Megan McCain went on The View. Not sure why anyone to the right of Mao would do that, but she did. While there, she openly and directly stated the confiscation of guns, specifically AR-15s “would result in violence.” Her message was meant to explain to the gun banners that Americans will tolerate bloviation but not implementation of certain things—and gun confiscation is high on that list.

This particular American is happy when politicians speak plainly about their stance on guns; much like I am happy when people openly declare their political, racial or other forms of bigotry. It makes for a clear understanding of where that person stands and how best to deal with them.
In response to Mrs. McCain’s statement, Beta O’Dork (near last place democratic Presidential candidate) announced, “I just I think that kind of language and rhetoric is not helpful.” And your gun confiscation talk is helpful? You do realize that upwards of 70-90 million Americans own guns. There are people who own one gun, but many of us own at least five and some of us own one for each year we have been alive. Paying us 10 cents on the dollar as remunerations is not going to go well, although it is only an insult added to the actual injury. However, even that isn’t really the issue. Gun confiscation is Unconstitutional on its face and will incite more violence than we have seen since early ’65, meaning 1865.
Beta, prohibition has been tried in the United States. We had the alcohol prohibition. As I recall, that Constitutional Amendment was such a rousing success, it was repealed. The repeal happened after a giant governmental crack down, several new departments and agencies were created to implement and enforce the ban. It seems to me that in a very short time, the 19th Amendment created a very strong lever for the Mafia to prosper, turned roughly half of the American Citizenry into defacto criminals, and was resolutely ignored by that same half of the country. Note, this was also just a recreational activity.

We have also engaged in war on drugs for 50-80 years. Current polls show something like 40-60% of people have tried marijuana by the time they graduate high school. I think that qualifies as a spectacular failure. It has greatly affected the political landscape in Mexico and several Middle Eastern countries, as they are now hugely influenced if not completely run by drug warlords. But, certainly it will work this time.
Oh wait. Didn’t Connecticut pass a law banning ownership of AR-15s about five years back. Of the estimated 300,000+ AR-15s in the state, less than 2,000 were turned in. Upon internal review (CT is a registration state) it was determined that roughly 85% of the police who owned AR-15s quietly refused to comply. The Governor demanded house by house confiscation tactics and was directly told “NO” by the head of the CT State Police. He stipulated, if the Governor would lead the raids for the first week, the State Police would gladly assist. After a bit of yelling, it was determined that the 5,500 State Police could not hope to have less than 50% loss of manpower by the end of the first week. The Police Union rep suggested it would be higher as the resignation rate would be at least that high.
I, for one, have no more AR-15s. I was pretty sure the confiscation situation was coming, and in an attempt to hide them from the government, I packed them up for a trip to my remote cabin. The cabin is so rural, I must take a canoe to get there. Well, a canoe laden down with a dozen or so ARs is not so stable… and I am ashamed to report that I tipped the canoe over. All those precious AR’s fell to the bottom of that very large and very deep lake. I was able to keep the pistol on my hip as it was securely fastened with a Safariland holster. However, I had no such luck with the rifles, or the half a dozen ammo cans.

