With vaccine passports a certainty shortly, this past week I found myself at a local pharmacy getting my first dose of Pfizer.
I withheld this occurrence as long as I could, and though disappointed for caving, my sphere of thinking was as follows: end it cheaply before military boots on the ground bring you to the same place months from now.
There are two distinct camps when the issue of vaccination comes up. Some leftists believe it is one’s responsibility for the greater good of society to do their part to combat the unprecedented virus known as Covid-19.
This base often parrots statements issued by the CDC and mass media. They devour stats offered by CNN, MSNBC, and the like and approach this pandemic in real-time as it unfolds.
Whatever the airwaves spew must be gospel. God forbid one questions ulterior motives that might be at play.
The flipside to this coin holds a very different belief system about the coronavirus.
These individuals approach most things the Government retorts with skepticism. Their hearts have been broken one too many times at the hands of Big Brother.
Their core tenet: whatever the Government spins, nefarious motives must be at play.
Mass shootings: a front to disarm sovereign Americans.
Terrorism: an agenda utilized to help usher in illegal dragnet surveillance.
Vaccine Passports: the perfect way to pit Americans against Americans.
Which base is correct? I don’t know.
Leftists lose credibility when they shame sovereign citizens who decline the jab. This is the definition of ignorant.
Do anti-vaxxers demand the same from their compatriots? No.
When the issue of putting an experimental drug into one’s body is in question, self-governance must be the standard.
The fact this is a point of dissent among some liberals is mind-boggling.
Things in Canada are much worse.
As of September 22nd, 2021, vaccine passports are a must.
Those who decline the vaccine will not be allowed to board an airplane, attend a live concert, or even a sporting event.
Businesses can refuse entry as well.
A divide within society is prevalent. The world is in tatters and we’re along for the ride.
Australia is a Police State with Canada right on its heels. The United Kingdom is wedged somewhere in between the two nations.
As for the United States, things are looking up. Americans are realizing individual agency is the only way to change day-to-day life.
Florida set the example, followed by states like Texas and South Dakota. Americans are fighting back.
There’s a common belief that what happens in the U.S. trickles up north. In the case of vaccine passports, this rings true.
Each week, Canadians unite in solidarity and march in opposition to vaccine passports. The tide is turning and those in power are feeling the heat.
I am slated for my second dose in early October and will be double-vaxxed come Halloween.
This decision was based on how difficult day-to-day life will be as a non-vaxxer.
By the end of 2021, expect military boots on the ground. Their purpose; round out any non-vaxxers and send them to internment camps throughout Canada for re-education.
As for the United States, as long as sovereign Americans have the right to bear arms, my money is on democracy withstanding anything the globalists dare dream up. Even an invisible virus.
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Won’t happen. I unequivocally refuse. The benefit is not worth the risk for me. Heart condition…won’t happen.
God Bless America because Canada is lost.
But wouldn’t that be racist??? After all, a vaccine passport could be used as a form of identification and the democrats keep saying that requiring everyone to have a form of identification (for voting) is racist! What’s the difference?
Racist, you may have a point. Undemocratic, absolutely.
The American Medical Association released a report on June 11, 2021 in which they found that 4% of US doctors had not been vaccinated for covid. Of those 4%, 45% planned to get vaccinated. I saltute those brave 2.2% of American doctors who refuse to give into tyranny, communism and fascism. I, too, am smarter and done more book learning than 98% of American doctors. I refuse to take Joe Bidden’s poison.