Last week, the U.S. House Representatives introduced its grand new scheme for the iteration of an assault weapons ban. The exact language of the proposed legislation has not been released to date, but we have a glimpse thanks to pro gun control members of congress.

Colorado congresswoman Diana DeGette outlined the new restrictions on her official government website.
DeGette Sponsors Legislation to Ban Military-style Assault Weapons
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) sponsored legislation filed today to ban the sale, manufacture or possession of any new military-style assault weapons.
The legislation – known as the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 (H.R.1296) – would ban 205 specific firearms by name, including the AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles. It would also ban any semi-automatic rifle, pistol or shotgun that accepts a detachable magazine and has one or more “military-style” features, such as a pistol grip, threaded barrel or folding stock.
“With Democrats once again in control of the House, now is the time to enact common sense gun safety legislation,” DeGette said. “We can’t allow what happened in Aurora, or Columbine, or Parkland, or Newtown, or Las Vegas, to ever happen again. We need to get these assault weapons off of our streets and we need to do it now.”
The bill seeks to ban the military-style assault weapons that have been used in some of the nation’s most high-profile mass shootings, such as the AR-15 rifle used by the shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, the Smith & Wesson M&P15 rifle used in Aurora, Colorado, and the Sig Sauer MCX used at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando.
Specifically, the legislation prohibits the sale, transfer, production, and importation of:
- Semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military-style feature that can accept a detachable magazine;
- Semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds;
- Semi-automatic shotguns with a military-style feature;
- Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds;
- And 205 specifically-named and listed firearms.
The legislation, however, would not ban the sale, possession or transfer of any semiautomatic weapon that’s lawfully possessed before the bill is signed into law.
Research shows that when a shooter uses a military-style assault weapon or a high-capacity magazine that holds more than 10 rounds to carry out one of these horrific attacks, the number of victims who are killed increases substantially.
In 1994, Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which prohibited the manufacturing of 18 specific semiautomatic weapons, along with the manufacturing of high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. That ban, however, expired in 2004 – and Congress has, so far, failed to reenact it.
A 2004 study found that gun crimes involving assault weapons declined by as much as 72 percent while the ban was in effect. Another study found that in the 10 years immediately after the ban expired, mass shootings that resulted in the deaths of six or more people increased by 183 percent.
The Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 is co-sponsored by 190 members of the U.S. House. It is endorsed by the American Federation of Teachers, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Center for American Progress, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, March for Our Lives, Newtown Action Alliance, NoRA, and Everytown for Gun Safety.
The Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 (H.R.1296) nearly mirrors the gun control legislation introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others in the Senate. Where the Senate’s version had little chance due to it Republican majority, the House of Representatives is solidly controlled by the Democrats. That is not said to further an agenda for one party over the other. It merely states a fact that that top Democrats have come out strongly against the Second Amendment. The House bill has a good chance of passing.
Nancy Pelosi promised that gun control would be a top priority for the Democrats within hours of the last election and before the gavel was placed back in her hands. “This will be a priority for us going into the next Congress,” Pelosi said in November 2018.
The fight for the Second Amendment is real. Get in the game or prepare to lose your Second Amendment rights.
Which gun control measures concern you most at the national, state, or your local level? What can the pro Second Amendment forces do to combat these threats? Which Send Amendment organizations do you support? Share your answers in the comment section.
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Come take them. This retired police officer will fight your gestapo until we die together.
Come and take it motherf-ers… I’ll die first. I swore to support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic. It is mine and others right… and shall not be infringed. I will defend that until the day I die. This We’ll Defend.
I am with you…Dig my body out of a pile of warm brass..
“Common sense.” That’s DemSpeak for “We want All your guns.”
Every one of them are unconstitutional.
The Democrats should put as much effort into enforcing laws already on the books and prosecuting real criminals and keeping them in jail.
No matter what I will not give up my guns over my Dead ? body
All I can say is buy up boys another lib crock of shite!!!
The Left is lying when they say that they wants “Common Sense” gun control.
So everyone turns in their semi-auto rifles and pistols.
Good, Then soon after that some mentally ill idiot who has had his brain poisoned by Democrat diatribe shoots up a place like a school, church, hospital or where-ever with 2 or 3 revolvers.
Then the celebutards start calling for the confiscation of all pistols.
Then another idiot and product of the Liberal Democrat education system does a Charles Whitman, kills his family then finds a tower or someplace high and just starts offing people with a bolt-action rifle,,, now the Leftist want all your rifles too….
