So now what?
I wish I knew. But, one thing is becoming increasingly clear; dissent is on the menu, and I don’t foresee it being out of order for quite some time.
Something is rotten in Denmark when it comes to how things went down starting on Tuesday, November 3rd. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then what is it?
Trump may have lost. That is not really what’s in question from my vantage point. What I can’t seem to wrap my head around are the numbers that were being posted by various media outlets.
One minute Trump was trouncing Biden in Michigan. The sun rose, and voila, the numbers flipped. Suddenly, it was Uncle Joe taking the President to the woodshed.
Wisconsin; same thing. Pennsylvania, you guessed it, the old switcheroo. How about Nevada? Family members who reside in The Silver State texted me several times on Election Night. The gist of this back and forth correspondence – nefarious motives may have been at play.
So how is this narrative going to play out? Again, I have no certain answers, nor do I possess a crystal ball to lean on when things get murky.
What I’ve stood by for the duration of this President’s first term, however, is that dissent is a mainstay in America and that beneath the veneer of democracy lies an undercurrent of unrest.
America is undeniably the most powerful nation in the world. The likelihood of our imploding at the hands of another country is severely low. I am far more confident that our demise will come from within.
The hate brewing within the Union compounded with this alleged pandemic has preoccupied millions of citizens. And we all know what Big Government can do when sovereign citizens are asleep at the wheel.
My version involves the attack on the 2nd Amendment, the calling in all firearms mandate, swiftly followed by a Totalitarian Police State.
Paranoia? Maybe. But perhaps nobody puts it as clearly as the late great father of Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson:
“There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment”.
Let his words sink in for a moment. Any real crisis, I do not care when or where had its flashpoint well in advance. We all know what happened to the foolish little pig who built his house of straw.
Be a brick builder. Store countless jugs of water throughout your domicile. While you’re at it, load up on your Emergency Food Supply. And of course, arm yourself.
Maybe nothing earth-shattering will come out of the current state of affairs in America. I don’t know about you, but I like to operate in certainties. You can bet green money that if and when sh*t hits the fan, this Patriot will be ready for it.
I hope you will too.
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The most expensive thing on the planet is Freedom. We have it, others want it and others want to destroy it! Ours has been bought and paid for in blood by men who have served our country since 1776! Those willing to pick up arms and defend our country and all that it stands for. Those willing to trade a little security for any of their rights deserves neither. The Democratic Party is no more . It has been infiltrated and taken over by the socialists. Perhaps history got it wrong and judged Joe McCarthy a little to harsh.
Beautifully stated, Ken.
I’m ready for anything. And anyway, look. I know Biden sometimes walks like a duck. Plus you know, he sniffs chicks. And kinda fondles em. Even the younger ones. I can assure you, he ain’t no duck……
Over or Under two yrs before Kamala takes the Oval Office, KD?
Under, in my estimation. But that’s only one scenario. Everything that’s happening is designed and intended to keep We The People off balance while fundamental structural changes are taking place behind the smoke and mirrors.
I’ve posted on my Facebook page – at the end of a diatribe that, “Speaking for myself, if the tainted results of this election are allowed to stand as they are now, I plan, on 20 January, to lower my flag to half-staff (if you’re Navy, half-mast) as a symbol of national mourning at the death of democracy.”
That’s the definition of Patriot, Moonpup.
LOVE the notion.
I believe I’ll be joining you in lowering my flag as well.
The numbers are the way they are due to Trump’s obsession with undoing everything he could that Obama did. Along with trying to blow up NATO, he pulled our people out of the lab in Wuhan that were looking for viral outbreaks in 2017. So we missed the early warning about COVID-19 and Trump then had a totally inept response to the pandemic. I, along with lots of other voters chose not to cast my ballot on election day (as I have for the last 50 years) and mailed it in. My county clerk had the option of counting ballots (but not tallying & reporting) as the votes arrived. On Nov 3rd the vast majority of votes were tallied and almost all races were decided by midnight. There were 5 or 6 states that did not allow mail-in ballots to be opened before 11-03 and the volume of ballots cast by mail took more time to count and were a higher % of the vote than normal so we didn’t know who had 270 electoral college votes right away. There isn’t any mystery here. Everyone’s vote counts & every vote needs to be counted.
You need to take a chill pill over your gun grabbing freak-out. I lived though the last assault gun ban. It was a pain, but no big deal. This time will be different but not fatal. The message from from the Bloomberg crowd has changed, but 2nd Amendment folks either have not noticed or are deliberately ignoring as it doesn’t fit their narrative. There is a whole lot of distance from campaign rhetoric to laws that will pass constitutional muster. You have a whole lot more to fear from the Virus than the Biden presidency.
You make some compelling arguments. I’m always open to healthy discourse. Appreciate you sharing your viewpoint. God Bless America.
I have to say that Rudy Giuliani and the rest of Trumps legal team look ineffective.
They have lost at every court they have filed.
Even in front of Trump appointed judges.
They are not even alleging fraud in the briefs, only counting of some ballots that should have been rejected.
They had better step it up when it reaches the Supremes.
We can only hope that the Sidney Powell, not on his legal team, has better legal skills submitting her briefs.