It wasn’t enough that the descendants of Sam Walton have pivoted radically away from the Made in the USA mantra, so Walmart could make money at any cost. The rot that invades much of the American corporate culture seems to have taken root there as well, capitulation to the social media masses. They now bow to the basement dwelling outrage mob who demands action, as in Mom’s Demand Action.

A man who was not aware of Walmart’s three-day old request for customers to no longer open carry in its stores; open carried in a Lexington, Kentucky store. For this egregious violation of social contract, he now has a lifetime ban from entering any Walmart, in the United States. For me, that would be a gratefully received dis-invitation. Prior to this anti-gun crusade by Walmart, I only ever entered one of its stores—under protest—and while implementing my two-gun rule.
In short, the two-gun rule was in response to Walmart’s complete lack of concern for customer safety, and the many incidents my late wife and I had. She insisted on shopping there, “to save a few dollars.” This rule was put into effect after she was threatened once and accosted another time. After she was forced to return to the store when someone attempted to follow her out to her vehicle; the rule became gospel.
After that close call, she accepted the rule. She knew where that encounter was headed and had confirmation about three days later, when someone who wasn’t as aware was assaulted. Each of the times the information was brought to the attention of management or security, a shoulder shrug and “nothing happened” was the response.
The Two-Gun Rule
If I must enter a Walmart, I must be in physical possession of two guns or another in my party must also be armed and competent with a handgun. The party never breaks into smaller units than there are guns to cover the sub-units.
Until recently, my girlfriend chafed under the rule. Several times, as she was unarmed, this meant I would not join her in Walmart or allow her to enter; which caused her a slight inconvenience. We also had an incident where she was very happy that I made her carry. The gun was not drawn, but a hand casually placed on the butt of the gun (covered by her shirt) made the malcontent move on. Since then, she has moved her pharmacy needs to a different store and never goes into Walmart unarmed. I am still working on the two guns—or better yet two armed people—part of the rule, with her. But, progress has been made.
Walmart used to follow a fairly simple and common sense rule regarding guns, “We follow state law.” That policy is rather difficult to fault or complain about. In Florida, no open carry is allowed as it is against state law. In Kentucky, there is no problem with open carry, as it is very legal. This has been changed as a genuflection to Mom’s Demand Action and Everytown gun control groups.
My statement is not idle conjecture. Walmart corporate has attempted to buy off those groups with seven figure donations and a seat at the table. They doubled down on this with the request (obviously a ban) regarding open carry, the discontinuation of the sale of 223/5.56 and most pistol ammunition. In an earlier attempt to mollify the shrill harpies, they increased the age for purchases of all guns and ammunition to 21 years old.
My Suggestion to Walmart
It is my suggestion that Walmart corporate be made aware of the folly of their choice. Walmart chose to pay Danegeld. The only thing that such a payment had every created, was further extortion of more payments and capitulations. My suggestion is to send Walmart’s corporate offices a voluntary lifetime ban letter with your name, address, and signature. If they receive several thousand, “I ban myself” letters; perhaps they will rethink their position funding anti-civil liberties groups, the anti-gun lobby, and its stance on encouraging criminal predation at their stores. It might not be a bad idea to mention, the path to hell is paved with good intentions and point to Dick’s Sporting Goods and NASCAR as examples of poor choices. Perhaps even point to Rural King as an example of a remaining true to the customer base and reaping additional profits as a result.
Now they went and banned a man for sitting in a lawn chair (while open carrying) as he waited for the prompt service at the Walmart gun counter.
How have the recent anti Second Amendment positions taken by Walmart on raising the age to buy firearms, restricting sales of certain calibers of ammunition, and now banning people for legally carrying a firearms in its stores affected your shopping decisions? Share your answers in the comment section.
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……Wal who, what!!??,…Never hoid of it!!,…hahahahaha!!,…
I will still patronize Wally World only if my wife insists on going. I WILL be carrying concealed. There is no open carry in my state. Like many other law abiding citizens, I purchased a lot of handgun ammunition in the past. With they’re ban on that I will no longer purchase shotgun shells there. They may not give a rat’s ass but hopefully other like-minded citizens will follow suit. These corporate left wing, Constitution-hating big wigs may want to be very careful when deciding who’s side they are on. One day they’re going to wish someone had a gun to help them when there wives and children are being accosted and nobody will come. Just my .02.
I carry concealed, and don’t really worry about Walmart. I don’t let my wife shop at Target, EVER, so, she goes to Walmart a lot. Their guns and ammo policies don’t affect me, because I don’t buy from them. There are much cheaper places to spend my ammo dollar at, and I’m not made to feel like I’m the criminal…
Agree…. I don’t worry as I conceal carry and Wally World is not now or ever… my go-to place for my guns and gun needs and wants… I have some great local firearms dealers who are best.
Long overdue to -totally- boycott:Walmart,Dicks,LLBean,Wegmans,Delta Airlines,CVS,Costco, medical/ health care facilities,car rentals, et al.The ONLY way we-may-??stop this nonsense/tyranny.
Why patronize the enemy?
