My faith in the world is at an all-time low. Don’t get me wrong; there is a part of me that is privy to the gift of life and how fortunate I am to live in the western world.
Nonetheless, the remnants of the Covid fiasco and the forced inoculations, the current War in Ukraine, and our cognitively impaired President, just to name a few, have my faith in humanity teetering.
As we approach 2023, we live in a reality driven by instant gratification.
Screens dictate how we feel about ourselves, and in turn, life itself. The human experience has devolved to a level that is difficult to articulate in words.
However, allow me to try.
One cannot begin this narrative without first mentioning Covid-19 and its latent effects.
Within two years, millions of us were coerced into injecting a foreign substance into our bodies. Anyone who says it wasn’t coercion by Big Government is either naive or willfully ignorant.
Tribalism suddenly took hold – a divide like nothing we’ve witnessed before spread faster than the virus itself.
Those who refused the vaccines were ostracized from daily activities. Some lost their jobs. Others were alienated by friends and family. Tragically, a contingent lost their lives by way of suicide.
Does the mainstream media report this? Of course not. Only now are we beginning to see the effects of these vaccines.
Twenty-somethings with no previous medical conditions are dropping like flies; nothing to see here. Professional athletes in optimal shape are experiencing heart failure; mere outliers they say.
Post-Covid-19, the real benefactors of the coronavirus are drug companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson + Johnson. Imagine a business model where a company pedals something that lacks efficacy and incurs damage to its consumers without repercussions. Fiction? Try facts.
Coronavirus vaccine makers are shielded from liability. Should an unforeseen side effect emerge from a vaccine, the individual has no way of suing the manufacturer, no matter how severe. These pharmaceutical companies have effectively been given blanket immunity.
In February 2021, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The law empowers the HSS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines unless there is willful misconduct by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

Translation – an individual has no recourse should they suffer from side effects caused by these vaccines.
What sort of Orwellian Dystopia are we living in?
When pressed, the government stated the unprecedented protection was due to the timeline these pharmaceutical companies faced. At the onset of the pandemic, alleged cases skyrocketed and deaths ravaged the world. There was a drastic need for a vaccine.
Normally, it takes years of trials before a vaccine is approved. However, a pandemic the world hadn’t seen for a century and suddenly, the law became pliable.
As recent as last week, reports of a new Covid mutant strain ravaging Mainland China bombarded the airwaves. Propagandized videos of elderly Chinese patients laying in stretchers, wearing the all too familiar blue surgeon’s masks with ventilators attached to their bodies, were leaked on the internet.

Overstretched hospitals racing to meet the demands of rising cases is what they’re selling. Fear is once again on the menu. Where have we seen this movie before?
Three years removed from the onset of Covid-19, one glaring takeaway; if we don’t push back against never-ending restrictions and mandates, our daily freedoms evaporate into thin air. Look at Australia, Canada, and China as examples.
Alarmist rhetoric? Hardly. We are talking about a contingent of individuals who actually tried to keep families apart at Christmas.
In retrospect, the world’s lexicon transformed. Words like lockdown, mandate, vaccine, mask, and jab, seamlessly entered our vernacular. Consequently, when they can control the way you speak, they can control the manner in which you think. When they alter your thoughts, they manipulate your behavior. And when they manipulate your behavior, you have lost free agency.
Rest assured, The Elite will push this mutant strain in 2023.
Their first attempt at The Great Reset looked promising until countless Americans throughout the Union stood up and pushed back. However, if at once you don’t succeed, try and try again.
What is the end goal? In one word; control.
The replacement of cash with digital money and social credit scores. Coffin apartments; forced inoculations; microchips; the death of the modern car; FEMA camps. All are part of their blueprint that ends with humans as compliant serfs.
None of this is attainable without first taking our guns. This is why the left pushes for gun control. We are infinitely easier to control when unarmed.
In closing, the prudent course of action is to load up on weapons, daily necessities, and a generator. If possible, relocate from major cities to less populated, rural areas. The coming year will be volatile.
Economies will implode; the powderkeg in Ukraine will erupt into full-on World War; and a pathogen thrice as deadly as Covid-19 will make its way to our shores. Brace yourselves, patriots – we are entering a time of darkness.
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Every morning I have a cup of coffee and I look out my bay window while pondering life. If I don’t see the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse go riding by,I start my day as normal! The new normal! As if there will ever be normal again. Am I the only one who feels like we r stuck in a bad twisted episode of the Twilight Zone
No, you’re not. We truly are stuck in a bad twisted EP. but, there is light at the end of that tunnel and we both know how to get there. Happy New Year! Stay vigilant.