Washington, D.C. – With the Presidential Election some 500 days away, President Joe Biden and his Vice announced a new initiative centered on gun control. This is the same Commander in Chief who more than halfway through his term has failed repeatedly to enact stricter gun laws in America.
Why has the Big Guy failed? Primarily, because no sitting President has the right or ability to discard The Second Amendment.
What is of note is Biden’s repeated grandstanding throughout his Presidency. On countless occasions, he’s vowed with bravado to make sweeping changes to American gun laws. He assigned Vice President Kamala Harris to be the “leading voice” on gun control. To say her performance has been insignificant is a gross understatement.
Much of Biden’s pandering is done to appease those with left-leaning views. The incumbent will stop at nothing to garner votes as he preps for another Presidential run.
Lately, his main line of sight has focused on Modern Sporting Rifles [MSRs]. MSRs have long been targeted by the left and mainstream media, specifically the AR-15-style rifle. They are very popular weapons of choice by Americans with more than 20 million in circulation since the early 1990s.
Consequently, their use in school shootings is grossly misrepresented by anti-gun lobbyists for obvious reasons. By banning weapons like the AR-15, Americans would effectively be at the mercy of autocratic officials should they attempt to impose martial law.
Liberals who suffer from the woke mind virus can’t see this contingency. Assert the possibility and expect a hurl of insights. The irony in such dogma is that the house of cards they’ve bunkered themselves inside could topple at the drop of a hat. Throughout history, there’s always been a moment when those in power seek more of it. They stop at nothing to attain it; cases of their documentation are a simple Google query away.
Is it a mere coincidence that the US, a country where individuals possess a God-given right to own a gun, is the last democracy standing today? The question is rhetorical.
Guns and America are a package deal, as synonymous as peanut butter and jam.
Ask Piers Morgan, the British TV personality who witnessed ratings of his CNN show plummet the moment he took aim at the Second Amendment. The Brit attempted to vilify a core tenet of American life and was swiftly shown the door.
Yet, in a positive development, more Americans are seeing through the gun control charade. The latent effects of the coronavirus led to more guns being purchased than ever before. It seems that when the television and legacy media are muted, individuals of sound mind live by the following axiom; ‘it’s better to have a gun and not need it than to need one and not have it.’
Ottawa, Canada – Masks are back, baby! Well, not exactly, but if left to our northern neighbors, they might as well be. Earlier this month, Canada was ravaged by forest fires. The effects were felt all the way in New York City, as post-Apocalyptic photos of the metropolis bombarded the internet.
Images of The Big Apple looked like stills from the motion picture Blade Runner 2049. What’s interesting about these fires is their timing. With Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial second carbon tax set to take effect on July 1, it’s almost like these fires couldn’t come at a better time.
Once again, nature’s fury is displaying the need for greener policies from Governments throughout the world [the narrative Liberals continually spin].
It is worth mentioning that Trudeau’s initiative has come under fire – pardon the pun. Canadian households are struggling to make ends meet. A recent study concluded that 1 in 5 households skip a meal weekly just to survive. These taxes will soon cost Canadian families more than $1,000 per year.
Furthermore, Trudeau’s Clean Fuel Regulations will likely hit lower-income families much harder. Compounding things is the blatant bias the media has when it comes to the climate change narrative. Canadian newspapers and media outlets continually trumpet exactly what Trudeau tells them to. The propaganda machine works overtime north of the 49th parallel.
Yet, amid all the doomsday rhetoric, there are leaks that these wildfires may not be the work of mother nature. Instead, what we’re witnessing could be controlled arsons by environmental extremists.
In 2020, wildfires ravaged California. Ironically, the fires were started by Antifa members. This may come as news to you since the legacy media made no mention of it. Last week, a video depicting helicopters dropping flames on a swath of trees surfaced on TikTok. The caption of said video: ‘We know who’s really behind these fires.’

Innuendo? Yes. Untrue? Who really knows with Trudeau at the helm.
Even some Canadian firefighters with decades of experience have gone on record to state their decrees to assist the Federal Government free of charge fell on deaf ears. Why would elected officials turn down the assistance of hundreds of men at no cost to taxpayers?
Naturally, theories are circulating the web questioning the cause of these fires. The implicit message: arsonists are intentionally setting fires to validate Mr. Trudeau’s carbon tax. The next course of action is climate lockdowns forcing millions of Canadians indoors for the ‘greater good’ of humanity.
Where have we seen this movie before?
Perhaps the old Latin expression cui prodest hits the proverbial nail on the head: When it is not immediately apparent what’s in play: “Who stands to gain?”
PRIDE and Where it Crosses the Line
Boston, Massachusetts – A PRIDE parade in Boston last week had many up in arms for what they deemed ‘child abuse’ by parents willfully allowing their children to attend.
Several videos were posted on varying social media platforms showing hundreds of gay men marching in solidarity, celebrating their LGBQT+ identity.
The controversy surrounding the celebration: grown men dressed in provocative leather chaps with dog masks [not a typo, you read that correctly], sexual kink on display for the public.
One particular video pans from the adults marching to children looking on confusedly mere feet away. Many of the kids on video were under the age of six. Not surprising was the immediate backlash from thousands of Americans who took to Twitter and Facebook to voice their displeasure.
One user called for the immediate arrest of any parent/guardian responsible for subjecting their children to “such a blatant display of carnal sexuality”.
“The levels of depravity seen in these videos have little to do with self-expression and everything to do with subverting impressionable young minds”, another individual tweeted.
In recent years, PRIDE festivities have included transgenders and queers. No harm, no foul – individuals in a free society should have the right to freely assemble.
Nevertheless, people seem to be drawing a line when innocent children are involved. Young minds are plastic. They take in information at an amazing rate. In basic terms, kids are highly impressionable and look to adults for social cues on what is acceptable behavior.
Explicit sexuality at PRIDE events in front of children? Americans are having none of it.

Historically, the LGBQT+ community has been treated poorly. Many have lost their jobs, families, and friends due to their identity. Some have even lost their lives. This is not up for discussion. There are thousands of cases throughout the world which prove as much.
Yet, what we are seeing today is unacceptable. There should be no place in America that condones grown men parading in kinky outfits in the presence of children.
As a society, it is our duty to protect our youth and to foster safe, healthy environments that allow them to flourish. Judge a society on how it treats its young and elderly. When it comes to the US, we are undeniably missing the mark.
Simply put; be you but do so without involving kids.
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