If you don’t think these are Orwellian times, think again. Earlier this week, a friend FaceTimed me with disheartening news. His wife’s family was visiting for an early holiday get together, four individuals outside of his nuclear family to be exact. An hour into the festivities and there was a knock at his front door. “Who is it?”
“Health Canada, sir. Here’s a 10K ticket for not following mandated lockdown guidelines. Oh, and Merry Christma… I mean, Happy Holidays, sir”.
So, this is where we have reached as a society? Ok, so let’s assume for a second that this virus is as problematic as advertised. Are you telling me that it justifies who and when I can have over to my domicile, a property I paid with my own blood, sweat, and tears?
I am a law-abiding citizen who has never broken the law. I do not infringe on the rights of other individuals. But, I take issue with big Government yielding its tentacles more and more with each passing year. Label me what you will. I have thick skin. My axiom is simple; today, they insist I comply with so and so. I bend, and tomorrow, the State will demand even more compliance.
I will never be a bootlicker. I am a patriot. In my 40’s one immutable fact has presented itself; the world we live in is seldom what it seems. Those with power will do anything and everything the mind can cultivate to sustain their control.
This alleged pandemic has one end game; control. Call it a pilot project, a test run to see the extent to which the Elite can get us to do as they desire. Human beings will do anything to sustain power. The Reichstag fire of 1933 is a perfect example [Google it and you will learn how one act can have a ripple effect].
Covid-19 will be vanquished sometime soon. In its wake will be countess civil liberties unsuspecting citizens conceded during its lifespan. When neighbors spy on neighbors and report their activities to the State, all kinds of problems manifest; problems that can take decades to eradicate.
Today, we’re being told who can visit our homes. So what about tomorrow? It is an open ended question that I will leave to your imagination. The best advice I have for you is to look at what they are doing, and not what they are saying [by ‘they’ I am referring to the State].
Selfies of unsuspecting bootlickers smiling into their smart phones while receiving a vaccine we know nothing about is a microcosm of how much we truly have lost our way. They are killing our sovereignty daily, and our response is to smile and show how willing we are to accept that which we know very little about.
An observation I had way back in March when all of the madness began. I refuse to panic until the birds stop singing. Stay safe my friends. Remain vigilant, and play the long game just as the enemy does.
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I doubt that guy would’ve ever left my property alive. He would be considered an absolute threat to my continued liberty, and very existence. And dealt with accordingly. And absolutely yes, lawfully under our US Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Maybe Canada not so much. You gotta get outta that place man! I think back to the “revenuers” back in the day. They knew better. They went and messed around on peoples property anyway. Some of em never made it back. And all for what? Silly government tyranny that ever should have been, and eventually wasn’t anymore anyway. Sounds harsh. But certainly not more than threats and actions taken against families that destroy liberty and financial security. Cut that stalk short wherever it grows. If people had done this to begin with, it probably wouldn’t need to come down to violence. Obedience to tyranny is disobedience to God.
KalDude, Dutiful bootlickers up North, brother. I’m often ostracized for holding patriotic views up here. And yes my friend, I have an exit strategy.
Haha! I hope you make it back before we turn into them. I’m not worried. I won’t still be here when the worst of that hits. You and yours are in my prayers. Stay safe. And make the best of the gift we call life, wherever you are : )
America will never turn into a socialist state, no matter how hard these profiteers try, KalDude.
You as well, I know you’re ready.