In Canada, controversy surrounds a teacher who has transitioned into a woman while working at a high school.
This isn’t your typical gender reconfiguration.
How and why an individual chooses to identify is entirely up to them, assuming they are of sound mind. We live in a free society and anyone has the right to define themselves how they see fit.
Part of a democracy is free will. As long as one’s decisions do not infringe on the rights of others, who are we to judge?
This is why so many people risk their lives to immigrate to the West.
Nonetheless, this particular story is a powder-keg. It borders on farcical and sparked a divide worldwide leaving thousands fuming.
One question reverberates; has woke culture gone too far?
See photo; is this an acceptable way for a teacher to punch into work day in, day out?
Reports allege this teacher started transitioning last year. Only in recent weeks have students shared videos and photographs of her while at work.
Once again, I believe an individual over the age of 18 who is of sound mind has the right to choose how to self-identify.
However, when such choices influence the attitudes and views of impressionable kids in the public sector, we have crossed a line.
High schoolers are not adults – though I am certain they will assert otherwise.
Adolescent views are still developing, and many attitudes shaped within these years can stick with an individual throughout their lives.
For many, high school is the first time they begin to see life beyond their parents’, teachers’, and authority figures’ eyes.
As a society, it is our duty to protect our youth from the vulgarity on display in Oakville, Canada.
Many will twist this narrative and point to political posturing as the driving force behind its controversy. This is ridiculous and simply not the case.
Have we strayed so far from objectivity to determine a teacher dressed as a pornstar with prosthetic breasts the size of sea-dwelling vessels as acceptable?
Perhaps the most absurd part of this story is the school board’s support for the teacher in question.
When asked about the matter, Halton District School Board said the following:
“We recognize the rights of students, staff, parents/ guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression.”
Normally, I would agree with such a stance. The operative word is ‘normally’. What this teacher is engaging in has nothing to do with self-expression.
One leaked video depicts her teaching shop class with protruding nipples that could be spotted from the moon. This type of behavior is lewd and flat-out disgusting.
Furthermore, school policy explicitly states that if a student were dressed in a similar fashion, they would be immediately sent home.
Why the double standard? Why should an adult be treated with more empathy than a teenager?
This has nothing to do with a transgender woman expressing her identity. It has everything to do with protecting our youth from the endless subversion most of today’s school systems pump out.
Indoctrination has replaced education. Bizarre is the new normal.
Do what you wish on your own time, on your own dollar. But when you involve our youth, when you bombard developing brains with this type of nonsense, expect pushback. A heavy one.
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