Even regular readers of K-Var‘s The Muzzle Flash can’t read or respond to all of the reader comments, so we have started a new weekly feature recapping a sampling of the most active, interesting, or on occasion, randomly selected comments from the previous weeks. This will allow you to stay up to date on all of the latest action in the outdoor community. Feel free to respectfully respond to fellow readers comments to continue the debate and reinforce similar beliefs.
Reader Comments From Previous Weeks
Feinstein Grills Kavanaugh: “Assault Weapons” Are Not in Common Use
Since when have facts and truth been important to Dianne Feinstein?
Review: Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan
I have the .44 Mag version that I sent to Robar to have plated in NP3. The Robar treatment greatly improved the already outstanding double-action trigger pull. I could see this offered in DA only. With Bear loads the Alaskan stings a bit. I imagine that the .454 is even hotter. I’d like to get the .454 Tolkat Ruger makes. That pistol has a lot of promise.
Review: Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan
Love mine, have had one since they first came out years ago, although I did have some double tap 400 grain crimp jump one time on me and I will never use that ammo again, now its Underwood Ammo and Hornady for concealed carry. Will probably hand this one down to my son, thank you for the review, best one yet
~Steve T Lynch
I love my 45 SR11….I have both the commander and the shorter service 45….
I would love to have seen the 9mm in just a little lighter weight….
But I will have to get it anyway
Fighting Back: Don’t be a Carjacking Victim
Cross-draw and shoulder holsters are dangerous. You must be very careful with the draw as the barrel will be pointed behind you and will be swung around, pointing to your side as you draw. That is why I will not wear one. I prefer a holster that I can secure to my right leg ( I am right handed) when I get in my car remove when I exit. If, for some reason that would not work for you, I would secure a holster somewhere to the interior of my car. I prefer the leg holster because it is simple to move from one vehicle to another.
Affordable Concealed Carry: SCCY
I bought a SCCY CPX2. I am older with some arthritis in my trigger finger. The trigger action is so long that it hurts my finger to shoot. My arthritis is mostly at joint of trigger finger. If I could use tip of finger to pull trigger it might be better. With such a long trigger pull on this gun it is easy to pull off of target before it fires. I have researched this on the internet, and there is a company that makes a aftermarket trigger that reduces the trigger down to 5.5# and reduces the reset also. I may have to go that direction.
~Clyde Sheffield
Fighting Back: Don’t be a Carjacking Victim
There are many holsters that attach to the steering column.
This is the best place to keep a gun while driving.
It’s accessible , yet out of the sight of people in other cars.
TruGlo Red Dot Sights: Affordable Quality
Hi Armory,
Could you perhaps give me a recommendation – Red dot or Iron sight?
I am undecided if I want a red dot or an iron sight. What are the pros of red dot sight instead of my standard iron sight?
Kind regards
~Trevor Miller
Review: IWI Galil ACE Pistol and Rifle
I couldn’t agree more with all the comments about the Galil pistol specifically and IWI products in general. I recommend swapping the fore end handguard with one produced by Midwest Industries (2 different lengths for the pistol or rifle versions). They aren’t cheap but if you can afford the pistol or rifle then why not? Well worth it. IWI folding stocks are tight! What I did was disassemble the joint and heat-treat the spring to reduce the tension. My ‘high tech’ approach was to hold the spring compressed between plier jaws to half its original size. Heat was supplied via a cigarette lighter and then dunked in coffee. Take your time and don’t over heat the spring. It may take a few tries but it works. The stock now works easily and smoothly.
~Bruce McClelland
Open Letter: Duane Liptak NRA Board Member
Thanks for the encouragement. So many times when I speak to gun owners I hear people make comments such as but the NRA this or the NRA that. I as I am sure as others have heard, talked to people, “I used to be a NRA member but because of ….. they are no longer members. I have asked them, if you don’t always agree with your wife, mom dad, do you never speak to them again? They tell me Of course they don’t. That is then I explain to them it is no different with the NRA. I have been a Life member for many years, and I would be lying if I said I always agree with every move the NRA makes. Every gun owner has got to understand that, and either join or rejoin the NRA, just imagine if we had 20%, 30%, 40% even 50% of gun owners members! I would emphatically say ALL gun laws and anti-gun laws would be erased from the federal, state and local law books. Please everyone that reads the article above if you are not a NRA member join, if you are no longer a member rejoin if you do, we can once again make America free from the anti- American gun laws.
Larry A Schillinger
NRA Benefactor Life Member
~Larry Schillinger
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