The filthy Leftist Socialist Democrats don’t want anyone outside of the police, military or their personal security “under their control” to own a gun.
They want your AR15, they want your 9MM, your shot guns, your 38 special, and your 22…
The Democrats don’t even want you to posses Black Powder guns,,, they want your swords and machetes, They want your Archery gear and any manufactured sling shots.
The Communist/Socialist Democrats would make you register your steak knives if they could.
Eventually, Everyone not connected to the Leftist power structure would be reduced to making shanks out of screw drivers to carry for self protection on the Grand Liberal Plantation.
Actually, my Smith and Wesson (AOBC ) stock is doing marginally well..I missed the REALLY big jump when Hillary lost, my thinking to hold on, as I was sure it would go up even more..The Dems have been somewhat good for my portfolio recently..Now I want to sell my Glocks and Rugers to buy more S&W shares and more more guns that they hate!! LOL!
The Dems are great for the gun sales folks! The more stupidity that they spout that won’t ever get set into law, the better!
Molon Labe, my friends…I am a Nam Vet and I won’t suffer silently with their un-constitutional anti-gunowner progressive schiddt..
Oh..And BTW…I never got the memo that my oath to defend the Constitution had expired..
I agree 110% on this. My 2nd amendment rights are sacred to me.
Straight up ALL DEMS…who’d a thunk. Wasting their time and tax payers money when they know…the Senate will not let it go. Anyway…their so-called ban essentially bans any but maybe a black powder firearm.
I live next to Ohio Congressman Ryan’s District…. But across the line in PA. I know a lot of OHIO residents who have expressed their dislike of him on both Guns and Veterans… I have always despised Congress people who will not allow for email contact with their offices unless by a constituent. I am of the belief…we ALL are constituents of EVERY Legislator…Surely a penny of our taxes go into their pocket??? They hide behind their “house mice” who filter the people’s responses …to suit the agenda of the Legislator.
None of the Gun Legislation that anyone proposes …would stop ANYONE from past, present and future dastardly deeds…be it firearm, fertilizer/kerosene… even a knife. ( Site incident in Bath, Michigan.. “1927 Bombing That Remains America’s Deadliest School Massacre
Read more:”
All it constructs is “feel good” legislation. Seems all the “Gun Control” laws we have up until now… proves that more laws are NOT the answer. IMHO
First of all, before the Left is permitted to hold discussions on controlling private access to what they like to call “Assault Weapons”, the need to properly define what is meant by that term must be clear, because calling an AR15 or any other semi-automatic weapon an “Assault Weapon” is a misnomer.
According to the Stanford Law and Policy Review, the term “Assault Weapon” did not exist prior to 1989 when anti-gun activists coined the term to easily confuse unknowledgeable persons with the term “Assault Rifle” which is a firearm having the capability to fire either semi-automatic or fully-automatic by such as a “selector switch” operated by the shooter. An AR-15, for example, is capable of semi-automatic fire only, and is not capable of fully-automatic fire without undergoing illegal alterations.
The anti-Second Amendment folks obviously do not want private citizens to own firearms of any type, but, as is their custom, they start calling their ownership limitations “common sense” when the Second Amendment clearly and unequivocally states the “…the right of the People to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” They start by giving “mean-looking” semi-automatic weapons a false name like “Assault Weapon”, and then go into limiting the number of rounds it can hold, the rate of fire, being equipped with a pistol grip, and all sorts of other absurd limitations that have no effects on operation.
The fact of the matter is that without a precise description of what the anti-gunners want to limit law-abiding Americans from possessing, their fake description can also be used to describe some .177 cal CO-2 powered air rifles as an “Assault Weapon” because they are designed to look like the AR-15, or other “mean-looking” weapons, are capable of holding more than 10 pellets or BBs in their “magazine”, and some are even capable of firing BBs in a fully-automatic manner, yet they are closer to being a toy gun than they are an “Assault Weapon”.
Until the “gun-grabbers” are capable of fully and completely identifying what it is they are trying to control, and why law-abiding citizens should have no constitutional right to own one, no consideration should be given by “common sense” Americans to abiding by those unconstitutional pieces of legislation. Furthermore, those who would use any type of device to commit illegal acts are not going to worry one whit about legislation forbidding their act or the means they use to carry it out, hence the name “outlaw” for such folks.
