News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Georgia Gun Owner Stops Potential Mass Shooting at Bank
Alpharetta, GA – On Saturday, officers received a 9-1-1 call of alerting them to shooting at a Wells Fargo Bank in Alpharetta, Georgia. Upon arriving, officers found an armed citizen holding a thug at gunpoint. The suspect reportedly got into an argument with an on-again, off-again girlfriend and then shot her in the parking lot. Sadly, she died, but the armed Georgian stopped a potential mass shooting.

According to Alpharetta Police:
An armed witness who was driving by the bank heard the shot, got out to help, confronted the suspect, ordered the suspect to drop his weapon, and waited until our officers arrived on scene.
This crazed thug could have easily turned his firearm on bystanders inside the bank if it weren’t for the immediate reaction of an armed citizen. Alpharetta Police and the community are calling this citizen a hero.
In a Facebook post, they said:
In regards to the armed citizen who intervened until we arrived, we cannot express enough the appreciation we have for the partnership we have with our community.
The comments from local residents ranged from declaring this man a hero to saying, “That is exactly why I carry.”
Gun-grabbing Democrats would have us believe that law-abiding citizens are the reason there are so many homicides in America. This is is simply not true. Gun owners have stopped countless thugs and possible mass shootings by bravely protecting themselves and others with a firearm. In addition, cities with strict gun control have extreme amounts of murders and crime because thugs do not have to fear of citizens defending themselves with a gun. The City of Chicago is a prime example of this.
Second Amendment supporters will continue to follow the law and protect themselves and their loved ones as long as there is breath in their bodies.
Woman Shoots Attacker in Self-Defense
Chicago, IL – Felony charges were filed against a man accused of attacking a woman Sunday morning before she shot him in self-defense at a South Loop apartment building.

Brandon Williams, 30, is charged with one felony count each of aggravated domestic battery, aggravated domestic battery involving choking and possession of a weapon by a felon, according to Chicago police. He lives in the East Garfield Park neighborhood on the West Side.
Williams started attacking the woman during an argument at 10:54 a.m. in an apartment in the 1000 block of South Clark Street, police said. The woman then shot him in the leg.
He was taken in serious condition to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, police said. The 29-year-old woman was taken to Stroger Hospital after suffering a broken hand, bruises, and lacerations. Police said the shooting appeared to be in self-defense.
Judge Stephanie K. Miller ordered Williams held without bail during a hearing Tuesday, according to Cook County court records. His next court date is March 18.
Do you have a story of armed good guys with guns that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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These stories and many others you will never see in the communist lame stream fake news media! I probably see close to a hundred every month between a couple other blogs I read and the American Rifleman. The stories most people never see are the stories where a conceal carry or open carry citizen stops a violent crime by never firing a shot, those are the over a million interdictions every year! The lame stream fake news communist media and the demoncraps don’t want you to know about any of them!
I’m a CCW licencee in New Mexico. I’ve attended seminars put on by U.S. Lawshield where the police and lawyer trainers have encouraged us to keep our firearms holstered and concealed unless our lives are imminently endangered. If we encounter a crime in progress that isn’t directly affecting us, we’ve been advised to try to be the best witness we can be regarding the facts of the encounter. We’re advised to do our best to consciously create a detailed account of the encounter and descriptions of the people involved (especially the perpetrator) as long as we can do it without endangering ourselves. It’s pointed out that we are not licensed peace officers. We carry for the purpose of protecting ourselves, not the general public.
During my CCW license training, my trainer (a state police officer), told us a story about a retired CCW licensee here in Albuquerque, who walked into a grocery store one day and responded to screams coming from a deli section. He encountered a man straddling a woman on the floor and he was stabbing her. The retiree drew and fired his firearm and stopped the perpetrator. At which point the woman screamed something to the effect of “OH MY GOD! YOU SHOT MY HUSBAND!”
The DA refused to prosecute the retiree. I think almost any police officer in the state knows this retiree’s name and this story. And apparently the retiree lost everything he had in a civil lawsuit that ensued. My trainer said that the retiree now rotates living with his kids so he doesn’t burden any one of them more than he absolutely needs to. The DA, the police and probably most of the community see this retiree as a hero who saved a woman’s life with his quick, selfless action. But that doesn’t change the fact that he also became financially destitute as a result.
The moral of the story is that every use of a firearm whether by a trained, licensed police officer in the performance of his / her duty or an untrained homeowner with a gun stopping a home invasion, has a civil lawsuit lottery waiting in the wings in which a preponderance of the evidence and a majority jury decision is all that’s required to conclude the case. A person can pay a terrible price for being a hero.
Also, like the good Samaritan laws in most states that prohibit untrained, unlicensed caregivers from being sued when attempting to lend aid to accident victims, there should be similar legislation for citizens legally carrying and deploying a firearm to save or protect a human life. If the DA won’t prosecute, civil suits should also be prohibited.
The Kansas concealed carry law, when enacted, specified that if the responding LEO(‘s) determined the shoot was legitimate that the law abiding shooter could not be sued in civil court.
The armed citizen in Georgia is lucky the cops didn’t shoot him. These days they tend to shoot first and ask questions later, like in the case in Chicago in November 2018 when the police shot and killed a uniformed security guard holding a criminal shooter who had just shot four people at gunpoint waiting for the police to arrive. Witnesses all agree the police opened fire before verifying the identity of the guard. If you’re going to intervene to stop a violent crime, make sure your gun is out of sight before the police arrive or you could easily be the next news story as the police get away with murder.
Why can’t every state think like this? The statistics, THE REAL STATISTICS, bare out the fact that more guns means less crime. Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns over a million times a year. When will the libs understand that the only real danger of our having guns is stopping people who want to take them from law abiding citizens.