Beta, Megan is correct. There will be tons of officially reported stories; like mine, should you get such a law passed. Then, in the best-case scenario, quiet non-compliance. If you (or more likely your ilk) press the issue, violence will occur. Read up on your Revolutionary War history, American’s invented 4G warfare. They did so when a tyrannical government attempted to disarm them. It didn’t go well for Britain and it certainly won’t go well for you despots / democrats. Remember, only 3% of the Colonists actively took up arms in the Revolution. If 3% of the gun owners do the same, that is 1.8 million active combatants. Many of those people will be veterans and active duty military and police who refuse to obey Unconstitutional orders.
I should put that number in perspective for you. There are just over 1 million people who don an Army uniform, including the Reserves and National Guard. Less than half of that is the regular Army and less than 1/3 of the regular Army are combat troops. Those numbers before you count in Constitutional non-compliance. The good news Beta, although there will likely be violence should your idea somehow occur, the violence will likely be short. However, if history is an indicator, not violence so much as lawful action by the citizenry would be targeted at key figures, those who engineered the tyranny… like yourself.
What is your take on politicians speaking openly about their stance on guns and gun confiscation? Share your opinions in the comment section.
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I just ordered a bunch of AR parts, and by golly, by the time they arrived, all my guns were stolen. Pass your laws, Hobbit Frances Odork, I beto you won’t get mine!
Better make sure you have filed the appropriate police reports about those stolen guns within the appropriate time frame.
You realize that the government “Paying us 10 cents on the dollar as remunerations is not going to go well, although it is only an insult added to the actual injury” means that they are using our (tax) dollars to pay us for our own firearms and cheating us in the deal.
You can not buy back something you“the Gov’t “didn’t actually sell me in the first place. If I paid a $1000 for it, I certainly wouldn’t voluntarily sell it for less than I initially paid for it. The people will not tolerate a used cars salesman approach to buying their guns from them. They certainly won’t comply with a forced/ compulsory situation like this. How can supposedly intelligent people be so stupid. To be polite Beto’s idea is Draconian at best. It seems more like a bad idea a little German man with a bad mustache would come up with at worst. Today our guns , tomorrow our church’s and the week after that our thoughts and words. Megan Mcain was right and a-lot of Democrats are seriously in denial.
Like it says COME TAKE hahahahaha they can try.
This is how American Gun Owners responded to intent to confiscate in Connecticut Jan 1, 2014.
This letter was sent to CT State Police:
List of CT Tyrants was made public:
Connecticut gun confiscation, lawmakers list video:
Politicians were scared and wanted 24-7 state police protection.
State police said – no can do.
Not another word was said about confiscation.
The NY law went into effect 4 months later with a 4% compliance rate . . . not a word was said.
Those of us that live in Texas already knew what bobby frank was all about – while he was NOT quite as blatant as he was at the “debate” – he made it very obvious what his plans were.
So if we take connected cut as a rough average for numbers of AR platforms, my basic arithmetic skills tells me that there are probably at least 15 MILLION of them in existence – plus all of the home builds, Ruger Mini14s, AK clones, M1 carbines, M1 Garands and a whole host of other semi auto rifles. I’m thinking he has no clue of the task he would foist upon the LE community – look at the CT state police ‘compliance’………………..
I love the illustration. Don’t forget Soviet Russia, Communist China, Maduro Venezuela. All tyranny starts with disarmament. The redcoats went to Lexington and Concord to seize guns and ammunition.
Don’t think the government will not enforce their policies. Remember Kent State.
” a dozen or so ” Rookie numbers. I was in a 27ft cabin cruiser when it happened. It wasn’t so much the guns, it was the ammo.
Call you congressman & senators and raise HELL before it’s too late
Dear Mr.O’rourke,
Upon careful consideration of your offer to purchase my firearms, it has come to my attention that you have a criminal record and are therefore,unable to successfully pass the required F.B.I. background check. So unfortunately for you, I will have to respectfully decline your less than generous offer. Thank you for your interest..
Ya know, I voted for Mr. Ronald Reagan twice. I see a persons stance on guns as their stance on the population in general and the rule of law. The law that serves the fine line between freedom and anarchy. Come for my freedom….I’ll gladly give it to you, muzzle first.
Don’t make me a criminal, you won’t like the result.
What was it that Charlton Heston said?
Ever seen the movie “Pleasantville”? I think that’s where Beto and his supporters come from. Otherwise they would realize that out here in the real world, AR-15 / assault weapon confiscation will not be tolerated by a significant percentage of the law abiding citizenry. I always thought that failure to recognize reality was an obvious warning sign of mental illness. While I guess there’s no requirement that our legislators be of sound mind, I pretty sure that I’m not going to vote for someone who isn’t firing on at least most cylinders. (All cylinders may be too much to expect from any politician.)
Correct on all points. Logan that is what I had told my congressman’s local office as they agreed with those statements.
A most interesting article, clearly written too I would say. I do wonder as to the following. How many political and or public servant types do you think are likely to read it.
I would guess that unless this goes viral somehow, that number would be zero. Some LEO’s who are already gun guys (gals) will. Some public servants who are also already gunnies, but politicos who are high enough up the food chain AVOID stuff like this. Otherwise they couldn’t sleep the dreams of confiscation, peacefully.