Face facts – life, as we know it, has changed and will never be the same. Within four months, day-to-day reality has shifted for the entire globe. Numbers flash on tv screens; deaths, infections, stock market indicators, and suddenly, things aren’t so different than the initial years following the September 11th attacks. Remember? The colored terrorism threat indicators plastered at the bottom of countless media outlets; red, orange, yellow, and so on. The current perceived threat may be different, in this case, a virus and not anti-West extremists, however, the same product is being sold by those in power – Fear, and a lot of it.
If you want to control a mass of people, inundate them with fear. Bombard their senses with imminent death, and the likelihood of gaining their compliance increases exponentially. Over the past twenty-five years, our Government has overstepped boundaries time and time again, with our civil liberties paying the price. We’re in an election year, and not even halfway through 2020, there’s plenty of drama to unfold. Donald J. Trump, Joe Biden, left vs. right political discourse, it’s all the same. We’re constantly pitted against one another so that we don’t focus on the true culprits, the Wizards behind the curtain so to speak.
But things aren’t all dire. There’s been an undercurrent of change rippling through our nation. People are waking from their comatose slumbers and realizing that nefarious motives may indeed be at play by those in power. Much of this can be credited to the advent of the internet, which was initially designed to keep the human being preoccupied. Simply put, the busier we are, the less likely we are to focus on the injustices unfolding in the world. Famine, genocide, big government, less freedom — why bother with these when we can occupy ourselves with pornography, entertainment, video games, fake news?
As I write this, videos and photos of riots throughout our nation suffocate the web. The cause; the alleged murder of an African-American man at the hands of a Minneapolis Police Officer. I say allegedly as I believe in due process. Let the judicial system handle the incident, then label it. The events of the past week only solidify the need to arm oneself. Not only against power abusing officers of the law, but against frustrated members of our society itching to join a mob and exact revenge.
America is still an amazing country. The fact that the First Amendment protects our right to peacefully assemble and speak freely is a significant reason why so many emigrate to seek a better life here. I have no issues with expressing one’s views, no matter how different they may align with my own. However, when an entire generation of directionless individuals rally around a serious cause, then loot and pillage for personal gain, I draw the line.
Sweeping statements, you might be thinking? Take a few minutes and peruse a site like twitter. Search the hashtag George Floyd, and feast your eyes on the hate protruding through countless tweets. These SJW (social justice warriors) claim to hold idealistic notions of how our country should operate, yet they turn around and compound an already problematic situation. If in fact this was murder, the public has a right to be outraged. We must hold our police officers to a higher standard. They must be accountable for their actions and operate through a lens that does not see race, religion, or creed. Legal or not, that’s the only optics an officer of the law must utilize.
Race has always been a touchy subject, especially in America. You can bet green money that the powers that be will continue to stoke the fires of such racial tensions. Things are only destined to heat up. There’s a growing divide in this country, perceived or not, and oftentimes perception is reality. The volatile nature of the current state of the world will only exacerbate an already white knuckle situation. Now is the time to purchase a firearm, to fortify your home and load up on basic necessities like food and water. It doesn’t take a person like Nostradamus to foretell that America is in for some turbulent waters. Prepare yourself, protect your loved ones, and hang on for one helluva ride. I know I am.
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Fantastic article! We have to quit talking about what we “should do” or what we are “going to do”. My household is much better equipped than average. Large trained dog, various firearms, ammo, and most importantly we know how to use them effectively and practice situational awareness. #1 We are contacting elected officials almost daily letting them know what we expect of them and #2 Encouraging others to take responsibility for their own security. The police generally do a great job. We are witnessing them being “held down” by elected officials who are preventing them from doing their jobs. We must transition from “talk” to “action”.
Well said, Jason G. Police are for the most part, exemplary humans. This is all a prelude to AI takeover.