The shootings in Dayton and El Paso were horrible events. People who were going about their lives were gunned down by deranged “people.” The fallen are a continued source of pain to those who miss them. The wounded will have mental and physical scars for the rest of their lives. My heart goes out to the families of the dead, the wounded, and those who were traumatized by being there, even if a bullet did not find them.

Something must be done. However, the “something” must not be further restrictions on the rights of the law abiding who bare no responsibility for this tragedy. I have written in the past regarding my personal decisions regarding active shooters and other scumbags that prey on societal vulnerabilities. I carry a gun (or two) EVERYWHERE. I don’t go to places that do not allow me the option to protect myself.
Where gun prohibition signs have no weight of law, I ignore them. If a restaurant is posted “no guns,” I eat elsewhere. If the shopping center is posted no guns, but the store I want to frequent is pro gun, I shop at that store only. An example when I lived in Florida, the sporting goods store was not posted; but, the rest of the mall was. I only spent money in the sporting goods store. I also called and sent a letter (paper kind) to the mall management company. Futile gesture, but I was heard.
In addition to carrying a firearm everywhere I go, I also carry a well stocked AFAIK (first aid kit). This kit has the standard band aids, trauma shears, gauze, Tylenol, and Neosporin type stuff. It also has a CAT 7 tourniquet and a pair of bandages for sucking chest wounds. There is a second CAT 7 in a carrier on the opposite side of my EDC bag. The external AFAIK pouch has a rather obvious Red Cross emblem on it, as does the external tourniquet holder. This is done for several reasons. One, it means anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows there are first aid supplies inside. Second, if I am incapacitated or busy shooting back, someone else can easily find and access the medical supplies.
It is my humble opinion that a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. This does not mean that the same (or other good guys) should not also act as the first responder for the injured. Paramedics are just like the police; when seconds count, they are minutes away. Be your family’s first responder. A vented hydroseal on a sucking chest wound or tourniquet above a shredded thigh, just might be the difference between life and death.
We live in a (increasingly less) free society. This means there are risks. The First Amendment means both the Baptist Church and the American Satanist Society are free to speak in the public square; as are the Klan, Antifa, Milo Yanopolis, and Steven Crowder. Each will “trigger” a portion of the population, so what.
The Second Amendment means certain people will get guns that should not. It also means there will always be a supply of guns and ammunition for the sick and depraved. The politicians will attempt to make you believe they can stop this by removing YOUR rights. It simply isn’t true.

First, the only certain way to stop a bad guy with a gun is for several good guys with guns to show up or already be on site and ready to engage. Personal carry means you always know a good guy with a gun is around, because, it is you. Also, the incidence of gun violence in England has risen by a factor of six since banning their subjects from owning firearms. Let me repeat that, gun violence has multiplied six times, after the crown banned guns. New Zealand had strict—similar to CA or MD—gun laws before its most recent mass murder. Australia has similar laws and they are not immune. Canada… the same story.
We don’t have to look overseas, most compilation reports on mass shootings show that upward of 90% of them occur in “gun free zones.” Most gun violence occurs in major metropolitan areas. Of those metro areas, the ones with the most prevalent gun violence are the ones run by democrats who enact strong anti-gun measures at both the state and local level – Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, NYC. Similar metro areas with looser gun laws have lower gun violence rates – Orlando, Houston, San Antonio. These areas are blue districts in red states with pre-emption laws that allow citizens to defend themselves, even in blue strongholds. These areas are prohibited from enacting strict disarmament policies by state law and the effects are obvious to all but the most obtuse.
The thing we must do, is not enact stricter gun control laws. What must be done is to stop looking for government fixes for the frailty of the human condition. We must take personal responsibility for ourselves, for our safety, and to take out the trash when it comes our way.
If we want to retain our (somewhat) free society, this is the demand, duty, responsibility that is part and parcel with that freedom. As many have said before me, “Freedom isn’t free.”
When the responsibilities are shared across the populous, the burden is low and the resulting liberty is high. When the responsibilities are shirked by most, the cost is high. Remember, freedom is never more than one generation away from being extinguished. We are teetering on that precipice now.
Do you agree with the author? Do you take on the burden of defense for society or shirk it? Share your opinion on defense and recent events in the comment section.
