The Chicago Tribune is reporting that in a single 24-hour period over the past weekend, 24 people were shot in the Windy City, including three adults who died, and that likely brings the 2019 body count to 90-plus.

A running count is maintained by the Chicago Sun-Times, which listed 89 slayings in the city as of April 3. Presumably this past weekend’s fatalities won’t appear until later.
In state legislatures across the country, and on Capitol Hill, Democrats pushing gun control (not “gun safety” or “gun reform”) bills have been a busy bunch so far this year. The focus appears to still be on so-called “universal background checks,” but it is a strong likelihood that some, if not most, of the people using guns to kill other people in Chicago obtained their firearms without benefit of background checks. Even if they did, there is no guarantee that the blood fest would be interrupted.
Washington State adopted “universal background check” legislation more than four years ago by public vote, and that hasn’t stopped people from killing one another. In Seattle last year, 32 people were slain, not all of them with guns. So far this year, about a half-dozen people have died, according to Seattle Police data, including the two men who died in the Lake City rampage—one was shot, the other died in a head-on crash with the shooting victim’s car, driven by the suspect who now apparently claims he was in a drunken blackout—so pushing such checks may be more of a placebo than a panacea.
The Washington Post is reporting that major mass shootings, which remain rare, have had “little effect” on voting in the communities where they happened. That may also be the case in cities with a high number of homicides and shootings in cities such as Chicago, where it seems much easier to get elected with a “D” next to one’s name.
In Oregon Monday, there is a “work session” and vote on controversial Senate Bill 978. Opposition to that measure brought legions of protesters to Salem, the state capitol, recently. The Oregon Firearms Federation is monitoring that bill, noting that the work session before the Senate Judiciary Committee was scheduled to begin at 8 a.m.
Democrats across the landscape promised to push gun control when they took control of the U.S. House of Representatives, and their state-level contemporaries have done likewise.
But none of them appear to be taking a lesson from the situation in Chicago. Illinois has some strict gun control laws, but they haven’t put murder on hold along the southwest shore of Lake Michigan. The laws have made it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their rights, leaving many people in the Second Amendment community wondering if that wasn’t the intent all along.
Should cities such as Chicago be the test bed for more gun control or the empirical evidence of the failure of control laws? Why do politicians and the anti-gunners simply not get it? Share your answer in the comment section.
Dave Workman is the Senior Editor at the Liberty Park Press.
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The so-called “gun control laws” are in existence by anti-gun thugs for one reason…to disarm Americans. High crime in places like Chicago is proof that gun control never works.
Trying to predict human behavior based objective criteria is tricky business (example Adolf Hitler). Moreover, in several of the most recent heinous shootings, background checks would have been of no value. At Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza used his mother’s guns after brutally murdering her, and in the Las Vegas shootings where still unexplained Stephen Paddock passed a background check no problem prior to the commencing of his dastardly deeds. The gun control crowd knows this full well and as soon as enough of these type incidents occur, they will then claim background checks are a waste of time and the only real solution is a repeal of the Second Amendment and a total confiscation of all firearms with only a few exceptions (e.g. New Zealand). I’m not buying this plan and see it as a Trojan horse. To use an off-used observation, good law enforcement is what we need, not more laws.
That’s the ideology of the liberal commie Democratic Party. They really are not interested in gun control. What they are interested in is gun confiscation. There is not one liberal commie democratic politician in America that doesn’t want to take your guns away. The only ones they want to have guns are Law Enforcement, and politicians. Meanwhile Kamala Harris and Annie Oakley Feinstein, both claim they have guns for protection, they just don’t want the law abiding gun owner to have a firearm. Harris should do America a favor and shoot herself in the F-in head. That’s what communists do, take the guns. In order to fundamentally change America to commissar Obama’s America, they have to take the guns. Those politicians are going to need their guns, if they make a move to confiscate, they will have to start looking over their shoulder as the 2nd American Revolution would have started.
All one really has to do is look at Venezuela. This is what happens when people lose their right of self defense. Chicago has a law enforcement problem (aka-Jussie.) The cops up there do not get to do their jobs and when they do, the bad guy walks most of the time. Chicago, Detroit, New York, LA, Frisco; all are anti gun and all are a MESS. But the end result of this is to do to us what Hugo Chavez did to the people of Venezuela. Disarm and control by the rulers, namely the dems. You have to be blind and dumb not to see what they want…
The Democrat radical leftists and their moronic, uneducated anti-gun sheep don’t give a damn about who, why or how many people are killed with firearms in Chicago, New Zealand, Las Vegas or anywhere else in the world. Their only agenda, their only cause, their only objective is the total disarmament of every law abiding citizen in the country. Why? Throughout history, when a government has decided to turn tyrannical, their first priority is to disarm the citizens. Resistance must be kept to a minimum. We are now living in such a time. The signs are everywhere. Red Flag Laws, magazine size laws, gun registration, fake media stories about shootings, fake media interviews with anti-gun radicals. We even have a state that wants to repeal the Second Amendment completely!
Ever heard of RevCon or PoA as they relate to the UN (United Nations)? This is old news, but just to refresh memories, the United States government has promised the full implementation of an all-inclusive database of all OWNERS, manufacturers, sellers, traders and transfers of firearms and ammunition. The implications of this are ominous to say the least. Also, do not forget that the FEDERAL government has mandated that all American citizens must have a REAL drivers license or, if they don’t drive, a REAL ID to board a commercial airline flight. The REAL documents will be tied to a NATIONAL database. How much more obvious can they be? It is time to fight back or risk losing everything. Remember the words of Patrick Henry.
I prefer this site that reports killings and woundings in Chicago: