The Arex Rex Delta is a fresh design in the striker-fired, polymer-frame field. Dr. Dave Dolbee has visited the ultra-modern Arex (pronounced R-X) plant and found it impressive. As for quality and production as well as human resources, the company is an impressive force in the market.

The Rex Delta is a polymer-frame, striker-fired handgun that chambers the popular and widely distributed 9mm Luger cartridge. This is the single most popular type of handgun these days. To make a splash in the market, the pistol must offer something the others don’t. It may be a lower price point or increased performance. The Arex Delta offers a relatively compact package with good design, excellent reliability, and fine practical accuracy.
The steel sights are a good touch, offering an excellent sight picture. The magazines lock in place properly, and the slide lock works as designed. The barrel is the standard locked-breech, tilting-barrel design, using an angled camming surface.
The pistol is supplied with four interchangeable grip straps. This is plenty of versatility for hand fit. The controls are fully ambidextrous. The grip texture offers a good balance of adhesion and abrasion.

By the way, Arex doesn’t call the Delta a service pistol. I added that moniker because it fits, and it isn’t something I do lightly. The Arex Rex Delta is in the league with the Glock, SIG, HK, and other modern designs.
The trigger features the usual striker-fired action with a difference. The striker-fired pistol uses the slide action to partially prep the striker. The trigger is pressed to move the striker to the rear by means of a drawbar. The striker then breaks against the sear and runs forward, firing the pistol. The slide recoils, and the pistol is ready for action again. The trigger action is the same for every shot.
The trigger features the usual blade safety. This lever prevents lateral discharge. However, the Rex Delta feels different. It is a two-stage trigger in the opinion of many, but then striker fired trigger actions—most notably the FN—seem to have a definite wall as the trigger is pressed and then catches this step.

The trigger is pressed and seems to reach a stop, and then the trigger is pressed for the rest of its travel and the shot breaks. The reset is rapid. A rapid reset is often beneficial to combat accuracy, perhaps more so than a light break.
The Rex Delta trigger is clean. It is a very controllable trigger. In combat firing, firing rapidly at multiple targets, and firing at small targets at long range, the pistol gives excellent results. I like the hand fit. The trigger reach and grip size make for excellent leverage. The Rex Delta is a fine all around shooter with excellent handling qualities.
The pistol is supplied with two magazines. One is a standard 15-round magazine. The other features a modest extension and holds 17 rounds. These magazines are not difficult to load and function properly. They are well made of good material. The indent is good.

When reloading, the tapered magazine feeds into the magazine well easily. This is as fast a handgun to reload as any I have used. The slide lock operates as designed—each is fast to use and positive in operation. There is nothing to fault in the operation of the Arex Rex Delta.
As of this writing, I have fired about 1,400 cartridges in the pistol. There have been no failures to feed, chamber, fire, or eject. The firearm has been lubricated at some points but not cleaned. That is abuse, but also a legitimate test.
I have used the Winchester 115-grain FMJ and other loads. The Winchester Silvertip is a good home defense load. The Winchester 124-grain PDX +P is a good service load. These JHP loads have been fired extensively with good results.

I have also fired a good many other quality loads. The pistol functions well with the Winchester PDX Defender and PDX 147-grain loadings, so it is reliable with the subsonics. A number of handloads have been fired in the pistol.
This handgun has the makings of a great all-around defensive handgun. It is also the perfect size for uniformed carry and concealed carry as well. As for absolute accuracy, I fired the Arex Rex Delta from a braced benchrest firing position. Firing for the best accuracy, I fired several five-shot groups of 2 to 2.5 inches with the Winchester 124-grain PDX and a similar group with the Winchester 115-grain FMJ loading.
The Rex Delta is a handgun you can bet your life on. It isn’t cheap, but it is affordable and backed by a company with a good and growing reputation.
Have you had a chance to handle the Rex Delta? What was your impression? How did it compare to your favorite pistol? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I’d buy one if they would add a manual safety. I thought that they were building one for law enforcement but I haven’t seen it come out yet. I love the look of these and I like the duty size of them I’m just used to the manual safety.