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“We Must Do Something “ is the same as “Common Sense Gun Legislation”. These are euphemisms for “gun control “. Remember that nothing the government enacts now WILL EVER STOP THE LEFT from their continued encroachment upon our God given liberties and freedoms. Don’t fall for the idea that, “ANYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES WILL PREVENT OR WOULD CHANGE THE OUTCOMES OF HORRIFIC SHOOTING TRAGEDIES BOTH RECENT AND PREVIOUS”. The Philadelphia shooter is proof enough that “gun control” will never work. He was a convicted felon that was barred from owning a gun. That didn’t stop him from obtaining then shooting and wounding (6) police officers. Criminals will be criminals so the one thing we can do in a free society is take responsibility for ourselves and those around us. Never believe that the government will be able to prevent or rescue you from an active shooter. This is a systemic societal problem that is extremely complex that has its roots in social media where people live out their lives in a fantasy land where some believe that others live so much more interesting lives than theirs. We can’t stop nor legislate insanity (enacting gun control measures to stop mass shooters). That is simply impossible. As a society, if we allow the government to take our liberties now, that will only EMBOLDEN the left to continue until guns no longer exist. When they have rid the country of the second amendment, they will then pursue the fourth, the first and so on until the have finally extinguished the Bill of Rights. Don’t let the statists win. Call, write your senator; call, write to your congressman, and call or write to our President. Tell them, “We have over 20,000 gun laws on the books already and adding more while taking away our freedoms will not prevent future tragedies. The next generation of Americans are depending on us…
I totally agree with this article, unfortunately the liberal commie democrats, have a one track mind. The gun grabbers are financed by some heavy hitters such as Steyer, Soros, and Bloomberg. gun control is just a ruse. There are enough laws on the books, and legally you can’t buy a firearm without a background check. Background checks wouldn’t have stopped the shooters of El Paso or Dayton. Both of these mentally challenged individuals bought their guns legally. Criminals are having a good laugh. Background checks don’t apply to them. Criminals obtain their firearms illegally, or by stealing them from law abiding gun owners. What the Democrats really want is to take out revenge on law abiding gun owners. Democrats could care less about the shootings, what they really want is not gun control, they want gun confiscation, which is exactly what red flag laws are designed to do. It is designed for Law Enforcement to seize a law abiding gun owners firearms, without due process based on hearsay. If Trump signs it in its present form, It doesn’t matter anymore, I will sit out the next election, like many others.
I not only agree with the article AS written, word for word…I also agree with “Ox’s” comment. Both are plain English and leave no room for doubt as to how WE feel about our God- given right to protection as defined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution…as written. Not interpreted by politicians from the left OR right. They’re sellouts to the loudest, richest constituents and lobbyists. Something tells me we’ll soon find out just how well the ‘average Joe’ can keep his government in check, ‘cause they ain’t listening. I’ve often wondered just HOW far we, as average law-abiding, honest citizen-Patriots of this country, will allow ourselves to be pushed. We write, we call, we email our reps and ‘expect’ them to do the RIGHT (honorable) thing right? Well they aren’t fighting OUR fight, so where does it end? The ballot box just isn’t cutting it…
There are days (fewer and fewer) I feel lucky that I’m an American police officer . HR 218 allowed me to carry a gun concealed almost everywhere in the US. At one time enough politicians realized a good guy with a gun stops a bad one. However there were certain states, places , certain stores that didn’t care about my LEO status . I too either didn’t go/ shop there or ignored the little gun sign unless backed by actual authority of law. I also concealed the biggest 9mm I can carry. The object being nobody will ever observe it on your person. This means sometimes dressing around the gun. While I understand why some people want to open carry, it just makes you the first target for the bad guy. It also alarms the uneducated and anti gun people. Why should we care because we are under attack by them. Don’t give them any reason or ammo against us to strip away at our rights ( yes I’m a pro second amendment cop) I just wish the politicians would realize you can legislate away madness and murder through gun control. Their called criminals because they don’t follow laws.
I appreciate your comment.
Nice that you get to carry in every state.
That would be nice if I were visiting somewhere and I was forbidden to carry my gun.
I’m a doctor with a Florida concealed carry permit.
I opt to carry a micro 9.
Why don’t I get to carry the same as you?
The idea behind HR 218, is that cops make enemies and they should not be banned from self protection just because they retire. That is well and good and I agree.
That doesn’t mean the rest of us, don’t also have that issue and an enumerated right called the Second Amendment.