The AR 15 is a personal defense weapon, according to the Obama administration. Remember when they ordered 7000 AR 15 “personal defense weapons” in January of 2013? I feel we should change the narrative on the libs, and continue to call the AR 15 that.
Sons of Liberty : Time to hold them to their Oath of Office to defend the Constitution, instead of the TREASONOUS back stabbing of “WE THE PEOPLE” for the health and welfare of illegal immigrants, and their votes, shhhhhh.My oath to The United States of America when I entered the Air Force during the Viet Nam Era, has no EXPIRATION DATE! Waiting for our “Shot heard round the world”, for those that know history.
If the dems cannot disarm the reps via federal law, they will try to do it via state law. It is the goal of the dems to disarm the reps. NM is the model for the entire country with their push to form 2A Sanctuary Counties to fight gun grabbing state politicians.
NM’s governor will try to replace the 2A Sanctuary County sheriffs with her hand-picked cucks to grab your guns. Without the sheriffs on your side and a NM Militia to back you up…you have lost. You will lose the black guns and the other guns will follow at a later date. Once the black guns are confiscated…all is lost. You have given up your best hope to fight tyranny.
The 2A Sanctuary Counties need to form the NM Militia. Neighboring states need to form a 2A Militia as back-up to help NM and and for protection in their states. It is one for all and all for one. As of now there is no skin in the game for the dems. They will call in your guns…talk all you want….bullets speak much loader than words.
In the rustbelt we have tons of Class 3 and these gun nuts are just itching to put them to a legit use. From talking with them…killing treasonous traitors is high on their list.
The House can not pass gas without the Senate, President and Supreme Court.. Just keep an eye on them.. They are shoplifters.
Has anyone ever heard of a civil war ever happening because someone pushed their beliefs on those who disagreed? If they want to push somebody to fight, this is a great way to get the battle started.
Did the woman representative who is seemingly upset over “military style feature” singular or plural, to the point where she would ban arms in possession thereof bother to tell us mere citizens what the upsetting “military style feature” is, and also, why she finds whatever it is so upsetting? Just curious.
No they can’t have my guns. I worked hard, saved, and purchased them. I am a hunter and have been for 50+ years. When I’m gone my guns will go to my kids and then her kids that I am teaching now. If they come to my house.they better be reaxy to take on my friends and my family.
I wrote to Feinstein about my attempted home invasion involving my partially disabled mother (I had a total of 3 but the first was the worst). I was about a minute into a conversation with a sheriff on the phone before the incident occurred, so I was the first and only line of defense for my mother. I was more in fear of having to shoot someone and of my mother’s safety than my own life. My case was a perfect example of disparity of force involving four guys from South Central L.A., three running up my driveway and one intent on breaking down my rear door. Had I used my shotgun, it would have been a mess; but I was prepared and willing to stop any lethal threat nonetheless. Afterwards, I made the argument for the AR-15 being the best choice for my needs since the .223 penetrates the least compared to other choices of ammo (I saw video evidence about this where the most popular ammo is used). Not to mention the sound that a shotgun makes. People living near homes and a park need to find the most effective and least penetrative choice of ammo. Feinstein did acknowledge the incident and expressed gratitude that nothing happened. But my argument and information went right over her head. Instead of arguing or acknowledging my points, like a typical leftist she repeated the same ridiculous drivel about “assault” weapons and how they must be banned. No reasoning in her arguments at all. I stopped corresponding because it’s useless to try to reason with leftists. I don’t worry about Democrat’s stupid laws and regulations because 1) they’re unconstitutional and 2) I don’t own any assault weapon. Although I wouldn’t mind owning the first official assault weapon for historical value, the Sturmgewehr.
Several of my ancestors fought in the American Revolution, in order to make men free. Lucky enough now to live in the great state of Texas, where their ancestors also fought to be free. I’m with the others that will go down fighting. I’m with Governor Abbott. Come and take ’em!
I do not own an assault rifle, mine is an anti-assault rifle. I do not plan to attack any one or thing. But, it will be ready if I am threatened.
I grew up in a time in the rural south when most pickup trucks had a gun rack in the rear window with at least one gun. They were driven to work, town, post office, bank, and police were not called. Some older boys drove the trucks to school, with the guns. No one got shot, none were stolen. Most boys carried a pocket knife to school and was proud if a lady teacher asked to borrow a knife. No one got cut.
I’m red, white and blue to the core, and try to live a Christian life. It is sad this Country has a people problem, not a gun problem.
Charlton Heston said it best, “you can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead hands,”