Republican or Democrat — that is all that is necessary for many voters to select the candidate. Others are single issue voters and support candidate based on their position on a particular issue. Personally, I would not put myself in either of these camps, but a candidate’s voting record on firearms plays a significant role as to who will get my vote in the next election.

When I lived in California, Feinstein made it easy and I knew she would never get my vote. Likewise, if I lived in Texas, someone like Ted Cruz or John Cornyn with a strong pro gun voting record would likely have my support. Other candidates are not so easy to score — at least not for me. I cannot follow each vote. I do not believe everything I hear in a campaign commercial of course. And I want something more than I am likely to find by running a few internet searches. The solution? I look for pro firearms organizations with the staff and wherewithal to follow candidates and track their individual votes. The NRA makes it easy with a letter grade of A-F — if my candidate was on one end of the spectrum or the other. However, what about candidates that received a B or C?
One solution is The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which is the Firearms Industry Trade Organization. This week, the NSSF released its 2018 Congressional Scorecard to assist voters when deciding which incumbent candidates, based on their voting records, are most likely to support their ability to purchase firearms and to exercise their Constitutional rights. The scorecard is an extension of NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter education initiative.
That gives a pretty good platform to conduct your research on the incumbents, but what the newcomers? I guess it is up to us…
Who are the pro gun candidates in your state? Do you have a gun control candidate in your state? Share the pro or con candidate you want to call out for the midterm election in the comment section.
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where is the scorecard???
Click the link. ~Dave Dolbee