a shooting at Apothecare Pharmacy on East Lincoln Trail Boulevard, according to The News-Enterprise.
Radcliff Police Chief Jeff Cross confirmed with WAVE 3 News that there had been a robbery attempt at that location, where an employee of the store shot the suspect.
Police said that the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.
No other details have been released at this time, investigations are ongoing.
Leesburg Man Jailed After Customer at Wawa Holds Him at Gunpoint Following Attack
Louisville, KY – A Leesburg man who was held at gunpoint in a minimart by a customer with a concealed carry permit is behind bars in the Lake County Jail.
Leesburg Police officers on March 1 scrambled to the Leesburg Wawa, located at the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 441 and Griffin Road, after receiving a 911 call reporting a battery in progress. While en route to the convenience store, officers were told that someone there had a firearm.

Upon arrival, an officer saw a man holding a handgun pointed at another man on the floor. As he entered the store, the man placed his handgun into a concealed holster in his waistband. The officer ordered him to put his hands on his head and removed his firearm, the report says.
The officer was then told that the man had the firearm and used it on the man sitting on the floor to stop an aggravated battery in progress. The officer then detained the man sitting on the floor, who was later identified as 23-year-old Omilson Oceant-Shirley, a report says.
The officer saw several people kneeling and after asking them to move aside, he saw a large amount of blood on the floor that was coming from an injured man’s head. The officer quickly requested Lake EMS to respond to the scene, the report says.
Officers collected statements from many witnesses, including a woman who said she also was battered by Oceant-Shirley. Officers determined that the man who held Oceant-Shirley at gunpoint had done so to stop him from committing battery. After confirming that he had a valid concealed carry permit, his firearm was returned.
The injured man said he wished to press charges against Oceant-Shirley but wasn’t able to complete a written statement due to his injuries. Paramedics with Lake EMS determined that the man needed further medical treatment and he was transported to Leesburg Regional Medical Center.
The second victim told officers she was inside the Wawa when she saw Oceant-Shirley strike the man until he fell to the ground and then start kicking him in the head. She said she shouted for Oceant-Shirley to quit battering the man and when he stopped, she tried to provide assistance. But she said Oceant-Shirley returned and pushed her away from the victim, causing her to fall to the floor, the report says.
Officers also discovered that Oceant-Shirley had been trespassed from the Wawa on Feb. 27 and had returned several times. The manager said Oceant-Shirley loiters on the property and had been sleeping in the men’s restroom, the report says.
Oceant-Shirley, who lives at 1344 Griffin Rd. in Leesburg, was then transported to the Leesburg Police Department to start the booking process for him to be admitted to the Lake County Jail. During that process, he stood up and shouted obscenities before running toward an officer and pushing him into a nearby wall, causing a small scratch on his elbow. Oceant-Shirley also started spitting toward the officers and attempted to bite one of them while trying to trip him, the report says.
The officers quickly gained control of Oceant-Shirley and he eventually was transported to the jail, where he was charged with aggravated battery causing bodily harm or disability, aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, battery, trespassing and a violation of probation charge for a previous battery charge. He was being held on $5,000 bond and is due in court Aug. 19 and Aug. 30 to answer to the charges.
Do you have a story of armed good guys that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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“New Jersey prosecutors dropped a felony charge against a security guard who was pulled over for driving with tinted windows and then charged with violating gun laws.” Prosecutors decided the ammunition Twyne was carrying was not illegal (wonder if the fact that it was the same ammo that the NJ police carry had anything to do with it). NJ’s draconian gun laws should be an embarrassment to them but evidently they aren’t, selective enforcement of other laws (hint: Shaneen Allen’s threatened punishment compared to Ray Rice’s) makes me glad to live in the Midwest.
Notice the color scheme?
Blacks age 17-24 commit 40% of ALL crime.
Mike Bloomberg knows it and admits that he knows it.
You’re not allowed to say that out loud. By the way, if Omilson Oceant-Shirley can borrow $500 (10% of the $5000 bond) he’ll be out on the street causing more mischief.