So Wally World went the way of the world.This is my take. Wal-Mart want’s to stop selling certain guns and ammunition, that’s their business. When they decide to ban my pistol from their store, it’s still their business. But it will keep me from shopping at Wal-Mart stores for two reasons, I’m not going to remove my pistol from my belt and leave it in an unsecured saddlebag so somebody can steal it and hurt an innocent person with it. That’s a lot of hassle just to spend my hard earned money in their store, on something other than ammunition for my guns. And, that being a “gun free zone”, makes these establishments targets for nut bags who do not pay attention to Wal-Marts wishes. Why would any thinking man subject himself to becoming a statistic in this manner? So, convenience, and safety. That addresses the two primary reasons for keeping me out of Wal-Mart stores after their misguided decision. Now, I have been a loyal Wal-Mart shopper for as long as I can recall. I very publicly ditched my Costco card and replaced it with a Sam’s Club card after Costco singled me out of a checkout line and told me to leave the store, take my gun off, and leave it in the car, and only then come back and make the $400+ transaction of groceries I had in my cart. I went straight to the manager and handed her my card. Then I went to Sam’s Club and asked them specifically about their policy for customers having a hand guns. The policy was amenable and I purchased my card and shopped there ever since. When the left and unions were daily attacking Wal-Mart putting up video’s such as those “People Of Wal-Mart”, boycotting, and generally shaming individuals for shopping there, I defended them and stuck by them. And this is how Wal-Mart pays me back for my loyalty and patronage? Far as I’m concerned, I never knew them…..
Sent corporate a letter the day after the ammo announcement that stated I’ll take the couple hundred a month I use to spend there elsewhere all I got back was a bs sorry and a link to their new policy to hell with them!!
Look up “Moms Demand Action” leader Shannon “Watts’ Troughton, a bought and paid-for Bloomberg lackey. Far from being the purported “Stay-at-home-mom”, she is a professional, career public-relations flack who once worked for Monsanto and we all know that they have a spotless safety record.
I spit on wall mart only shop there because the girlfriend wants to no more of my hard earned cash for them and I am also leaving Bank of America these big companies play politics is out of Hand ?
Couple of things re Walmart.
1. Walmart features a great deal of imported junk merchandise.
2. Not everything imported is ” cheap junk”. As a hobby, I pursue Celestial Navigation, the old fashioned way, that is with a marine sextant, an accurate watch and the appropriate tables. My marine sextant is Chinese made, but is a professional quality instrument, the purchase price of which was 1/3rd the price of German or Japanese made instruments when I bought it. Marine Sextants are no longer made in the U.S. Needless to say, Walmart does not carry quality Marine Sextants, I doubt that they carry any sextants at all, but they certainly do not carry quality instruments
3. As for their latest debacle, in plain English, it amounts to the following. Kissing behinds that deserve to be kicked.
4. In the best of times, I was not a Walmart customer. I most certainly am not going to become one now.
Posted this on another blog:
1. I ignored it when they stopped selling handguns since I could find better selection and prices elsewhere.
2. I ignored it when they stopped selling Confederate Flags etc. for the same reason as #1.
3. I ignored it when they stopped selling most semi-auto rifles for the same reason as #1.
4. I ignored it when they raised the age to 21 (I’m way beyond that).
5. When I found out they are joined at the hip with Responsible Retailers for Gun Sense ( or something like that – a bloomberg offshoot) I VOWED to never darken their doors again.
I will spend my money elsewhere. I don’t support anti-2nd Amendment establishments.
Amazon Lets me carry while I shop.
Yep. To my understanding Walmart has refused to carry ammunition of ANY sort. I shall never darken it’s doorway again. As my Dad used to say, “they have sh!t in their own mess kit).
Texas is open carry ok Wally world ask me to cover it no ban
Texas is open carry ok Wally world ask me to cover it no ban
I’m done with Walmart forever for everything, and the whole list of other retailers who are making the very bad decision to side with gun suppression groups. If enough people do that it should come to the notice of these company’s Boards of Directors, but it will also mean I will be spending my “gun money” with companies who have always supported our sport. We need them now more than ever.
For a co. that started in the heart of rural america, were their followers and patrons were and are hunters and firearm enthusiasts, they surely stuck their heads up the wrong asses. Their products are inferior because they deal with sub par countries that do not have the same integrity as we do, or do they care. I hope to see them in the same boat as all of these small businesses were when they came into our towns and force so many out.
Corrupt communist bitch Clinton said it best, ” Democratic voters are easily manipulated, they are stupid.” Walmart employees belong to the liberal commie democratic party. When they employees walked off the job, because Walmart sells guns and ammo, (they don’t feel safe) give me a break, they should have all been fired. Whether Walmart sells rifles, handgun ammo etc, or not is not dependent if a criminal or a mentally challenged person, wants to cause harm inside the store, so by not selling handgun ammo or rifles, just like Dicks, sporting goods, they are trying to dictate and their views and infringe on the rights of others. It’s their right not to sell, It’s also my right to take my business somewhere else. All law abiding gun owners are better off giving their business to the little guy, shop at your local gun shop,Big Bass, Cabella’s etc, keep away from Gander Mt., they are also owned by Walmart. There are plenty of business’s on the internet. There are plenty of alternatives.
I am at Walmart right now buying their last box of 380 ammunition .
They do sell ammo by the box for the wholesale price .
Walmart supercenter is also open 24/7/365.
So if I ever needed ammo a shovel and duct tape at four in the morning it was available.
Getting someone to unlock the display give me the ammo and then pay for it is a major production of Walmart .
Once they run out of pistol ammo I will never shop here again
Reality check…Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world, other corps make deals to get this company to carry their products…their like a global buying block. Walmart’s product offering and buying power is just too big. I really don’t think we can hurt them as much as we did Dicks Sporting Goods. Having said that, unless I have no alternative, I will not darken their door. When I do, because I know at some point I’ll have to, I will have my weapon on my person.
Hopefully Walmart will go the same way as Dick’s sporting goods—-They don’t want us sportsman shooters in their stores, maybe George Soros and Mikey Bloomberg will keep them afloat.