News stories of civilian self-defense seldom receive adequate media coverage. After all, armed good guys stopping violent felons does not make headlines like the lives of innocents being taken. Bias and agendas play their part, but the media does not cover an event that did not happen, such as a case where a good guy stopped a violent event before it resulted in the loss of innocent life. However, these are exactly the type of stories we need to highlight to educate non gun owners before they head to the voting booth.
Armed Citizen Draws His Gun After Stranger Attempted to Assault Him for Wearing MAGA Hat

Wilkes-Barre, PA – Police are looking for a stranger from a Wilkes-Barre shopping mall who was so ‘triggered’ by seeing a MAGA hat that he decided to physically confront the Trump supporter who was wearing it.
Police reported that on Tuesday, January 7th, a man was walking through the Wyoming Valley Mall in the tiny Pennsylvania town. They reported that a stranger walked up to the man, who was minding his own business.
The stranger demanded that the Trump supporter remove his hat. Of course, like any sane American, the man refused.
But now, the stranger was completely triggered and threatened to assault and beat the man. Sheriff Will Clark recounted what happened. “The individual was wearing a hat in support of Donald Trump. Apparently the [other] man told him to take the hat off. He refused.”
That’s when the stranger took a swipe at the man’s head to knock his hat off.
Threatened with a beating and now hit on the head, the MAGA hat wearer stepped back. He pulled out his handgun and told the man to back off.
Sheriff Clark agreed, “At that point, the victim backed up and drew his weapon and pointed it at the ground. The guy took off.”
Of course, the lunatic leftist wanted to be violent and aggressive, but never dreamed that somebody would dare to meet his aggression with force.
Violence Is Okay If You’re MAGA Triggered!
Meanwhile, after the man ran off, the other mall patrons panicked and fled. In the first few moments after the incident, there were initial reports in the mall of a mass shooter. Police were quick to put those rumors to rest.
Sheriff Clark said that the Trump supporter will not face any criminal charges and referred to him as the victim. They are still searching for the stranger who tried to assault the man.
Sheriff Clark did say that the mall owners had a policy forbidding firearms inside their mall. “They do not want concealed weapons or open carry for this reason,” Clark said. But unless the man had been asked to leave and refused, he wasn’t breaking any law, according to the sheriff and thus he won’t face any charges.
Being Triggered = Assault to Leftists
This sort of insanity, if the tables were turned, would be national headline news. Imagine if a Trump supporter walked up to a total stranger in a mall wearing a Biden shirt (is there such a thing?) and behaved this way?
It’d be on CNN within the hour! But when leftists lose their cool—as they so often do—that’s just normal behavior and everybody moves on. Keep your cool when you’re around leftists. You can almost bet money they won’t.
Woman In Bathrobe Catches Car Thief, Holds Him At Gunpoint For Police

Battle Creek, MI – Situational awareness, vigilance, paying attention… We have all said we need to be ready, but how many of you are actually paying attention? Here is the tale of one Michigan women who was not only paying attention, she took action while dressed in a bath robe and peeking out her window to see a thief in her truck.
The police were called at 4:11 a.m. Monday to the 100 block of North Union Street. There they found a 33-year-old woman in a red flowered bathrobe holding the man at gunpoint.
She said was just getting up and preparing for work when she saw a light on in her pick-up and saw a man inside. She picked up her handgun and phone and confronted the man. The man stayed in the driveway at gunpoint until officers arrived. He declined to talk with officers.
Red flowered bathrobe? Check. Handgun to hold bad guy until police arrive? Check. From the sounds of things, this woman is all business. As she prepared to get dressed for work she spotted someone trying to steal her truck. Rather than call the police and hope they arrive in time, she took matters into her own hand.
She grabbed her phone and her gun and went outside to confront the thief. She dialed 911 for help, but made sure the bad guy knew she had the drop on him via a loaded gun pointed in his direction. The bad guy was smart enough to realize he was caught. He wasn’t going to risk his life over a truck, and made the wise decision to wait for the police to come and take him away.
We love to see stories like this where a legally armed citizen is able to take control of bad situations. She wasn’t going to become another victim, nor was she going to wait helplessly for someone else to come and solve her problems.
Confident with her firearm and ready to protect herself and property, she confronted the situation head on. In the end, no one was hurt, a bad guy was arrested, and she still had her truck to driver herself to work.
Do you have a story of armed good guys that shows the importance of firearm ownership for self-defense? Share it in the comment section.
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Had the man who was attacked been ME in the Mall, the perp would not be ‘at large’ or testifying.
And you would be in jail.
All 50 states require proportional response to assault.
You cannot respond to a non deadly force attack with deadly force.
That includes a punch to the head.
Go ahead and pepper spray him, punch him back or any other non deadly physical response.
You can only shoot someone if they threaten, or actually use, deadly force.