There has been a lot of talk in the news, the blogosphere, and pretty much everywhere else about the fire at Notre Dame. The fire was a bad thing, a very bad thing. Some of the discussion was good, some was ignorant, some just a bunch of hand wavium.

This is not going to be an article about the need to retrofit centuries-old buildings with fire suppression systems. Quite frankly, they wouldn’t do any good. With the great open architecture, the 10 to 20-inch-wide wooden beams, and a complete lack of fire breaks; there isn’t a whole lot that can be done once a decent fire gets going.
The brave men and women of the Paris Fire Department did a great job. They put out the fire with much less damage than anyone anticipated. Many chose to dash in and rescue portable works of art. Others chose to fight the fire from within the building, despite the previously mentioned 10 to 20-inch-wide beams falling from above. This heroic choice saved many of the great pieces of stained glass, including the ‘Rose Window.’ Men and women displayed courage beyond the pale, in this fight. They were not fighting to save people. They disobeyed orders and willfully risked everything to save precious, irreplaceable pieces of art. Let me say that again, they chose a significant chance of death or severe injury by fire, to save great Works of Art.
Those gallant men and women knew they could do no less. They knew the treasures to humanity that live inside the Notre Dame Cathedral. The things they took for granted were deeply imperiled. This drove them to passionately fight with everything they had. Several of those brave people suffered severe wounds for their effort; but they were successful beyond all belief.
Now, I ask you. If the U.S. Republic was on fire, would you be willing to risk the proverbial 10 to 20-inch flaming wooden beams, to save the Great Works stored in our society? Let me be perfectly clear, I am not referring to an originally signed copy of the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution. While irreplaceable, those are only bits of paper. The ideas they embody are what are on fire; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Activist courts manipulate the meanings of words in these documents well beyond any precedent from the first 200 years of jurisprudence.

New York passed a law legalizing post-birth abortion. Virginia stood on the cusp until backlash shamed the legislators, but for how long? Where does that line end?
Our Bill of Rights is being rapidly eroding in real time. The Second Amendment is perpetually under attack. Be it zero due process Red Flag laws, dramatic increases in the frequency of background checks, or simple marginalization through voiding gun-related credit card transactions. The First Amendment is imperiled by violence against those wearing MAGA clothing—especially when coupled with many in law enforcement, local government, and the courts refusing to arrest or prosecute this violence. Asset forfeiture laws violate the Fourth and Eighth Amendments.
Pursuit of Happiness
Regulation nation butts into every activity you do, from helmet laws to lead abatement lawsuits used to shutter gun ranges. The media fans the flames against anyone who dares stick their head up and promote a conservative or even a non-liberal idea. Roughly 50% of those in Congress are violently opposed to keeping the borders sovereign. Those not legally in the country have easier access to government services than citizens.
Ladies and gentlemen, are we really going to allow the Paris Fire Department to show us up? Are we going to sit back and watch as the precepts of our Republic are willfully torched? The 2020 election will be a referendum on the American Experiment. The fight starts today. The fight starts locally. Sure, buy a gun. Buy more ammunition; but that isn’t much more than virtue signaling.

What really makes a difference, is direct action with your lawmakers. Send them a polite, hard copy letter. Then, send them another one. Find out where they are having a town hall and attend. Make an appointment to visit them in their office. Join a local grass roots political organization. Become active in that organization. Become informed on local issues. Invite your friends to become informed and active.
Join the school board. You do realize most indoctrination starts there, don’t you? How much do you know about the Convention of States initiative?
The best way to fight a revolution is to fight the need for the revolution. We will see huge gyrations as the 2020 election approaches. There will be far left and leftist violence. Our job is to remain the bulwark between that and our sacred Republic.
Will you be the guy risking all to fight the fire or ‘Nero’ roasting marshmallows? How will you fight the burning of the U.S. Republic? Share your answers in the comment section.
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I like roasted marshmallows. 😉
Seriously Smart ass
Agreed, we either rise to the occasion or, be part of the problem.
I get real irritated at those who just say “well there’s nothing we can do, it’s all prophesy, the Lord is coming soon, we will all be persecuted, pray and be watching, etc, etc……”
I get that ok, I am praying, watching, waiting & doing my best to love my enemies.
But, we all must, I say we all must do,
is to prepare, fight, speak out, push back, make calls, organize, pass out flyers, write letters, post on social media, vigorously and jealously defend “that which has gotten us to where we are now”.
Our God
Our Freedom
Our Liberty
Do it NOW, or get out of the damn way of those Patriots who are brave enough to go into the freakin fire in the name of and in pursuit & preservation of our Republic.
May God bless & save the Republic
Watch this if you love America.
Capt. Clay Higgins who is now a congressman from Louisiana.
If the liberal commie democrats have their way, the Constitution would be on fire, while commissar Obama plays the violin. What is needed is preventive medicine, before there is no Republic to save.
If the liberal commie Democrats have their way the Constitution would be on fire while Commissar Obama plays the violin. It has already started by removing statues, and now they want to erase even more history by removing a Muriel of G. Washington. from G. Washington H.S. They claim the kids are traumatized. They are not traumatized. The socialist teachers are teaching the kids on how to be good little socialists, and to be anti-American. What is needed is preventive medicine, before the Republic reaches a point of no-return