For anyone living under a rock, Canada experienced tragedy this Labor Day weekend when two men went on a killing spree in Saskatchewan.
When the dust settled, 10 people were murdered, 18 injured, and an entire country shaken.
As I write this, one of the two men allegedly responsible for the heinous crimes was arrested. His brother [whose name I won’t mention], was found deceased late Monday with injuries that were not self-inflicted.
For non-Canadians, a little context about Saskatchewan to help orient you.
Saskatchewan is a western Canadian province known for its agriculture. Its population hovers near the 1,000,000 mark and most inhabitants reside in its two main cities, Saskatoon and Regina.
Saskatchewan has been inhabited for thousands of years by indigenous people.
These crimes predominantly occurred on a reservation – James Smith Cree Nation. Important details for law enforcement, a mere footnote for this article.
The real issue worth wading through is how these crimes occurred.
Ironically, when one hears of mass killings in 2022, guns and military-grade assault weapons immediately come to mind.
Because so much of American mainstream media politicizes guns and gun owners.
Worth noting, that these murders in Saskatchewan were with a knife.
Two unstable men, armed with knives, cut down countless innocent lives.
When an incident like Saskatchewan occurs, social media platforms jump all over them. Like it or not, social media is the new method of breaking news.
Once news broke, I hopped on Twitter to sift through emerging details.
There were countless tweets suggesting had guns been used instead, the death count would be much worse.
Things could not be further from the truth. These mass murderers could have been stopped had just one of the victims been carrying a gun.
Try telling the Left this. They lack objectivity with most issues, namely guns.
Evil exists in the world. Criminals carry weapons with the intent of inflicting harm on innocent bystanders, and most can not be reasoned with.
Imagine the following for a moment; you’re walking down the street. You encounter someone whose sole intent is to inflict bodily harm upon you and your loved ones.
They have a weapon and you don’t. What do you do? What sort of options are you left with?
Can you protect yourself when clearly outmatched?
Obviously, not.
We can wish for the world to be an idealistic place where good permeates and evil is extinct.
We can champion the need for gun reform and the repeal of assault rifles due to school shootings.
Or, we can face the fact that as long as humanity exists, so too will evil people.
These opportunists lack empathy, scruples, and any sense of morality. They look for any edge and will stop at nothing to get what they want.
Guns are not the problem.
In fact, properly trained, responsible gun owners make our world a safer place. If you don’t believe me, just look at the events in Saskatchewan as an example.
Just one gun owner in the midst of those two monsters, and it’s an entirely different outcome.
Tell me I’m wrong. Now do so with an intelligible thought void of politicism.
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