Something is brewing. Mass media and big tech leave breadcrumbs through the stories they push over the airwaves. Our job; sift through the disinformation to gauge what diabolic scheme is headed down the pipeline next.
One narrative the past five years is the overt stance against patriotic Americans. The love for country is outdated, a relic from a past that has no place today, you’ll hear them assert.
Major media conglomerates depict right-leaning Americans in a biased, often fabricated manner.
Take the incident in Washington D.C. this past January. Scrutinize the event devoid of emotion and what was on display was free assembly. Thousands of Americans peacefully marched on The Capitol, in protest of an election that was suspect.
Yet the narrative spun by media outlets; all patriots pose a threat in all corners of the land. Even The Bureau had something to say, quickly pouncing on the hot button issue and stating that a new type of threat in the U.S. exists; homegrown dissidents.
I do not condone the actions of those who crossed the line on January 6th, 2021. My basic tenet is the following; believe in what you wish, but don’t infringe on the rights of others in doing so.
Right-leaning Americans with conservative political views have become marginalized in Western society. To drive home this point, visit Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and gauge how those on the right side of the aisle are represented.
Another theory gaining traction of late; the coronavirus is a distraction to shield us from the true evil those in power are setting in motion.
Next time you visit your grocery store, take note of the inventory on the shelves. You will see a shortage in the amount of food. It is not glaring but pay attention; I bet green money that as we move into autumn, less and less food will be available.
Why? The powers that be are planning on starving you and me once they impose yet another lockdown later this year. Africa was their first victim. Then they targeted South America and Asia. Next on their hit list; Europe, and finally us.
The necessity for stocking up on essentials cannot be understated. If you’re reading this, you’re either with me or dismissing me as a crazy person who has seen one too many Hollywood movies. Fair.
As stated above, I don’t disparage those with opposing views to mine.
Take my words with a grain of salt. If you have a functional brain and a pair of eyes, see for yourself.
Keep track of groceries when visiting your neighborhood store; if bold enough, ask the store manager why the shortage in certain items [be prepared for an excuse like ‘there’s a shortage in drivers’]. They read from a script much like the news anchor on the evening news.
Why limit the amount of food available to law-abiding citizens? Food scarcity makes us far more likely to comply with the state. When we are reliant, especially for a core need like sustenance, we are far less likely to oppose those in power.
Another didactic tool I recommend; focus on the messages motion pictures convey. How many movies in the past decade are set in post-apocalyptic America? Countless. Again, these evildoers like to leave clues as to what nefarious acts they will enact next.
EMP’s, famine, zombie outbreaks, flesh-eating virus’; over and over again, films are shot with these cataclysmic plotlines, predictive programming at its finest.
The 1995 film 12 Monkeys is an excellent example of predictive programming. Contagion, [2011], even better; a lethal virus whose origins trace back to China ten years prior to the novel coronavirus; laughable when you’re conscious and aware.
I impart you with a simple axiom those in power ascribe to; order out of chaos. Create a problem that seems impossible to solve, allow fear to permeate daily existence, then come to the rescue and cement your role as necessary; the proverbial Knight in shining armour.
Power is synonymous with the human experience. You see it on display in all contexts of human interaction.
Whether it’s the interplay of the waiter at a restaurant and a customer, a police officer pulling a driver over, or a teacher standing at the front of the class, power is omnipresent.
Sometimes it’s trivial in nature. Other times the stakes are life and death. Rest assured, however, that those in power will do anything imaginable to sustain their influence.
The war on terror; check. Racial tensions; check. The metoo movement; check. An invisible threat by way of a virus; been there.
Next? Foot shortage, followed promptly by false flag attacks by home bred terrorists in an effort to disarm sovereign Americans.
All the world’s a stage,
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Free assembly?
Police officers getting beat with flag poles (with ironically thin blue line on the poles)
And people breaking Windows and doors… free assembly my ass.
I doubt you’ll have the balls to post my comment too.
You have your stance, I have my stance.
That is what makes this country so special.
the democrats have always been marxist vermin along with the RINOS and the media.That was the case even with Walter Cronkite.Now its worse than ever.I don;t have a TV,newspapers,don’t use social media/smart phones..I’m glad I’m 70 so I won’t have to endure this tyranny much longer.Gotta get out of NYState.
Where to? Im thinking of Costa Rica.
rural only TN,KY,western NC[not Ashville!l],northern MT,UT,ID,may be ME.Onsite well [preferably hand/solar/bicycle] pumped with water rights .I use Joel Skousen’s “Strategic Relocation”as a primary source.
Heck,if someone offered me and my cats an unpaid caretaker position in the Aleutian Islands,I’d go up there.I miss the salt water.I am concerned with rising crime rates in TN-and avoid MO&WV for that reason.Would be willing to do a joint land purchase IF lawyered FIRST.
?. I see you are one of those “writers” with “integrity”
Why didn’t you show my post?
To afraid of someone who doesn’t believe your bullshit?
Don’t answer, we both know it’s true.
‘Too’ not ‘to’
And like all humans, some days I have integrity, other days I lack it.
Those guys didn’t “lack integrity” those guys were treasonous.
If that would’ve been black guys busting down doors and breaking Windows there would’ve been more than one dead person “that lacked integrity that day” too, to and two
You think? Hmm, all the BLM riots proved the opposite. They weren’t vilified, they were celebrated.
Some of us endured/lived through/suffered through the 1964 Harlem,NYC riots[actually looting and arson].Never again.To hell with the democrats.
Do you think they were celebrated by the frump worshippers? Beating a cop with a thin blue line flag… never seen a BLM… BUT… I never said anything about BLM. These treasonous “patriots” always bring up other people in hope to make damaging government property and hurting capitol police seem like it’s ok. When BLM does she like that it’s also not ok. But keep on topic if you can. Stop reading faux news and newsmax and open the eyes
I know that this is an old post, but I just got around to reading it.
Your article is interesting about creating a crisis and then solving it.
The parallels to ancient Rome and the fall of the republic are too close to ignore.
Most people are not aware that Pompey the great was given dictatorial power to fight the menace of the Pirates who actually attacked the port of Rome and kidnapped and enslaved Roman citizens.
Pompey actually defeated the Pirates, but Ceesar inherited the dictatorial power and we all know what happened next.
The rise of the Roman empire and the fall of the democratic republic.
As for where to flee to in the current situation, Costa Rica is a good choice.
You should also consider the Czech Republic.
They have the best gun laws the entire European Union and have resisted mass illegal Muslim immigration.
Both Hungary and the Czech Republic have declared them selves to be Christian-based countries and determined to maintain their current social system.
As a Jewish person I would feel more comfortable going to the Czech Republic where I would be allowed to continue my hubby I’ve done collecting instead of Israel where gun collecting is not allowed.
Also the Czech Republic is conservative while Israel is basically a socialist country .
Docduracoat — always appreciate your takes! ??