And here we are. In less than twenty-four hours, the polls will open, and millions of Americans will have their say as to who the next President of the United States will be.
The past week or so, I have been delving into media coverage of this showdown, flipping between CNN’s coverage and Fox News. It is daunting at times, as the spin doctors and powers that be continue to weave agendas through the countless talking heads they hire to orate desired scripts. Narratives are pushed from both camps, and finding anything of substance is often a crapshoot.
I believe in free speech. I believe that every American has the right to hold whatever political opinion they deem appropriate; live elsewhere in the world long enough, and you will come around to adopting the same paradigm.
Both sides of the aisle are hypocrites. I would not be shocked to learn that when the cameras are not rolling, Democrats and Republicans are two sides to the same coin.
The elite run this world. Dropping names is not paramount right now. Neither is innuendo. Do some research, dig deep enough, and you will start to see who really yields power in this nation.
Regardless of the outcome this Tuesday, one thing’s for certain; owning a gun has never been as vital. Fearmongerer here attempting to spike gun sales, you say? No, not by a long shot. More like a pragmatist who has been keeping a keen eye on the state of our union.
The past decade has been about one thing; pitting citizen against citizen. Focus on the civil unrest brewing below the surface in seemingly every corner of the country. Just last week another metropolis came to a screeching halt as opportunistic looters pillaged for personal gain.
How prepared are you when riots in the street envelope your neighborhood? How do you plan to protect your home and loved ones without owning a gun? Good luck using your bare hands.
More times than not in this world, time reveals the true nature of things. What may seem farfetched today and driven by hysteria could very well be on the nose and accurate tomorrow.
Let me borrow from one of my favorite filmmakers here and break it down as follows; it’s better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
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Actual truth here. Thanks for that : )
Stay vigilant Kalashnikov Dude!
COME ON MAN, you’re fulla s**t. Biden’s not gonna take your guns…he’s gonna get Butho O’Rourke to do it for him. Love how Ol’ Forgetful Joe can deny things that he’s on video saying. I’m surprised how, when he made a video admitting to interference in the Ukraine’s legal system (and what he accused President Trump of doing), there was no repercussion at all, in fact many “alphabet” news sources ignored it all together.
? truth, Moonpup!
Interesting who betos help will be as NO law agency supported them,,cops lives are about to be way more miserable then a short time ago,,
Take 2 Chill Pills and make appointment for next week.
Pride comes before the fall, sir.
Actually the quote (Proverbs 16:18) is “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” but know what you mean.
You know your scripture, Moonpup!
Hate to admit it but an older preacher did a whole sermon on “Pride goes before a fall” and afterward I commented to him that wasn’t in the Bible and his (somewhat domineering) wife loudly said, “He’s been a preacher for 30+ years and he knows what it says” – asked her to look it up and they wouldn’t speak to me for a month. I’m no Bible scholar but do read a portion each night.
Pepper Spray, Pump Shotguns loaded, AK magazines loaded, Big German Shepherd, etc. Yes, I have them all ready. If nothing happens on Tuesday night or Wednesday it still pays to be prepared. It could be next week or two months from now, point being if you are prepared you can lay down at night knowing you have made the honest effort to defend your family and loved ones.
Smart man!
Interesting who betos help will be as NO law agency supported them,,cops lives are about to be way more miserable then a short time ago,,